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Joined on: Oct 28, 2019

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28 Reviews

For: I wanna stop the Simulation
I really wanted to like this game. I really did. But going through the SMB2 stage honestly just made me quit it. All of the traps in the stage just felt like a straight "fuck you" instead of actually providing any sort of enjoyment or fun. Some are placed at the end of saves and will stop you from progressing if you don't react to them properly forcing you to do the save again. I just genuinely don't find that kind of thing funny when it's presented in such a save that is already quite difficult to perform. It's not all bad, I think it's cool when a game gets recreated and mechanics from that game get used in similar fashion as the original, like here with the pick-up gimmick. But I did find the platforming to be just overall tedious and/or overly precise. As a key point I perhaps expected it to follow more in the footsteps of SMB2 and not just being fangame difficulty with SMB2 elements sprinkled in. As for the boss, well...... I've seen mecha birdo multiple times from the original and I hate to admit that I would rather fight it in the original. The changes done to it are just not great in my opinion and I would like it to be tweaked quite a lot more, like making it move faster, giving it iframes (you know, QOL because mashing sucks), making the rockets faster, making it more obvious when it's gonna shoot lasers (I know the eyes lit up but it's really hard to tell if it's gonna shoot a rocket or lasers), perhaps by making the eyes blink or emit some sort of light particles before shooting. It can also be quite the challenge at times to reach a rocket while dodging and I found myself dropping off accidentally multiple times finding myself dead.

Runnerman or whatever I couldn't really relate to as it's not a game I'm familiar with but it's probably a pretty cool stage to try to go fast in (which I suppose is the point given this was a blind race game).

Even with the negative points I would still like to give high praise for the amazing visuals and sound design of this game, even if I did not enjoy it and gave up.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 60 60
May 23, 2020
For: I wanna be the friend shrine
Nothing much to really say about this game. It's more or less your regular run of the mill sudoku but with actually some pretty interesting gimmicks (counting cryptic screens). If you like sudoku games this will no doubt be enjoyable.

Note: some warps will intentionally crash your game and the save/load functionality of the game is also supposedly intentionally broken so you will have to start over.

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Tagged as: Sudoku Merzbow
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 40 40
May 18, 2020
For: I Wanna Make Another Stupid Avoidance
It's a game with a 2-3 room long needle screen with no saves (outside the avoidance room saving you) and a couple pretty tricky jumps which leads to an avoidance. The avoidance doesn't really have anything too interesting and the sync is questionable at best. Also the last attack is far harder to read than the others so expect to die to that. Also also for some reason the bouncing bullets during the avoidance are confined to the top right area of the screen......

I don't necessarily recommend it but it can definitely be a lot worse.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Short
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 45 45
Apr 18, 2020
For: I wanna be the Four seasons
Decent needle game with seasonal themes coupled with some ...weird, but charming visuals. Overall I'd definitely rate the game around a 40 difficulty but considering how much harder winter is (I'd say around 60-65 ish) a person around 55 level should be able to somewhat confidently beat that area as well.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Apr 15, 2020
For: Designer L's Wacky Randventure!
I like to call the liquid stuff that comes first out of the ketchup bottle 'Clart.'

Update: actual rating

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Tagged as: RNG
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 55 55
Feb 30, 2020

6 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams 26.0 7.7 91
I am here 26.4 7.8 19
I Want to Meet Miki 48.9 8.6 31
Loveless 33.3 6.7 9
Money 61.7 7.3 10
The Kidrooms 2.5 4.3 7
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GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Siren Head 50.0 N/A