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For: I Wanna Be Beginner Friendly
Tagged as: Short
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 10 10
Oct 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the マジキチ
I recommend using the moving block to skip some diagonals in the title screen, if you're going to play this.
That being said, there's not really a reason to play this. Each save is basically a generic jump repeated lots of times. There's one save where one of the repeated jumps is buffed, and that's pretty much it. Very tedious. Wouldn't recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 47 47
Oct 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the Needle and Durability
Really old avoidance collection. There are eight avoidances of multiple difficulties, most of them being really enjoyable. Plenty of uncommon attacks, and the rooms are designed in odd ways, so even when an attack is supposed to be generic, you need to avoid it in very unusual ways, making all the avoidances very different from each other. There's also some really interesting use of floor destroying involved, so you can get two rooms in one at some fights.
However, some of these avoidances have their own issues as well, some of them being easy to ignore, but some being extremely annoying.
- Luka's issue is probably one of the weirdest, and the easiest to ignore: At the beginning, sometimes you can't touch the higher platforms, or you'll automatically die. I still don't know why or how does this happen, but the first attack is meant to be dodged in the lower platforms anyway, so that's not too much of a bother.
- Mini-Miku's issue is a common issue. Happens in needle games, avoidances, simple adventures...Any sort of game. That's right, we're talking about borderkills here. In some fangames, they're easy to ignore, or even helpful, depending on the game itself, but this avoidance might be the peak of the annoying ways to use borderkills. One of her attacks basically forces you to stay as close to one of the walls as you can, but you can't really touch them, otherwise you'll die instantly. Avoiding RNG attacks is fun. Avoiding RNG attacks and the wall at the same time is something that should never happen.
- Rin + Len's avoidance has some seconds where nothing actually happens. This happens twice near the beginning, and each share of nothing takes around 10 seconds. Waiting for the real fight to start is quite boring, and this is not exactly the easiest boss in the game, so you probably won't see this 'intro' only once.
- And finally, in the avoidance with Luka, Miku and Gumi, the portal that leads back to the boss selection room is activated right from the beginning. This wouldn't be an issue if the portal wasn't in the right corner of the room, a place that you might need to hug to avoid some attacks, depending on your strategy. If you touch it, you'll be teleported back to the boss selection room without the boss item, so it's basically the same as dying.
A global complaint that I have is that most of these avoidances don't use the full musics, and often the songs are cut in really awkward ways.
Overall, there are some fights that I didn't enjoy (Dark Miku and the one with Luka, Miku and Gumi, both due to extremely unreasonable RNG at some points), but most of them were really fun. The game is really old, so don't expect any visual effects or extremely innovative attacks, but it's a fun and interesting experience. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Miku Luka Rin Len Gumi
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Rating: 6.8 68       Difficulty: 78 78
Oct 18, 2015
For: I wanna be the Just Trap
Just trap? More like LOVETRAP trap.

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Rating: 5.2 52       Difficulty: 99 99
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna be the wannaguymaster
"Hey everyone! I made a really bad game, haha! it's supposed to be really awful, because that's the joke! So random XDXdxDXDd" - This game.

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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna collect the friends game
Basically, the game has rooms from Outbreak, Outbreak 2, listen to Electronic music, and Break the Agate. This game has nothing unique, outside of the extremely hard to look at tileset for everything.

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Rating: 1.9 19       Difficulty: 56 56
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna bounce around in funny land

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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 1 1
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna be the Skyclad
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 49 49
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna enjoy the Game2
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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 17, 2015
For: I wanna be the Resistance
As one of my first fangames, this has a special place in my heart. I loved progressing through each stage, marking my improvement over the course of the game. The style develops extremely well throughout, and I love the atmosphere in each area. The bosses are a bit unbalanced to their stages, but overall, I can recommend this game highly to anyone willing to try a good gimmick game or a fun game in general. Also, if you don't have Seph's patch, get it. It improves on a few things.

In-depth rating:

The game starts off with standart tiles (and Guy rock without the Seph patch). However, right away the trolls are more than one would expect, from spikes elongating slowly to prevent passage to a moving warp. The boss of this area is an apple, and it's not that hard. Seph's music choice for this stage is amusing and sets the tone for the early game.

Stage two takes place in a megaman level with more relaxing music thanks to Seph. The general feel is the same as the last world, but the triggers are a bit trickier to learn. At one point, there's a room where you turn into a small version of the kid with low speed; I thought that this gimmick was very well-implemented. Luckily, it's used in future levels as well. The boss is a big green kid with a few random attacks. This may be a sticking point for new players, but only the first part is hard; the small kid section is just a choke attack.

Stage three, unlocked after one and two, brings The Kid to a happy land with pink tiles and cat faces abound. Unfortunately, this area has some of the most annoying saves in the game, especially the water rooms. I did like how you flip the stage around to progress, similarly to Emperor. One of this stage's rooms was in Cultured. The boss is a cat face ('w') that screen-wraps and releases other cat faces. If you shoot these, they release even more, so you have to control your shots. Something people may not know is that you can screen-wrap too, vertically and horizontally. Overall, this boss is pretty fun and kinda technical.

Stage four is the weird one. You traverse grayscaled screens from Guy, Fangame, and Lovetrap with different traps (thankfully). Although the stage uses sped-up Guy rock, the level itself is pretty fun to learn and play. The boss is a Chozo which spews a few kinds of attacks. This is another sticking point for some, as it's pretty hard to hit him given the pace at which he fires off attacks. Fortunately, you can hit him twice if you stay in the air long enough, so he shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Stage five is where the game starts setting its later tone. You're taken to a relaxing, spacey level with silly traps and cool gimmicks, such as the small Kid from earlier in an infjump room. I particularly love the trolls in this stage for some reason, probably because of how relaxing it is. The boss here is the worst in the game, being a Dragon Devil chase segment. It's annoying to learn and ends with an annoying trap. Fortunately, the game only improves from here.

Stage six is strange. You pick up the gem right away, then go back into the other portals , traversing the level select room backwards. Each portal takes you to a room where you collect a gem in order to move on. It's a very ominous stage, with a spooky track and grayscale graphics to build tension. The boss here is The Guy. He's okay. I'd compare him to Blow Game 2's Guy, but he's done much better here.

Once The Guy is defeated, the other bosses encircle him and a portal to the final world opens up. Stage seven has an amazing feel, perfect for the end of this kind of game. You get a song medley in the background and fun visuals to keep you busy while learning the traps. The only bad part of this stage is the water room, just because of how fast the apples move. Otherwise, it makes for a fun precursor to the final boss, The Guy Maker (dubbed by fatalbrain). This boss is extraordinarily fun, taking components from the other bosses and combining them into separate phases, with a few original ones mixed in. The song gives the feel that you've been through a long journey and are saving the world with this fight. It lasts for just the right amount of time, and then you conclude by jumping into a portal and out of The Guy's tower.

Overall, the game is full of charming trolls, fun gimmicks, and great atmosphere, with just a bit of aggravation mixed in. I'd highly suggest playing this game, no matter what your skill level, just for the experience.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Boss Troll
[5] Likes
Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 17, 2015
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