Smajsnamz's Profile
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Joined on: Jan 16, 2017
I tend to try and play games without ratings.
Only using 1-10 ratings as I find 1-100 too much for a person to pinpoint well. That's what averages are for.
I use this list for my difficulty rating guidelines. Example a game with almost soley moderately difficult platforming around the 6 range that has a screen of 7 at the end will still be ranked as a 6. Likewise a game with that same measurement but a last screen difficulty of 8 might get a 7 difficulty rating.
10 - Last TIS
9 - Kamilia 3
8 - Crimson Needle 2
7 - Kamilia 2
6 - NANG
5 - Cultured 1
4 - Citadel
3 - Bread
2 - Yellow Stars
1 - Challenge 100 trials
My personal ratings usually follow a somewhat predefined list of checks as follow. Obviously with all the diversity in fangames things can go up and down in rating based on a plethora of criteria. Something like the first half of the game being amazing and the last half falling flat might deserve a 5 for instance. This is just a quick idea of how I rate games in a broad sense.
1 - Hardly anything went into making this type of game.
2 - Shows some signs of effort.
3 - Generally novice game makers who tried but just didn't hit any marks.
4 - Fair effort given just lack of actual good execution.
5 - Time was invested and levels thought out just nothing special.
6 - Sparks of creativity or ingenuity arise.
7 - Ideas are well fleshed out and the games generally been put through multiple renditions.
8 - Production value exists on top of good game play.
9 - Either these games do something really really REALLY well or they're above any expectations, with major attractions covering their few flaws.
10 - I save this rating for generally 1 game at a time based on what I think is the best fangame I've ever played and had the most fun playing.
I've submitted:
77 Ratings!
74 Reviews!
99 Screenshots!
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74 Reviews
I wanna be the Gel
Super Rng dependant avoidance to an awesome song that really gets you moving.... Assuming intro lets you. Once the fight starts you really feel the partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. I have yet to clear it myself but one day I hope to update this review.
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 90 90
Jan 19, 2017
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN
Platforming a great mix of open environment and closed corridor and a few inbetweens. The bosses are really what shine for me though. While you do have the option to skip all but the last boss by doing some more difficult needle I encourage everyone to challenge the bosses a few in particular will really give you a nice hands on feel for what fangames can be for you. Once you beat them once doing it again is a piece of cake and that sort of improvement is what I highly encourage in fangame players. If you wanna do both the needle and the boss lucky you, you can! Highly recommended.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 19, 2017
I wanna Scramble
The platforming is relatively short and sweet. The last screen being my favourite, easy to easy-meduim long save. Where polaroid himself says he shines is 100% true in this game as well. The boss is an eyegasm worth the download. Check it out!
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 19, 2017
I wanna jump the Shark 2
The creators of this game feel like they went over it with a fine shark-tooth comb. Editting out and building up aesthetic and balancing difficulty. A few bosses hit the lack luster radar on my end, but were visually spot on regardless. This game has required extra and its highly recommended you get it. Extra in this game is some of the best extra I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It includes 1 stage filled with meduim level jumps and medium level length saves a perfect fit for most players to feel good running through. The last bosses are (normal and extra) are both incredibly high production value and great send offs for whichever path you choose to end at. As far as feeling accomplished once beaten this is probably it. Its rough around the edges giving you a normal fangame grit but refined enough to keep you wanting more till the end.
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 60 60
Jan 19, 2017
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2
The first real entry to what a medley game could be. A game that transcended fangame players skills and know-how. Influka and Kamilia really poured time and effort into going through this game, selecting screens and making bosses. If you've got some fangame experience and really want to up your level this is arguably the best place to start. When you get stuck move on and come back you'll be ready before you know it. It takes some people upwards of 100 hours to beat this game but coming out they're now veterans, in our community this is stepping stone as well as a landmark. Talk with the community ask for tips and keep us updated on progress we love to hear it. TIME TO GO KILL A KAMILIA!
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Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 19, 2017
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