renex's Profile

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Joined on: Dec 12, 2020


game maker 8 pro

I've submitted:
29 Ratings!
25 Reviews!
20 Screenshots!

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25 Reviews

For: I Wanna Change A Lightbulb
Hi! i drew the backgrounds! :)

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[4] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 22, 2022
For: I wanna be the best adventure
game deletes its own savefile if you fail a luck check lol

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Tagged as: Fake
[9] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: 90 90
Aug 14, 2022
For: Google
this game gave me a headache because i laughed too much during testing

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Tagged as: Google
[2] Likes
Rating: 8.2 82       Difficulty: 50 50
Aug 9, 2022
For: I wanna be the Nomal world
Pretty cute old style crimson-like adventure game. Game is a bit short, but the platforming is interesting. Music was good, and the graphics are okay. A bit rough at points, but I enjoyed the overall experience.

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[1] Like
Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 35 35
Apr 13, 2022
For: I Wanna Be the Boshy 2: Boshy Boogaloo
Pretty short game made in Construct 3. There's no variable jump height or sound of any kind, but the platforming feels okay and it's not too easy of a game. There's jump refresher shenanigans and some traps. Visuals are poor but they don't get in the way or anything.

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[0] Likes
Rating: 3.0 30       Difficulty: 30 30
Apr 13, 2022

6 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
aiwana.html 49.0 8.4 3
I Wanna Catch the Clown 53.6 8.5 31
I Wanna Do The Funny Jump 36.6 7.8 18
Game Maker Patch Tool - Debugger Helper 62.5 10.0 17
renex engine 100.0 9.9 20
renex needle 49.0 4.4 14