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27 Reviews

For: Plume, Happybirthday!
Brilliant 30 screens birthday gift game, showing initiative pathings here and there.
Though it might be abit hard for average players, it is still acceptable considering the quality of the game.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 66 66
Mar 31, 2022
cloakman [Creator]
For: Collab Automaker
Hi there this is cloakman, this tool is an automated tool helping one to make a needle game in GMS1 Yoyoyo engine really fast.

What you need to do is placing jmaps, tilesets and music files in the resources folders following the instructions from readme, and by running "collab_automaker.exe" you get a GMS1 project generated.

The project generated shall have all tilesets, rooms and sounds imported, with autotile codes and inter-room/inter-stage/reaching-game-clear-room transitions provided, you can preview the effects in "roomTransitions.exe".

The tool also supports importing screens of multiple rooms by renaming the jmap files following the naming rules stated in readme.

All the user-settings for the output project could be done in "config.txt". in which you may set the name of the project, whether to enable room transitions in the scenarios stated above, and which kinds of effect you prefer to use there.

Current version of the tool is v1.2.0. but there may be further updates, don't hesitate to comment here or tell me your questions and/or suggestions for the tool. Enjoy yourselves !

1. For your interest, there is a demo video for using the tool:
2. Due to Mediafire's "Copyright" issue, v1.0.1 of the tool is uploaded, in which the resource folders are now zipped, please unzip it in advance before using the tool following instructions in readme file, sorry for the inconvenience caused.
3. If the tool in the link remains unaccessible, please try to close the tab and try again, if the problem persists, please contact cloakmann#8600 in I Wanna Community Discord Channel.

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Tagged as: Tool
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Feb 12, 2022
cloakman [Creator]
For: Sprite Editor
First of all,special thanks shall be sent to the following people for technical support:

This is the sprite editor that hopes to free us all from repeating similar process to make common blocks and spikes.
It is now only a very young editor so suggestions and comments are all very welcome here.

v 0.21.1
supports importing external picture(or part of it captured by user) to make 1 type of block and 2 types of spikes.

introduced two new types of block sprites
all the sprites generated can now be added a border
the border's (width, transparency, inside color, outside color) could be changed
the colors could now be picked using a GM-like menu

v0.5 (Uploaded already, hopefully it would be here in a day or two)
the sprite editor is now shifted to GMS1
using shaders, it now supports changing HSV's Saturation and Value of sprites generated
introduced the "shiny" effect of spikes in CN3

and some miscelleanous bug fixes and optimizations.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 1, 2021
For: I wanna Twist and Turn
A needle game that is single-staged maze consisting of mainly walljumps and jump refreshers. Despite the fact that the game do have some good platforming that are attractive and creative, the game has rather long saves which makes clearing it rather demanding for the audiences it might propose.
some of the saves are unreasonably long and the maker likes to place needles that have high chances to die right before the saves. Most irritating, unreasonable, and the main reason for me to give this emotional review that I rarely do, is that the last save is not only long, but in the last jump the kid must fall from one screen to another one below it to reach the warp in a rather high speed, the save is at least not easy for me, and it is super annoying when you reach the last jump and fail to reach the warp just because of the lack of time for reaction thanks to the inter-screen falling.
The game has good visuals and its platforming is creative, but I am afraid that I can only give it a 5 just due to the stupid, annoying, and irritating last jump of the game.

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Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 63 63
Jun 27, 2021
cloakman [Creator]
For: Phase 1-5
v1.1 has been released and would be online later, changed the skin for stage 1.
As for Shinobu's "decompile" stuff, got a gms project from a friend of mine with the skin.
As a maker I disdain stealing from games when I myself am capable of making one myself,
Decompile? plz just get lost.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 18, 2021

16 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
Collab Automaker 50.0 10.0 8
Gimmick Collab Helper N/A N/A 3
Marie, Happy Birthday ! 51.9 6.8 8
P.M.P 1 32.2 6.9 19
Phase 1-1 49.8 7.5 12
Phase 1-2 53.9 7.6 14
Phase 1-3 60.0 7.8 16
Phase 1-4 58.1 7.5 9
Phase 1-5 56.7 7.5 11
Phase 2-1 54.9 7.4 11
Phase 2-2 56.8 7.7 7
Speedy_Mar09 35.0 7.3 2
Sprite Editor 0.0 6.5 4
Staged Jtool N/A N/A 2
I Wanna Start Out Small 71.0 6.8 3
The Avoidance Tool Relic N/A N/A 3
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