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For: I wanna be the Inferno
The visuals are quite bad, but the actual game is quite cool. Lots of interesting jumps, decent difficulty curve and overall a fun experience. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.2 62       Difficulty: 53 53
Oct 12, 2015
For: I wanna HumyaaPunpun
This is a fun little needle game. It consists of a single room with mostly simple jumps used in fun ways, similarly to a lot of screens from marchen. Visually, it isn't anything impressive, but the outlines contrast with the background and there isn't anything too distracting. The one issue I had with it was that the saves are touch saves by default, but the creator lets you turn them into z saves by pressing Y.
Something that I thought was really cool was that in includes a feature to record and watch replays. I'd like to see something like this implemented for other engines.

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Tagged as: Needle Short
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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 45 45
Oct 12, 2015
For: I wanna HumyaaPunpun
Fun 1-screen game. Nice visuals, nice music, plenty of interesting jumps. The death sound is quite annoying, as always. There's not too much to say. Would recommend.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 42 42
Oct 12, 2015
For: I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3
I really wanted to like this game. I really did. The production is astounding and the music is amazing! Unfortunately, the actual gameplay, is crap. The game starts off fine enough, but with some stupid "LOL CURNER JAMPS" buffs, and eventually spires off into a complete grind fest that involves about 95% luck and 5% skill. Does grinding a boss for over 5 hours sound fun? No? What about 20 hours? 50? 100? I would not recommend every playing this game unless you are the type of person who enjoys actual pain. However, I would suggest watching some unfortunate soul stream it instead.

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[16] Likes
Rating: 1.3 13       Difficulty: 99 99
Oct 12, 2015
For: I wanna be the Studio Engine YoYoYo Edition
This is a solid engine. The only real issue is the lack of ladders.

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[3] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 12, 2015
For: I wanna get Cultured
I'm new to these games and this was only the second fangame I have ever played after a friend had introduced me to them so I figured I would add a review on this site. I thoroughly enjoyed this game a lot as a beginner. I could see the difficulty get harder and harder through each stage, but at the same time felt the curve was perfect leading up to the creators own stages. Only stage I didn't really enjoy was the one with hundreds of jump refreshers....(carpal tunnel man) but no one likes every level in any game so not a big deal at all. I also liked that it was pure platforming and just one boss at least as a beginner. Final boss was a tad rough for me but I thought it was fair in most respects. Lastly, the music was excellent.

Overall, took me about 10 hours to complete which I thought was pretty solid for a new player just getting into these game and gave me good insight on the types of needle sets and jumps I will encounter in most games that aren't crazily difficult. (I have had past platform experiences before so not totally out of the game). I will definitely be checking out other games in the future and may even try out some harder ones once I get better!!

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[14] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 50 50
Oct 12, 2015
For: I Wanna Kill The Happil 2
From Billy Herrington to Lee Ho Seong, someone's actually posted this game here.
If I was Just, I would probably laugh my ass off, because of AIDSFEST this game created.
This is pure classic, IWBTG meant to be unfair, IWKTH II is unfair.

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[22] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 12, 2015
For: I Wanna 8-)
Small platforming game with some gimmicks. Has a fast moving background which might be painful for eyes. Otherwise a fine gaming.

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Rating: 5.5 55       Difficulty: 20 20
Oct 12, 2015
For: I Wanna Kill The Happil 2

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Tagged as: Impossible
[44] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 100 100
Oct 12, 2015
For: Not Another Needle Game
A very long and varied fangame which everyone should play at some point.
Visuals and music/sound are fantastic.
The difficulty ramps up pretty fast and the first secrets are much harder than the actual stages itself which seems a bit out of place.
If you don't know this game then you're doing something wrong. Would definitely reccomend!

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Rating: 9.8 98       Difficulty: 75 75
Oct 12, 2015
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