Smajsnamz's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: Jan 16, 2017
I tend to try and play games without ratings.
Only using 1-10 ratings as I find 1-100 too much for a person to pinpoint well. That's what averages are for.
I use this list for my difficulty rating guidelines. Example a game with almost soley moderately difficult platforming around the 6 range that has a screen of 7 at the end will still be ranked as a 6. Likewise a game with that same measurement but a last screen difficulty of 8 might get a 7 difficulty rating.
10 - Last TIS
9 - Kamilia 3
8 - Crimson Needle 2
7 - Kamilia 2
6 - NANG
5 - Cultured 1
4 - Citadel
3 - Bread
2 - Yellow Stars
1 - Challenge 100 trials
My personal ratings usually follow a somewhat predefined list of checks as follow. Obviously with all the diversity in fangames things can go up and down in rating based on a plethora of criteria. Something like the first half of the game being amazing and the last half falling flat might deserve a 5 for instance. This is just a quick idea of how I rate games in a broad sense.
1 - Hardly anything went into making this type of game.
2 - Shows some signs of effort.
3 - Generally novice game makers who tried but just didn't hit any marks.
4 - Fair effort given just lack of actual good execution.
5 - Time was invested and levels thought out just nothing special.
6 - Sparks of creativity or ingenuity arise.
7 - Ideas are well fleshed out and the games generally been put through multiple renditions.
8 - Production value exists on top of good game play.
9 - Either these games do something really really REALLY well or they're above any expectations, with major attractions covering their few flaws.
10 - I save this rating for generally 1 game at a time based on what I think is the best fangame I've ever played and had the most fun playing.
I've submitted:
77 Ratings!
74 Reviews!
99 Screenshots!
77 Games
74 Reviews
For: I wanna bye the Bye
For: I wanna be the Phantom
For: I wanna be the LoveTrap
For: I Wanna be the Last TIS
For: I wanna be the Aquamarine
4 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna have a Cherishable Night | 70.0 | 8.0 |
I wanna be the good Hentai | N/A | N/A |
I wanna be the good Hentai 2 | N/A | N/A |
I wanna be the good Hentai 3 | N/A | N/A |
75 Cleared Games