I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3
Creators: Influcca, Kamilia, どるっぴ, こあら, サイバー, ルキト, LunarMagic, Betty, Shi.Yu., ヨーヨー, ところてん, あお, ThenewGeezer, Ouka, Tomo
Speedrun Leaderboards
169 Reviews:
Rating not including extra.
The extra is not worth playing,0/10
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The extra is not worth playing,0/10
Rating: 8.8 88
Difficulty: 80 80
Aug 4, 2021
It was difficult, but it was really fun. I will try again if I get a chance
[1] Like
Rating: 9.3 93
Difficulty: 93 93
Jun 29, 2020
There is no way you beat stage 1 if you never played fangames before
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 30, 2020
oh look its that one game everybody knows
very hard so 97 and never passed screen 1 but it .looks fun so 9.7
alright, jokes aside, this is an amazing game. it has great design in almost all of its needle parts and bosses (almost because of secret 5,4, emperor miku and hidden bosses 1-4 which ill talk about later) and the flaws are almost none (id give it 10 if it wasnt for secret 5)
stage 1: basic needle. not too hard jumps, fun crystals.
secret 1: would be pretty fun if there wasnt a save with a plane and 2 corners following the plane. gives the health potion item allowing you to see boss health.
flandre aka boss 1: ok fun boss ok flandre shoots ok darkness from kamilia confirmed omg its mushrooms oh shit its AHIT and i died. wtf pls nerf hat phase @kamilia @kamilia @kamilia
stage 2: did i forget to mention this game has more corners than i wanna be the corner jumps? anyways cool gimmicks
secret 2: double diamond, plane, cancel jump into a plane, yeah its all in this secret.
mr shine and bright: im mr dice man, and im the gayest in the lands.
stage 3: crystals bad platforming good
secret 3: interesting ish needle. has some common jumps and some rare ones.
the guy: easy boss hard avoidance plz nerf influk
stage 4: starts out with terrible needle and no gimmicks slowly getting better over time
secret 4: bro bro what if we like made i wanna be the meme needle from 2015 into a screen in kamilia 3
no wait i have a better idea lets make it the best item because you need to use it to access the best boss in the game
yeah bro sure thats a good idea
then boss rush comes. oh boy....
dotkid miku: dotkid avoidance with insane precision. i dont know if im just bad at dotkid but this felt way harder than the reviews say.
emperor miku: long and boring fight where you gotta shoot. honestly my third least liked boss here.
piano: precise and long fight with "interesting" bullets. dificulity is unbalanced jumping from easy to hard and back to easy all over the fight. also possibly the hardest of the boss rush.
colonel: best boss rush boss. fun barrage, platform phase is such a good moment. sadly easiest of the boss rush.
influka: the fan favorite. good song, good attacks, good dificulity. this boss is awesome. when i first saw the flash backs to the k2 bosses i was amazed how goodly this boss is made. however solgryn achievement sucks so yeah -0,5 points
and thats stage 4 clear.
stage 5 has most of the main games content so this is gonna hurt my fingers
Kamilia area is a short minigame area which should be burned in a pit
Lunarmagic area is a long avoidance with an unbalanced final
Betty area is a needle part with ice physics and annoying snowflakes that fall down. oh and also traps
Dorrupi area is a very fun avoidance with lotsa pattern
Rukito area is classic rukito trigger needle
Cyber is a great barrage boss with lotsa cool attacks, nice song, awesome hentai and oh wait fuck is this final?
how do i delete
ok wait
"Cyber is a terrible barrage boss with lotsa bad attacks, nice song, memes you hard and has a rng crystal"
influka area is a mixed bag. gradius is cool, balls are bad, avoidance is ok. dont really have much to say
sandwich: best area
M-stage: insane platforming under a time limit. one of the hardest platforming parts in main game
Kamilia: it has a really cool gimmick with the platform, and thats about all i can say. please experience to the fight for yourself if you can
~~havent tried ex stuff yet~~
secret 5: m e m e
crimson: fun and long boss but sadly they dont have their own hp bars so its kinda cheap if you accidentally kill green and the mask kills ya
destination: it takes forever and the whole fight is extremely stressful, but still fun to play. It takes time to get the hang of some of the attacks, but eventually they all become relatively manageable
breaking out: this boss takes a while to learn, but most of the phases are easy. The 6th phase is easily the toughest and most inconsistent. The final attack is very choke-able
popularity: gravity man is mostly RNG but he's still a huge pain in the ass.
