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17 Reviews

For: I wanna Grow Up
Oh boy I am not a fan of this game. While most fangames take assets and ideas from multiple different games or strike out on their own, this takes heavy inspiration from the Megaman franchise. "So what?" you might ask, so did the original IWBTG. Yeah, but when I say "takes inspiration" I actually mean "is basically a Megaman fangame".

All of the aesthetics are dreary and, soundtrack is annoying, and the problems of Megaman (notably endlessly respawning enemies that you often need to button mash to get through) are very much on display. There's a mechanic that gives you the weapon/ammunition from bosses you beat, which can be used in later levels. Only problem is that any ammo you used is lost upon restarting, which during boss fights that don't have ammo drops basically means you have one chance to use them and beat the boss before losing the opportunity completely.

Beyond that, the final boss is random and aggravating, the cutscene at the end is vulgar and comes out of no where, and the one-notednesss of the gameplay is boring, plain and simple. Easily my least favourite experience in fangaming.

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Rating: 3.8 38       Difficulty: 42 42
Mar 20, 2024
For: WannaFest 22
What can be said about this game that hasn't already been said? The quality and vision is through the roof.

A collaborative effort between some of the most talented creators in the community, the game is basically an anthology split up into different segments that are inspired by, and adhere very closely, to some other famous video games. This includes Wario Land 4 for the GBA, Parappa the Rappa, Monkey Ball, and Klonoa (which is such a treat to see given its relative obscurity).

The level of effort and polish is insane here. It is almost fully voice acting, which includes the original creator of IWBTG, Kayin; has an enormous number of achievements, some of which are quite unique and challenging; and multiple different endings depending on how well you do across the entire game.

So why isn't this an easy 10 for me? Well, like with other anthology games like "Run the Marathon" and "Save the Ship", the total package will only be as good as the individual segments within it. This one in particular I think plays the sections too straight; as someone who played both the original Wario and Klonoa games I can attest that the verisimilitude is freakishly on point. While not for a second demeaning the technical excellence required to basically recreate those other games in a fangame context, the result isn't transformative enough to really justify a higher score in my mind. This is particularly an issue if you don't like, or are not good at, one of those other genres of games. As an example, I play fangames because they're platformers at their core; I neither like, or am good at, Monkey ball, so that section was utterly miserable for me to play through. Sections like that reduce any desire for me to play the game end-to-end ever again.

Overall this no doubt stands as one of the greatest fangames ever created, and a mile stone of both technical quality and collaboration. Whether you personally like what's on display here though is a different matter.

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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 20, 2024
For: I Wanna Eclipse
This is an extremely interesting addition to the fangame canon. The most important thing to know is that basically every graphic in this game is original and hand-crafted. It still undoubtedly looks and feels like a fangame, but it's distinct enough to be an indie game that could be sold for like $5 on steam in its own right.

The level of quality here is really quite impressive. The soundtrack is fit to purpose, the difficulty balancing is well done, there are some utterly hilarious little cutscenes, as well as secrets scattered throughout that can help you out in boss fights and unlock some post-game content as well. (Well, technically it's the true ending.)

The bosses here are a standout. The wizard is so cool, with lots of little animations that really bring him to life (the "Teddy Bears' Picnic"/"Fantasia" music during the boss fight is such a bop). The robot boss is fantastic as well, one of my favourite in fangaming. Bizarrely, the final boss is probably the most meh, especially the final sequence, which is a little underwhelming.

Only real negative is the end platforming section, which is a considerable step up in difficulty and leads to a a final boss who as mentioned doesn't seem compelling enough to justify the effort.

Overall this is a tremendous work, showing a real love, verve and effort. Strongly recommended.

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Rating: 9.0 90       Difficulty: 52 52
Mar 19, 2024
For: Empty [Oyasumi 24/7]
I am not an Avoidance fan and therefore not the intended audience, so I won't give it a quality rating. Just know that the gameplay is essentially just a one and half minute avoidance sequence with no saves. There is an additional top-down RPG segment at the end, but it doesn't add too much to the experience.

This game has an interesting aesthetic, with the colour palette mostly being restricted to blacks, whites and reds. The creator seems to have been influenced by the indie video game Omori, with images more or else lifted from the game appearing in it. The avoidance sequence itself is pretty stock standard and won't incline any non-avoidance fans to the genre who aren't already sold on it; you either like grinding these type of segments or you don't. Probably the biggest conceit is that various texts (distractingly) appear in the background, mostly laments or edgy/nihilistic phrases.

It might sound like I'm being harsh, and in some ways I am. This game is too short and doesn't offer enough to justify much time investment. Nonetheless, I appreciate a game that takes inspiration from more niche external sources (i.e. Omori) and plays with the typical aesthetic of a fangame. This one definitely has an unnerving and melancholic atmosphere, and the limited colour palette is well done.

Even though I didn't personally enjoy it, I'd be happy to see more games that feel like they came from a place of genuine feeling and verve from the creator, as it does in this game.

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 60 60
Mar 19, 2024
For: I Wanna [Expunged] the [Expunged]
I've been looking for fangames that explore different or unique genres in interesting ways, and this one certainly lives up to that ideal. A short (<35 min for first time complete) horror which has little in the way of platforming but a lot in the way of atmosphere.

The story is based around the SCP collaborative-wiki/creepypasta series, where you're wandering around a dank underground bunker encountering all kinds of spooky and unnerving monstrosities. Most of the story is related through terminals, that operate both as save points and as a way to get more information on different monsters based on files you pick up.

The terminal info is well-handled, as you both get retrospective information of a creature you just encountered (in a "what the hell was that" kind of way) as well as foreshadowing of what is to come (which increases the tension). The music is appropriate and gives scary vibes (I believe it has music from the Silent Hill series, for instance). The use of darkness and torches is also a nice touch, and some of the monsters are legitimately creepy. There's even a jump scare in there that works well enough.

My main criticisms include; the terminal text speed is far too slow (you should have an option in the menu to speed it up 100%); some of the monsters in the files don't appear in the game, which makes me wonder what the point is (apparently 999 is in there according to the readme, but from 2 playthroughs I couldn't figure out where it was); and there just isn't an enormous amount of content or variation here.

As it is, this game is probably a 65-75, but I'll give it a boost because I love the originality and concept and want to encourage more games like this. This is exactly the kind of expectation subverting game I want to see being produced by the fangame community. If we could see a sequel that cleans up some of the issues, builds in a more detailed story, expands the monster roster and lengthens the game substantially, we could be looking at a game-of-the-year level concept.

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 18 18
Mar 19, 2024
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6 Favorite Games

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