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For: I wanna kill the Kamilia
Nice game

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Rating: 6.4 64       Difficulty: 55 55
May 19, 2023
For: I wanna be the OW
This game is absolutely beautiful, brilliant, and well executed. It's a puzzle game like Mario 64 where you collect stars, but you have to collect coins in order to access later stages (and you have to pay EACH time.) Getting hit does not kill you, but costs you coins. The only major downside I see is the grind involved if you get hit a lot. Still the execution is *chef's kiss*.

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Tagged as: Special Puzzle Collectathon
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 35 35
May 19, 2023
For: I wanna be Myself
This game has a lot of great ideas, some of the most fascinating I've seen in a fangame, but I'm the kind of person who far prefers good execution over good ideas, and in that department, the game is lacking in my opinion. The early game is horribly dull, and I think even a lot of people who like this game can agree with that. It's very basic, but about 1/3rds into the admittedly quite large demo the game becomes a lot more complex with the fundamental mechanics, but I personally just don't think the design is that great. A lot of platforming is either boring or tedious, and the bosses, while some are okay like the first boss and boo boss, some are just not fun at all, especially the final boss of the most recent version (0.7) which is the Crystal King from paper mario, which just feels insanely luck based. Also the bosses have a lot of mashing, which normally doesn't bother me, but here it's pretty bad. Not much in this game was like downright awful, but I can't really say there was anything that stuck out as super fun to play, which really sucks when the game took over 6 hours to finish. Great ideas, especially considering how old the game is, but I never really got into this one, although it's obvious why others like it.

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Rating: 3.3 33       Difficulty: 47 47
May 19, 2023
For: I Wanna Escape The Manor
rating and difficulty based on any% - will give a more detailed review when I finish 100%

As a gimmick enjoyer, I really appreciate that the difficulty lies more in the gimmick use and combination than in using the gimmick to do overly precise tricks (e.g. upside down gate). Even the more input salad-y saves have enough leeway that it's more a matter of figuring out what to do and executing than tight timing. The way the gimmicks are used is very creative, and the level design flows well.The visuals, music and bosses are also neat.

I didn't stray much to collect shinies, so I can't opine on that until I finish 100 %

Overall would highly recommend to fellow gimmick enjoyers - preferably on a keyboard!

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss Secrets Sideways_Gravity moleYo Collectathon
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Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 60 60
May 19, 2023
For: I Wanna Catch the Clown
Rating based on Normal 100%

First adventure clear and a blatantly charming one. I really like the Game Maker 1.0 assets and 3D animation: there is quite a lot of production quality with a good set list of songs.

Most gimmicks play like simple enemies in an old Game Maker title: which is obviously what it's going for. They're easy to wrap your head around and come back in entertaining ways (I especially liked the frog puzzles, which had just the right amount of jank to be fun to work with. Certainly more interesting than simple swapping blocks!)

Although some gimmicks fall out of use in the later screens, I found out I missed them when the game picks up in the second half, where more standard trigger and trap fare are commonplace. The traps that do show up are well placed, especially when on a particular screen, they tend to hit you on the backtracking path. Hilarious the first few times, though.

For the few gripes I do have, they're few and far between. The frogs croak every time you jump or double jump: which can be extremely distracting especially in one water screen where the frogs are near the end: you'll be hearing them the whole screen. Judging by the overall charm of the game though, I wonder if this is intentional?

The butterfly room was one of three rooms I disliked, especially when some platforms look to be the intended path (but the actual path is so much simpler: having what looks like a super complex platform ride at the end of a save is pretty offputting.) I would also dock a bit for the one of the diamond screens, which has the "gimmick" of very precise jumps (but they're nerfed significantly due to the spike sprites. I still think a double corner at the start of a save isn't that great.) I would also dock just a bit for the final boss being a bit lackluster.

Overall, Catch The Clown is a memorable platformer with gimmicks I'd love to see used more, especially the frogs! If you like old Game Maker aesthetics given new breath, it's worth a shot!

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 52 52
May 18, 2023
For: Splatter Fate
one of the most hopeless experiences of all time

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[13] Likes
Rating: 0.1 1       Difficulty: 98 98
May 18, 2023
For: I wanna ш
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Rating: 6.7 67       Difficulty: 75 75
May 18, 2023
For: New Yuuutu Engine
This engine has a lot of features, concise code, and is helpful to developers.

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Tagged as: Engine
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 9 9
May 18, 2023
For: I wanna Helltake
0:32 had bullets that are faster than the other parts paired with annoying visuals
1:06 hurts my eye
1:39 and 0:44 was annoying to play

how this is a 50

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 62 62
May 18, 2023
For: I wanna series Mixture relay 4
feels unbalanced in 3rd boss, even if it's a easy boss

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: N/A
May 18, 2023
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