koala: my fav boss! The boss is largely pattern based with some RNG with a bit smaller hitbox than usual. very good song, very good attacks, though its kinda long, it still doesnt get repetitive
ex stage: buffed screens of buffed screens of games :nog:
fuck ex hades. that shit is hell
and thats all of the needle and hidden bosses.
ill update this later
[1] Like
very hard so 97 and never passed screen 1 but it .looks fun so 9.7
alright, jokes aside, this is an amazing game. it has great design in almost all of its needle parts and bosses (almost because of secret 5,4, emperor miku and hidden bosses 1-4 which ill talk about later) and the flaws are almost none (id give it 10 if it wasnt for secret 5)
stage 1: basic needle. not too hard jumps, fun crystals.
secret 1: would be pretty fun if there wasnt a save with a plane and 2 corners following the plane. gives the health potion item allowing you to see boss health.
flandre aka boss 1: ok fun boss ok flandre shoots ok darkness from kamilia confirmed omg its mushrooms oh shit its AHIT and i died. wtf pls nerf hat phase @kamilia @kamilia @kamilia
stage 2: did i forget to mention this game has more corners than i wanna be the corner jumps? anyways cool gimmicks
secret 2: double diamond, plane, cancel jump into a plane, yeah its all in this secret.
mr shine and bright: im mr dice man, and im the gayest in the lands.
stage 3: crystals bad platforming good
secret 3: interesting ish needle. has some common jumps and some rare ones.
the guy: easy boss hard avoidance plz nerf influk
stage 4: starts out with terrible needle and no gimmicks slowly getting better over time
secret 4: bro bro what if we like made i wanna be the meme needle from 2015 into a screen in kamilia 3
no wait i have a better idea lets make it the best item because you need to use it to access the best boss in the game
yeah bro sure thats a good idea
then boss rush comes. oh boy....
dotkid miku: dotkid avoidance with insane precision. i dont know if im just bad at dotkid but this felt way harder than the reviews say.
emperor miku: long and boring fight where you gotta shoot. honestly my third least liked boss here.
piano: precise and long fight with "interesting" bullets. dificulity is unbalanced jumping from easy to hard and back to easy all over the fight. also possibly the hardest of the boss rush.
colonel: best boss rush boss. fun barrage, platform phase is such a good moment. sadly easiest of the boss rush.
influka: the fan favorite. good song, good attacks, good dificulity. this boss is awesome. when i first saw the flash backs to the k2 bosses i was amazed how goodly this boss is made. however solgryn achievement sucks so yeah -0,5 points
and thats stage 4 clear.
stage 5 has most of the main games content so this is gonna hurt my fingers
Kamilia area is a short minigame area which should be burned in a pit
Lunarmagic area is a long avoidance with an unbalanced final
Betty area is a needle part with ice physics and annoying snowflakes that fall down. oh and also traps
Dorrupi area is a very fun avoidance with lotsa pattern
Rukito area is classic rukito trigger needle
Cyber is a great barrage boss with lotsa cool attacks, nice song, awesome hentai and oh wait fuck is this final?
how do i delete
ok wait
"Cyber is a terrible barrage boss with lotsa bad attacks, nice song, memes you hard and has a rng crystal"
influka area is a mixed bag. gradius is cool, balls are bad, avoidance is ok. dont really have much to say
sandwich: best area
M-stage: insane platforming under a time limit. one of the hardest platforming parts in main game
Kamilia: it has a really cool gimmick with the platform, and thats about all i can say. please experience to the fight for yourself if you can
~~havent tried ex stuff yet~~
secret 5: m e m e
crimson: fun and long boss but sadly they dont have their own hp bars so its kinda cheap if you accidentally kill green and the mask kills ya
destination: it takes forever and the whole fight is extremely stressful, but still fun to play. It takes time to get the hang of some of the attacks, but eventually they all become relatively manageable
breaking out: this boss takes a while to learn, but most of the phases are easy. The 6th phase is easily the toughest and most inconsistent. The final attack is very choke-able
popularity: gravity man is mostly RNG but he's still a huge pain in the ass.
koala: my fav boss! The boss is largely pattern based with some RNG with a bit smaller hitbox than usual. very good song, very good attacks, though its kinda long, it still doesnt get repetitive
ex stage: buffed screens of buffed screens of games :nog:
fuck ex hades. that shit is hell
and thats all of the needle and hidden bosses.
ill update this later
Rating: 9.7 97
Difficulty: 97 97
Oct 16, 2019