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For: I Wanna Get Some Drip
I had a worry given the name that the game would end up being just a meme but it's actually a fun avoidance in general. All of it is RNG attacks so there's no pattern nonsense to deal with, which really shows the chaotic nature of the inspiration since you really can't predict what is going to happen on your ship. The only part that took me a bit to learn is the attack where everything lights up, though the spinning attack also felt like I needed some decent RNG cause it could get packed there.

Would recommend giving it a try even if you don't care for the meme, it's a pretty interesting avoidance to be made in only 6 hours.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Short
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 9, 2023
For: I Wanna Get Cultured 2
If you don't touch anything, you can clear the FUNNY LAND stage, but the needle hits you somewhere and you can't clear it.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 9, 2023
For: I Wanna Be Doing The Laundry With Geezer
pretty weird, good variety.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 35 35
Feb 9, 2023
For: I wanna play the needle game but in 3D
Definitely unique, definitely novel, and definitely entertaining.

Also kinda stupid - there's probably more potential here but at the same time, it just doesn't feel right.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 9, 2023
For: I Wanna Use Sextant
Update: The game has been updated to add saves to two of the biggest offenders of long sections, the CRT room and the spotlight room. As a result I have managed to actually clear the game now. My opinion on it is still mostly the same now, it's just a bit more accessible now, which is good, and I appreciate the maker taking time to adjust these screens. A lot of the issues I had with the level design still hold true though and OSU!catch stage is no longer skippable, which will likely be a big roadblock for a lot of players.

Original review:

A game with many cool ideas. While I appreciate the creativity on display the design of many of the stages is very frustrating to the point where it almost seems like they were made annoying on purpose. Many stages are difficult due to the long length of their saves rather than the platforming you have to do.

The maze at the start is easy and nice to go through, I have no complaints about that part.
The binary part has a cool concept, but as with many of the later stages it overstays its welcome, forcing you to get 8 correct numbers in a row with no checkpoints. It doesn't help that the apples bouncing are random and can screw you. The difficulty of entering the numbers also varies wildly.
The part with bouncing fruit you have to shoot is honestly ok, but I still think it goes on for too long.
The forced full-jump section is probably one of the few decently-balanced parts of the game with the save actually being a reasonable length. I do feel like more could've been done with the level design though.
The OSU!catch section is absolutely ridiculous. I don't know how anyone could be able to tolerate going up and down that consistency test hell shaft while also having to focus on the RNG minigame on the right for a full 2+ minutes. If I hadn't found a way to cheese this section I probably would have given up here.
The apple sorting stage is RNG hell. It isn't clearly communicated but you're only expected to shoot the apples from the middle of the screen, as shooting them from where the buttons are causes them to inexplicably ricochet in bizarre directions. I suppose it's fine as far as RNG based thing go.
The healing gimmick part has a promising idea at the start but it's pretty much only used meaningfully for one save and then the next one it's used in a RNG section which requires going back and forth 15 times making it feel very tacked on.
Next is the CRT stage which features a gimmick about using one key to control all your movement and shooting to cycle between actions. Ideally this would make a really cool stage but once again the stage is needlessly long and also features extremely choke-able sections near the end of the two (2!) screen save.
The stage I gave up on is the stage featuring needle with two moving spotlights. The entire screen is one save and the needle is, while not extreme, hard enough that doing it in one go is no small task, especially if you aren't a needlehead. Just doing this stage without the visual challenge would already be challenging for me, having to deal with only being able to see the jump I'm, doing for a fraction of a second with bad cycles on the spotlights is not something I'm very keen on doing. I'm sure if I stuck to it I could finish this stage but considering the trend of how these stages seem to be going I think I'm probably not going to continue.

I always appreciate creativity when it comes to making fangames, but I unfortunately do not have the consistency this fangame expects of me to enjoy the gruellingly cruelly long sections this game requires me to do to progress. Would only recommend to very consistent players.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Visual_Challenge
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Rating: 5.7 57       Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 9, 2023
For: I Want to Meet Miki
My mind can't process that much art.

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 50 50
Feb 9, 2023
For: I wanna Bread
Fun game

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Tagged as: Adventure Needle Trap Boss
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 38 38
Feb 9, 2023
For: I Wanna Use Sextant
Short but really cool gimmick game. It's one of the more challenging ones, but each area is memorable. The game peaks at the binary puzzle screen, which was the hardest thing for me, but also ended up being the most enjoyable part of the game for me. The weakest part of the game was the spotlight needle cause it's kinda just hard needle but with spotlight cycles that force you to wait and is just in general unpleasant.

The game's pretty short, but is hard enough to take multiple hours to clear. I'd recommend it.

Now has a decent boss

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 75 75
Feb 8, 2023
For: I wanna clear 50 neon floors
It's fun and it has that neon charm but it shows its age in some spots for sure, not to mention it has a couple of pretty obvious skips. There's definitely some questionable shit towards the end (floor 45's 2nd save is particularly bruh).

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 60 60
Feb 8, 2023
For: Another Bad Game
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 26 26
Feb 8, 2023
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