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For: I wanna happy birthday fragnaticc
Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Meme SeizureWarning
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 13, 2018
For: I wanna be the 向かい合う顔文字
One of the better Rose Gear Guy games. A fight where you'll have to shoot some kanji that moves up and down while dodging spiderbros by using the gravity arrows. If you fall out of the map or get hit by one of the spiderbros you die.

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Tagged as: Boss Rose_Gear_Guy
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 37 37
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy
ive never played a needle that constantly blew my mind with how perfect every object is placed, with how the pixels constantly line up perfectly to be balanced, how it made structures of needles that both looked amazing, and functioned well or how every save felt like an achievement in itself

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be United
A very nice, very easy puzzle game. There weren't any points where i got stuck for more than a few minutes.

You have 2 kids, one can shoot but can't double jump, the other can double jump but can't shoot. You can switch between the two.

I had fun with this game, puzzles were easy and bosses were very easy.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 20 20
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna one for all
One For All is a collab between 8 makers, each contributing their own stage or boss to the game. I'll go into detail about each stage, but the tl;dr is that it's a pretty solid game with a couple of real awkward and tedious segments. I found the beginning areas to be very frustrating despite the production value, but once I'd pushed into the later ones I started having a great time.

Stage 1 is by Hanamogeta, and despite my big appreciation for his other games I just didn't have a fun time with this stage. It utilized a screen tilt sort-of gimmick where you have to balance something on the small game window you play on, which just felt very awkward to control and pull off. The miniboss in the area also had a very confusing end in regards to the warp, although if you want a pointer I'd recommend trying to keep it as centred as possible by the time you kill the boss. The production value is pretty impressive though, and it's an interesting concept for a stage, just not one I had fun with unfortunately.

Following this, Tsuta takes the stage with a boss (the game follows the stage -> boss -> stage -> boss format). Like the previous stage, I wasn't a big fan of this. The boss is essentially a Bomberman tribute which is mainly pattern until the end which can turn into some 5000 IQ mindgames with you trying to predict the boss movements. Block-ledge layouts are one of my peeves in fangames when you're forced to do them quickly, and as you might expect from a Bomberman layout, there'll be plenty of those here.

Klein is the 3rd, and this is where I started to enjoy the game a lot more. The stage is based around more standard platforming with some spike traps, moving cherries and even a very enjoyable puzzle screen which had a very interesting conclusion. This felt very much like Klein's other games such as Emperor and Butterfly, although of a much easier difficulty which ended up feeling just right to me.

Following that, Nikunashi Gyudon 800 yen's boss is up next. This was the only maker I wasn't familiar with before playing, although the boss turns out to be pretty fun. It takes some quick thinking to beat and may cause a bit of frustration if the gimmick doesn't appeal quickly, but I ended up having a good time with it. The ending will also test everything you've learnt, so be ready for that.

The third platforming stage is made by Doruppi, and is probably my favourite stage in the game. It's a sideways tower filled with variety, ranging from rolling HD apples, spot-the-difference tests, surprisingly reasonable block puzzles and even some Mary Poppins cosplay. It's just a really fun stage, and definitely one of the highlights for me.

The boss following this is made by Dagger, and is a fairly short and simple boss utilizing walljump and some guy with big wings. Some attacks definitely felt like they provided way more damage openings than others but nothing felt awkward to play around or overly complicated. Overall a fun fight without too much to say about it.

Aqua brings the 4th and final platforming stage to the table, which whilst feeling rather short ends up being fairly fun and unique. Each screen has a different sort of theme, with a bit of needle and puzzles thrown in here and there. There's also quite a spooky trap that might catch you off guard, but you'll find that in your own time.

The game ends with Carnival making the boss, and I was a bit mixed on it. Some attacks are fun to dodge and play around, but it just goes on for far too long. If each phase lasted half the time then I think the problems I had would've been alleviated, and maybe it's possible to get 3 shots in per cycle to try skipping the 2nd cycle of each attack, but it became quite tedious to do the early (and easy) attacks for so long to die to something more challenging later on. Some of the later attacks are a little learny too and caught me off-guard which added to the frustration a bit. It's an okay boss but ultimately I think it would've benefited from having far less HP and less downtime.

So overall, it's a mixed bag but with the good stuff mostly outweighing the bad stuff. If you can get past the early hitches then you're in for a good ride. Better yet, if you can enjoy the early stuff then you're probably set for a great time. Give it a try!

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Tagged as: Adventure Gimmick Boss
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Rating: 7.6 76       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the Rain
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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna battle Challenge <in needle world>
A needle game with 8 stages and an Extra.
The first four stages are really easy but the four stages are high difficult.

You need clear the 8 stages with fewer than 100 deaths

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Aug 12, 2018
For: I Wanna Kill the Kermit 3
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Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 80 80
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna be the Sugar
The sequel to Salt, though I see it as more of a prequel.
Follows similarly to Salt in that you can beat the game normally and it's a pretty fun, not that long, relatively easy adventure. 100% on the other hand...

The game requires a lot of secrets that are pretty hard to find on your own, but you can very easily go back and find them after you've beaten a stage. The Gray stage unlocks after getting all secret parts, and to get secret parts you need all of the secret keys. Some of the keys are in pretty out of the way places, but none are unbearable.

The platforming is what makes this game worth it. I have said before and I will state it here, if Yo-yo made a game with the platforming of sugar and the bosses of salt it would be a 10/10 from me.

Still, would recommend to anyone who liked Salt, likes adventure games, or just wants a game to start out with to play progressively to get better.

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[4] Likes
Rating: 9.4 94       Difficulty: 75 75
Aug 12, 2018
For: I wanna Classic

No need to describe too much. if you have played it, you will be touched.

There are hardly adventure fangames can reach it's level.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Gimmick Long Adventrue
[2] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 86 86
Aug 12, 2018
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