I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3

Creators: Influcca, Kamilia, どるっぴ, こあら, サイバー, ルキト, LunarMagic, Betty, Shi.Yu., ヨーヨー, ところてん, あお, ThenewGeezer, Ouka, Tomo

Average Rating
7.9 / 10
Average Difficulty
91.3 / 100
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Adventure (1) Needle (10) Avoidance (8) Gimmick (1) Medley (26) Boss (8) Long (13) Taisa (1) RNG (1) Piano (1) BossRush (6) Destination (1) Difficult (2) Quiz (1) Kamilia (3) дизмораль (2) рационале (1) Sacred (1) AVOID (1) v2 (1) Updated_Version (1)


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172 Reviews:

I wanted to write a lengthy review again for once, sorry if it ends up being somewhat stupid to read.

Kamilia 3 is a huge ass thrill ride full of happy joy and soul crushing moments. Some may find this a bearable experience (up to where you would think it's enough and call it a day) while others want to face the challenge that might be far harder than what they have played before in the past while not being a total fan of it.

I happen to be the latter. I always envisioned the dream of beating this game one day and dethroning everything I have beaten before. That brings us to the current day. After taking several breaks and demotivating moments (specifically Cyber and Kamilia) I finally pulled it off. It's truely an experience you will never forget once you have done it.

This game has a bloat load of content built in over the years. When I first started playing K3 (release day actually) I couldn't even get past Ichor screen 2 because I had no idea how to jump that low on my old laptop. Eventually, I took a break from fangames mainly because I had no idea how I controlled myself and had a negative perspective on the community as a whole that made absolutely no sense.

One day I had that feeling of trying out K2 again. On my real playthrough I stopped at Influka because I had no idea how the rhythm mashing gimmick built into the boss worked, so I kept mashing like a madman no idea what I was doing. I managed to get a save that was at boss rush (back when getting there meant you were a god) and beat Crimson and Destination on it. This was back during the old IWC Forum days, a very simple time. Eventually I managed to beat Influka and the rest that followed. Kamilia was my first serious grind, which took around 9 hours total. When I beat it I felt really grateful and happy about how my journey finally came to a close.

K3 delivers the same experience, but on a whole other level. It has the same idea of being a medley where you take screens from other fangames and make a collectathon of what you've liked or beaten. It ended up being a joint collab where the lead developers (Influka and Kamilia) and "influencers" from the eastern community gathered together and each delivered something unique. While most think this is a masterpiece that will hold up for a long time, I say otherwise. For one, I think they went a bit too overboard with the overall aspect of the game. Where K2 managed to keep a decent balance between fun and unfairness, most of what K3 manages to deliver happens to be stuff where good luck plays a big factor next to your skill. Often times you do really well on a boss or avoidance just to get destroyed by something that you don't even have a chance at to dodge it to begin with. While this also might happen on K2, I think K3 has a greater scale of it overall (especially during the post-main stages). One example I could give is Doruppi area. The RNG during the intermissions feels sorta shoehorned in what would normally be a pretty great avoidance. This factor is what makes this boss and most of the other bosses a big challenge. Now I'm not saying this game is a big fairyland when it comes to the difficulty, I just think it's a bit too much for my taste. You could tone it down a bit to make the player's experience a bit more fun, no one likes to die to final because one fruit managed to stand in your way. The reason I mentioned post-main stages is because I personally think these bosses were way more original and creative, since these are your standard medley bosses. They tried to ensure you that this a good challenge for if you are a newer player, and I think they did it right on that part. Once you build up experience the bosses that eliminated you in the past are suddenly a breeze for you now. You've outbeaten yourself in every way possible. I don't really get that feeling during the post main-stage bosses. The 4 devas feels more like a chore than anything else. While I think Emperor Miku and Colonel did it right, they really messed up on Piano and Dotkid. These bosses were for me purposely buffed piss you off because you didn't get lucky at that one moment, while Emperor Miku and Colonel feel more like it's your fault. That's what makes these two bosses fun. They feel more rewarding compared to the other bosses.

The guest stage avoidances can't find a good balance between what they want to be in terms of fairness. I think LunarMagic did a okay job for what he made for this compared to what he normally makes, aside for a few moments during the first chorus it's not that bad. The final has a classic case of "get lucky or be skilled" depending on how good or bad you are. This is a rare case where you can easily get to the end of a boss without struggling on it too hard. A bit more fair than the others. Like I said before, Doruppi has it's fair share of cool moments but it gets ruined by the amount of dull RNG it throws you at times. Cyber delivers the same story, but after playing for a while I didn't think it was too bad. Sure, final can be very stupid but once you figure how how the attack works you'll have a lot less trouble with it than when you first got to it.

