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For: I wanna BD Needle Trials
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Rating: 3.5 35       Difficulty: 40 40
Sep 6, 2015
For: I Wanna Extra Needle Game
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Rating: 0.1 1       Difficulty: 100 100
Sep 6, 2015
For: I wanna Crush it
This is gold compared to some recent fangames


Really fun and interesting level design, I did find some saves annoying but it was just a few of them. The spikes on the right side warp were blended in with the tileset and was confusing and disorienting, kinda like L needle games.


Some of the attacks were pretty unique like the single jump attack, most of the attacks were original. I don't usually like avoidances, but I felt like this one was alright. Now for the song, it's not my cup of tea.

All in all, great game.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance
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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 6, 2015

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Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 6, 2015
For: I wanna go the Floatkid
Tagged as: Gimmick Dotkid
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Rating: 2.0 20       Difficulty: 26 26
Sep 6, 2015
For: I wanna be the 1map
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Rating: 1.9 19       Difficulty: 53 53
Sep 6, 2015
For: I wanna be Medvedev
Rating based on the old version, since that's the one I played. I recommend playing the new version, though, since the old version has an extremely annoying glitch regarding defeating Purple Path's boss and then dying for no reason at the stage selection screen, while you fall, with no chance of saving. I believe that it's fixed in the new version, though, so I'm not taking it into consideration for the rating.
I had high hopes for this one. It started so well...The troll stage at the beginning was really funny, and the fake end screen didn't take too long to disappear, so I don't think that many people will be fooled by that. After the fake end screen, you can choose between two stages, and once you beat both of them, you clear the game. Each stage has an avoidance boss at the end. I started with the purple stage, and it was great. Funny trolls everywhere, good level design, the trollskull was a bit overused, but other than that, the stage was really great. I also enjoyed the avoidance, even if I had to clear it three times due to a cheap glitch. It's well-made, good visuals, interesting attacks, quite challenging...I like it.
And with that, I saw the best of the game. Red Stage is a disaster. A disaster with some enjoyable stuff, but still a disaster. It's the gimmick stage, featuring lots of old gimmicks. One of the screens is the classic troll moving platform, which is some sort of improvement to the disappearing blocks. But the platform starts moving so slowly that I felt like I was playing Dallas again. And since it's a troll moving platform, I died a lot, so I had to do it AGAIN. Lots of times. The mirror gimmick (Blocks at one side and spikes at the other side) is usually fun to use, but...Not when you make the mirror diagonal (Trying to figure out the spike placement in this thing is hell), and definitely not when you try to mix them with tricky jumps involving spikes that change positions as you jump. The other two rooms weren't bad, though. The avoidance, though...I'd rather forget that it exists. It's good-looking, the music is nice, and the attacks are creative...But terrible to avoid. Heavy patterns from the beginning to the end, weird attacks that will take more than just a few deaths until you can figure them completely. There's a bit of RNG, but it's mostly just about deaths and learning, and repeating everything over and over again. Boooring.
It's one of those fangames that I'd only recommend playing halfway through. Maybe there's a chance that you might like the Red Stage, but I don't recommend trying it out. Would recommend checking out the purple path, though.

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Tagged as: Avoidance Trap Gimmick
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Rating: 6.0 60       Difficulty: 57 57
Sep 6, 2015
For: I wanna be the Rex
Tagged as: YoSniper_contest_2015
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 5, 2015
For: I wanna enter Ironically
Tagged as: YoSniper_contest_2014
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 5, 2015
For: I wanna conceptualize the Omnitruncated Tesseract
Tagged as: YoSniper_contest_2014
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Sep 5, 2015
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