
Creator: arzztt

Average Rating
9.4 / 10
Average Difficulty
58.9 / 100
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Adventure (3) Needle (16) Gimmick (15) Long (1) Maze (2) VVVVVV (9) SourPls (1) domu_game (1) Poggers (1) mostExpensive (1) Pathing_Puzzle (1)


  • by Stinkycheeseone890
  • by sWIfT
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by arzztt
  • by Wolsk
  • by arzztt

Creator's Comments:

arzztt [Creator]
VoVoVo is a needle/gimmick/venture game based around combining vvvvvv kid with a bunch of different types of gimmicks and mechanics. It's also reasonably sized being around 11 stages long. Good luck and have fun!

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick VVVVVV
[4] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 63 63
Oct 7, 2019

65 Reviews:

There's something magical about this game, something that makes you want to keep playing it even if it has been 5 hours and you need to go to sleep, but you just can't stop playing it! Your fingers refuse to leave the keyboard, refuse to tear themselves away from the sheer brilliance that is VoVoVo.

VoVoVo is one of those games where it feels like a disservice both to the creator and to The Creator to play badly, as if this game deserves nothing less than a perfect performance on your part. There is almost nothing like this game, not only in the fangame community but in the gaming community altogether. The amount of times I've been faced with something that puts such importance on the balance of challenge, enjoyment, and ingenuity is infinitesimal. If you tortured me for hours and hours to make me find some flaw in this game, some small error in design, some totally irrelevant fuck up, I honestly don't think I could do it.

So, what is VoVoVo? VoVoVo is a gimmick needle game focused mainly on the VVVVVV kid gimmick, but there's also a mixture of other clever gimmicks, all utilized superbly. Generally, I find that I have a lot to say about a brilliant game, but this one I just... I can't find the words. The best I can do is just repeat synonyms for excellent ad nauseam. I could go on to describe each stage, but what's the point? What could my words better indicate about this game than just playing it? Do I need to tell you that both maze stages are the most well designed stages I've ever seen in a fangame? Do I need to tell you that the water bullet gimmick is used so well that I don't see a reason for anyone to ever use it themselves? Do I need to say that EVERY stage in VoVoVo stands as the absolute best that fangames can offer? I don't think I do, to be honest.

The nature of a game review is to convince another person that this game is worth playing. It is meant to highlight every single good thing about the game as well as every single flaw; yet, in this case, that's almost impossible to do. If I were to highlight every good thing this game did, then I would be better off screenshotting every single screen and putting links to all of them in place of my review. There really is no need to say anything about this game because there is no convincing necessary. There is no need to share positive words about this because they are words that nearly every single person thinks when they play this game.

Here's my suggestion: do yourself a favor and play this game if you haven't already. VoVoVo is a gift, one that we should all cherish greatly.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick VVVVVV
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 63 63
Jun 2, 2020
One of the most solidly put-together fangames out there. Takes the brilliance of QoQoQo's loopy design philosophy, highly reduces the precision elements, and adds in further brain-scratching with the use of V-Kid. As much a needle game as it is a puzzle game, there isn't a single unsatisfying moment.

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Rating: 9.7 97       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 10, 2019
best fucking game on the planet

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Tagged as: Needle Maze
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Apr 10, 2022
I do not think that this game needs an introduction, here I will tell you more about my feelings and the pleasure I received from it.
Let's start with jumping and its difficulty. This is one of those games where your fingers get some kind of aesthetic pleasure from what they do. Some jumps look difficult, but in reality the geometry is so pleasant that you think, wow, like me I just did it, I thought it would be more difficult. The whole game passes without torment, very smoothly, the finding of paths and the complexity of the jumps are so balanced that it is impossible to imagine better, they complement each other perfectly.
The music in the game is gorgeous, the visuals are gorgeous.
The stages in the game differ in the very approach to the passage and in their chips.
In some, 2 jumps are taken away from you and one is left when you click on the star, in others, on the contrary, you are given additional jumps when you click on the arrows.
There is also a stage in which you need to press on the green vertical line to get 3 jumps.
There is a stage with a teleport
Everything goes in wovovo style, where you have to try to find your way.
I did not remember everything now, but I said, which immediately remained in my memory
The final stage is actually a huge map in which you are looking for a path to the final point.
Overall, this is a brilliant game !!

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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 60 60
Sep 16, 2021
Genuinely a masterpiece in fangame design. Enjoyable all the way through, it's like that one part in a fangame you find really cool but it never ends. One of my favorite fangames of all time.

It takes arzztt's masterful VVVVVV design, which he has mastered and has shown before in the past, with the genius and love of qoqoqo's original creator's style, all recreated into an amazing package that I would recommend to literally anyone in this community.

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 65 65
Jan 22, 2021