The needle stages are meh. Betty stage wasn't too bad but very unmemorable and Rukito's last screen is terrible.

Influka area was surprisingly fun! As someone who never got into shmups it managed to keep a good balance for how fair it can be. The only real issues I had were how the random items you get during the main part of the stage can spawn at complete random and if you end up getting really unlucky you might not even be geared out once you get to the boss. The meteor attack at the boss' first phase was also lame.

Before you face the final boss you still have one stage left, better known as the M-stage. It's a bunch of hard needle screens with a strict time limit (the water that rises up) so precision is key. Notable examples of this are save 5 and save 8 (the skip way), where saves end up being a lot harder than they should have been because you have no time to relax. This especially became a bad thing at save 5, the needle is atrocious and the water from what I remember was very annoying.

Finally, after all that you have faced you finally end up at the hardest boss in the game. Kamilia is a very tense boss where a lot of memorization and skill is required. Once you figure out how phase 1 works, it becomes a walk in the park. Problem is, the orbs of the first attack spawn entirely at random and if you figured out a consistent place for when the lasers start to spawn chances are that you basically have no space to dodge the attack in before the lasers start to show up due to the orbs. If you get unlucky you can die upwards to 10 times to it before the game finally lets you pass.

Phase 2 is absolute trash. Most of the attacks are pretty neat but the chances of dying because the game took a shit on you is very common. You could get hit by Wind because you have no space to escape the attack or Aqua because you stood at the edges of the screen for too long and the first bubble on the screen managed to hit you. Darkness is a very stupid attack and Insanity walls you way too often.

The last phase is where shit really begins. Once you get there relatively often you basically have no option but to beat the game since you already got that far in. Thankfully, the red & blue orbs that spawn the moment you enter phase 3 is entirely position based so you could stand at the edges of the screen and figure out how the orbs move around. The first attack can be very dense at times and Geometry can down right screw you over, but the best method is just to stay towards the edge and when the attack almost ends just go to the middle. The curving attack for the most part isn't a huge threat but you could get screwed over because too many bullets curve around eachother. The next 2 attacks are entirely free since they're basically pattern. Then you get to final, which easily is the hardest attack in phase 3 atleast for me. It's one last challenge where memorization and sometimes luck is key. I've seen numerous of times where someone gets to the second half/end they get screwed over because they tried to hug the corner and couldn't escape the oncoming bullets. Post-final is basically a choke test where the attacks repeat themselves but these happen to be the 2 most RNG based ones. Do it right and beat the game.

With the main part of the game talked away it's time to discuss the few things I have to say. I think the screen variety of K2 is way better than K3. It provided way more cool gimmicks and the screen picks for the most part were pretty good. While K3 has some clever screens as well (Qut for example), most end up being basic needle with the common trap here and there. The only gimmicks in the game that I could think off that show up are Qut, Buy the Crayon, Enjoy the Excursion and Influka area. I wish there was a bit more variety to it honestly, as an avid needle fan I think the needle segments ended up being dragged out a bit too much in my opinion.

If you want some extra content the game has you covered. First of all, there are 50 crystals scattered around the game at random locations and serve no purpose other than getting an achievement later on. The bad thing is that if you do want to get them all you'll need to beat most of Extra & 2 super hard screens. While I'm talking about extra, let me tell you most of it does not look fun at all. I can appreciate the new screen picks and some of the bosses, but it goes way too overboard at times. Ex Piano has an extra phase which can either be free for you or screw you over for a long time. Ex Dotkid looks extremely boring and Ex Colonel's phase 2 looks really interesting but it's mostly pattern for whatever reason. If you include extra, Ex Emperor is the hardest boss in the entire game and looks far harder than everything else. Like the main game, extra has some guest stages too. Yoyo looks extremely boring and unfinished, Blue looks great and the 10HP gimmick adds a cool twist to avoidance (crystals are required if you want more HP) and Tokoroten is classic Tokoroten goodness. I think this and most of extra doesn't look fun at all. Some of these could have been their own seperate games so that more people got to try them out and could be fun and/or memorable avoidances.

All in all, personally I think this is a medley that has long since been replaced by cooler and better medleys these days. C2 is the best example I could give. It has a ton of content and variety to it, and there's a ton of post-game content which is actually fun. K3 is definitely one of the hardest if not the hardest medley currently on the fangame market but for how well produced and being so memorable that it left a footprint on the community it's showing it's flaws unfortunately.

