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Joined on: Oct 28, 2019

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28 Reviews

For: Boshy Remastered
A sudoku game made for the Fangame Marathon 2020 blind sudoku race. As the name suggests, this game is very much based on Boshy, in levels following the same progression to the bosses being...... the same enemy but with a twist. Given how this is a sudoku game you really shouldn't expect for this to offer you a Boshy-like experience in anything except the visuals being straight up ripped from the game in various ways. I'd recommend it if you enjoy sudoku games and have some knowledge about Boshy as that can come helpful.

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Tagged as: Adventure Sudoku FM2020
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 22, 2020
For: I wanna collaboration the Hareta & Blackcat EZedition(はれたver)
No idea what the difference is between this and the other EZ version (or even the normal version), so I can't really compare them for the sake of this review. I found the needle in this game to be actually pretty satisfying to pull off and overall the design was just good. Extra falls off a bit and so do the secrets with many more named jumps with not many reasonable nerfs but they weren't too bad. Visuals are pretty okay-ish to not good, but not that they matter much in the delivery of a game where the gameplay is most important.

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Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 45 45
Jun 19, 2020
For: I wanna be the Kelastrophe
Avoidance with heavy curving shenanigans, rng barrage and mild patterning. Comes with a preview mode that keeps count of how many times you get hit.

No memes as the readme suggests.

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Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jun 16, 2020
For: I wanna walk to the store
As stupid as it may sound, these kinds of games are exactly why I play games. I treat them more as experiences than something you play from start to finish. And this game did definitely deliver an experience.
There's a lot left to perception by the player about what the story really is about, as it's possible the desert itself could be treated as symbolism instead of it actually being a physical desert. The cactuses could be people, perhaps. What is beautiful is that it doesn't tell you if what you're seeing is true or not.
The walk and the "quest" perhaps being easier to explain. It's unknown if it's a child sent to retrieve alcohol or if it's perhaps a loved one. But the atmosphere would definitely lend off a vibe that makes abuse a possible cause.

Chances are I'm looking too much into it.
The game could definitely be improved in a couple ways to perhaps make it more spooky than surreal, like having fitting setpieces, but I'm sure it's surreal on purpose.

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Tagged as: surreal Fangame
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 20 20
Jun 10, 2020
For: Siren Head
A game designed (designed may be a pretty strong word considering it doesn't really have that much to do with the creature itself) around the Siren Head urban legend. It consists of 2 screens, with the other one of them being an avoidance. Both are accompanied with Siren Head themed sounds and music (???).
The first screen is pretty empty and consists of a selection between 3 different jumps that lead to potentially another couple more jumps, and that's pretty much it. The avoidance is extremely rng heavy and fluke-y considering the nature of high speed barrage with no discernible pattern. Even if you were to be able to read them chances are you'd have a really difficult time actually avoiding them most of the time.

And as a final note, the difficulty select screen has a couple kids placed so it might damage your hearing when you press buttons.

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Tagged as: Needle Avoidance Horror
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 50 50
Jun 6, 2020

6 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I Wanna Defeat The Eater Of Dreams 26.5 7.6 87
I am here 26.6 7.9 19
I Want to Meet Miki 48.9 8.6 31
Loveless 33.3 6.7 9
Money 61.7 7.3 10
The Kidrooms 2.5 3.4 6
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1 Cleared Game

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Siren Head 50.0 N/A