romrom4444's Profile
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31 Reviews
For: I Wanna Lockpick
For: I Wanna Lockpick
This review is based on a 100% clear of part 1, but the difficulty rating is relevant to an any% clear (referring to The Labyrinth as the requirement for any%). This is a very well designed game, and has consistently had me going "Wow" at the concepts in the puzzles or at how mind bending some of the gimmicks were. In particular, solving the big puzzles is an experience that has stuck with me for longer than just the few moments after doing it, and will definitely stick with me for a very long time, which is why I give it a 10. In general, being stuck on a puzzle has not given me a feeling of hopelessness, and rather has made clearing it infinitely more satisfying, which is exactly what you would look for. All in all a very special experience, and I would recommend it to any puzzle game enthusiast.
Tagged as: Puzzle
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Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 80 80
Mar 2, 2024
For: I Wanna Escape The Harsh Reality of Being Polish
For: I Wanna Escape The Harsh Reality of Being Polish
This is my secret santa game for Tetrafield. It is my second release, and my first that isn't just a meme. I am quite happy with what I managed to accomplish with it, though my focus was mainly visual design. Hopefully in my following releases I will also improve on gameplay.
[2] Likes
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Feb 17, 2024
For: I wanna be the Fishing Temple
For: I wanna be the Fishing Temple
The pinnacle of sudoku. This game genuinely does what it does so well, and does not fail to crack out a laugh with every save. The ending is also really cool, it's just a really awesome experience of a game.
[3] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 29, 2024
romrom4444 [Creator]
For: I Wanna Acquire the Considerably Strange Custodians
For: I Wanna Acquire the Considerably Strange Custodians
This is my first release, it's a 45 second meme avoidance that is quite bullshit, but I think I accomplished what I wanted to and even more than that.
if you downloaded the game before the 3rd of November at 2:21 GMT then you should redownload the game, I made an oopsie.
[1] Like
if you downloaded the game before the 3rd of November at 2:21 GMT then you should redownload the game, I made an oopsie.
Rating: N/A
Difficulty: N/A
Nov 3, 2023
1 Game
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna Acquire the Considerably Strange Custodians | 83.0 | 7.6 | 5 |
User's favorites list is empty!
1 Cleared Game
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna Arcana of the Tarot | 60.0 | 9.8 |