Go for it if you really want to and can handle it, but if you want a medley to play you should play something else.

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Tagged as: Medley Long
[7] Likes
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 91 91
Nov 19, 2019
Don't let the average difficulty rating scare you. In reality it's a bunch of 70-85 difficulty things put together in one huge game (well, on any% at least, but with the exception of final boss, which is like 85-90). Not to mention, game starts much easier than 70. Here are my short comments on any% segments and some 100% stuff I completed.
Stage 1: simple, but sometimes has some tight jumps (half diamond on the first screen for example)
Boss 1: mushroom rng and final avoidance are the only hard thing about it
Stage 2: small difficulty bump. Wouldn't recommend going to secret 2 tho (Cancel jump into plane? Hell no!)
Boss 2: looks hard, but it isn't
Stage 3: first half is simple and fun, even secret didn't take much time. Second half is hard as hell (especially RZ and guy tower)
Boss 3: BENZEN is the only hard thing about it
Stage 4: as hard as second half of stage 3 or even little bit harder.You need to cancel jump to get through some saves. Since the beginning of this stage I stopped going to secrets.
Colonel: curving and platform were the only ones difficult for me
Dotkid miku: get through the yai yai part and get good RNG at the end and you are DONE
Emperor miku: learn phase 3 and 4. After that you just need to get through RNG on phase 5 and 6
Piano: slow attack is an abomination.
Boss 4: the beginning and K2 references are random. Other stuff is a pattern
Kamilia area: minesweeper is easy, simon says sucked and maze was amazing
Lunarmagic area: worst boss so far. 50% of the boss is just unfair RNG and 25% is rythm stuff. Really hated this one.
Betty area: had a lot of fun doing saves, except the last one. The last jump is insane (Cancel into corner? Secret 2 flashback? oh no...). Really liked other stuff tho.
Doruppi area: pattern festival basically. There are only 3 (or 4 including mikus attack end) random attacks during whole boss. Amazingly well made, except flower attack and last RNG (which I somehow cleared on my first try).
Rukito area: each save has at least one difficult moment. Hated 5th save because of the drop. 6th save was unique. Compared to Betty, this one didn't spam traps and meme jumps like corners or one jump diamonds, though there is a requiered floor gate on 3rd save.
Cyber area: Pure RNG. First half was really neat and simple, however it all started going downhill since the beginning of "like this" attack. Boss becomes RNG dependant. However it gets even more unfair on last 2 attacks (AKA spooky shiny ghost and final). Hardest boss yet, though took me like 7 hours (extreme luck?)
Influka area: we are officially non-fangaming now. It's a gradius segment. The intro is really long and gets boring after some time. However after intro begins the boss. First phase is pretty much free, though sometimes you can get really bad RNG (especially on meteors attack). However the true fight begins on 2nd phase, also known as "Kamilia's balls". These "balls" have 4 types of bullet hell attack, which are chosen randomly every time. Neat boss overall, though intro is quite troublesome.
M-stage: The gimmick here is time pressure and waiting (last screen). We have all kind of common jumps here: planes, corners, half diamonds, ledges, f-jumps... Though it looked impossibly hard, it went fast and I had a lot of fun, but save 8 ruined this stage. Much harder than Rukito.
Final boss: definitely the hardest segment in the game (on any% at least). Even though it was absurdly hard (21 hours to clear...) I didn't really hate it (well, except random on final phase and figuring how the final works). Here's review for every phase:
Phase 1: pretty much a free phase, except for random at the end and in the beginning. Uses ikaruga gimmick the right way. Neat patterns.
Phase 2: this is where the true boss begins. This phase consists of 10 attacks with last one being a little bit longer. The ikaruga gimmick usage lacks here A LOT (only attack called "insects" uses it). Really really hard to get through it first time, though after a while you start to get constant >5% succes rate.
Phase 3: I'm speechless... It's supposed to be epic and mostly possible phase. However it turned into a grindfest after a dozen of tries for me. Begins with blue-red orb pentagons aiming on you, slowly (make sure you know any strats on how to aim them, otherwise you gonna spend another dozen of attempts figuring it out). The geometry is insanely tough to get through, but it's mostly possible. Patterns were neat (I never died to them). However final sucks in the worst way possible. I'm still not sure about it, but it looked like the circles depended on your position before getting through them. You'll die mostly on this one crazy attack. And after that you need to do the beginning of 2nd cycle, including beginning of geometry (amount of shapes varies based how much hp boss have left). I chocked once, but it was because of bad orb strat (with wall (corner?) strat orbs become literally free on 2nd cycle).
---Extra stuff---
Koala area: Doruppi area on steroids basically (even though there a lot of random stuff, but you will rarely die on it), but with the most insane RNG attack in the game (near the end too which makes it soo hard .-.). This is basically 2 step boss - Step 1: learn patterns. Step 2: get good RNG at the red miku end. However, after that you still need to beat 1 more attack, but it's really easy, so try not to choke! Took me like 6-7 hours (including no choke ending).
Secret 4: After a while I began to feel more confident about my needle skills so I decided to go for it. Rebeating stage 4 isn't really that bad, maybe one sitting would be enough without a secret. The true difficulty is the obtaining the key aka secret 4. Just the fact that it has hardest entrance to actual secret is enough to make you skip it. However, the secret screen (TAS) wasn't too bad. If you can do 1 frame or jump cancel, then your only problem is TAS drop save, though for me it's gone surprisingly fast (spent 1 hour).

guy tower crystal is crazy
tempest wasn't so bad
crimson is boring but easy
destination is actually hard
nue is a bit stupid
gravityman is trash
secret 5 is the hardest needle in the game
cyber crystal is epic seed win
m-stage crystal was harder than tempest one
ex ichor is nice introduction
ex ctb is sleeper hit
ex air was fine
ex prism is look up the answers
ex starter is fine till you die 6 times on last jump and regret your decisions
ex justice is fine, but hard
ex hope the end of was bad, didn't like it
ex rz is the last hard screen
ex hades is a bit rough on the fingers
ex emperor is a chill ending
ex dotkid miku is perfectly seedable
blue area is chill with skip
true end is 94 difficulty
ex piano is a huge seeders dub
yoyo area is generic avoidance, it's fine

and then... v2.0 happened! gonna put new stuff I cleared here in spoilers

Golden 1 is free
Golden 2 is free
ex prism got a new free crystal
guy tower got a funny secret save now
Tomo is the best thing to happen to K3
Golden 3 was a bit hard, but speedrun helped
EX air crystal is freaking disgusting, top 2 crystal in the game, only second to GTC. The worst part is that the screen itself is fun, but the author just had to ruin it for 100%.

Since new update pushes true end into basically 100%, difficulty is now based on any%! Chances are, if I finished 100% I would rate the game 0/10, Kamilia's descent into difficulty really shows, and the update is proof of it. Trying to make a serious game relevant through difficulty should not be a thing and that time should've been spent on making true last boss instead.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Medley Boss Long BossRush Difficult v2
[7] Likes
Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 90 90
Nov 15, 2015
This review is based on 100%

This has been an astonishing journey, I started this game when I was a beginner, every boss and screen was extremely painful, taking me hundreds of hours, but this game made me become better and better.
There was once a time when I didn't think I could even be close to beating this game, and now it has been done, I'm extremely proud to be the 6th person who beat 100%.
This game even if it's not perfect it'll forever have a special place in my heart, it made me who I am now, and my entire fangame journey can be summarized just with this game alone.

By far my biggest achievement and it's probably gonna stay like that for a while, thank you so much for this game!

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Tagged as: Needle Medley Boss Long
[7] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 98 98
May 15, 2015

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[6] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 100 100
May 30, 2024
Extremely challenging game, but incredibly fun as well.

Stages 1-4 (before boss rush) is a stellar example of how to make a good medley game, though there is a difficulty spike at the end of stage 3 that's a bit severe. Boss rush took me too long and really hurt my motivation to finish this game, but by the time I reached Influka (Boss 4) I was really glad I had persevered. Stage 5 is incredibly well done and is by itself one of the greatest experiences I've had in a fangame. M-stage and Kamilia were hype and enjoyable, even if Kamilia's second phase frustrated me sometimes (curse you, Miracle transitions!) The feeling I had upon clearing this game was well worth all the pain and salt it took to reach that point.

I highly recommend this game to anyone up for the challenge, it's well worth it if you stick with it and don't give up (especially once you reach boss rush). There's a reason it became as popular as it did - the game is just that good.

This review is based on what I cleared: The main game + all 5 secrets, the Koala secret boss, but nothing else. I may update this review in the future to include the remaining secret bosses and the extra content.

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Tagged as: Medley Difficult
[6] Likes
Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 19, 2017