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Joined on: Mar 22, 2018



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70 Ratings!
68 Reviews!
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70 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I Wanna Eclipse 55.0 10.0
I Wanna Be The GBC N/A 10.0
I wanna kill the Kermit 2 70.0 10.0
I wanna realize 60.0 9.8
I wanna CoinStack 1000 N/A 9.7
I Wanna Start A Party N/A 9.6
I wanna kill the 3sweepor N/A 9.6
I Wanna Pray to the Platform God 70.0 9.5
You give me butterflies, and I take them away 62.0 9.5
Milky Ways 58.0 9.4
I Wanna Kill The BLB 2: Nemesis Tamatou 45.0 9.3
I Wanna Duloxetine N/A 9.3
I Wanna Kill the Kermit 3 80.0 9.3
I Wanna Love My Little Rooms 61.0 9.2
I Wanna Be The Hungrytag 41.0 9.0
I wanna Burnmind 55.0 9.0
Full Techno Jackass N/A 9.0
We Live Under The Stairs 20.0 8.9
I Wanna Goreshit N/A 8.9
I wanna let my balloons go 40.0 8.8
A Minimal Adventure 35.0 8.6
I wanna eat the lemon 20.0 8.3
I Wanna Be The Caretaker N/A 8.0
The Disappointment Documents N/A 8.0
I wanna make a Sandwich 53.0 7.6
I Wanna Escape The Manor N/A 7.5
I wanna kill the minesweepor 37.0 7.5
I Wanna Fleeting Pink 41.0 7.2
I Wanna Vibe With The Gods 71.0 7.2
I Wanna Assimilate The Needle 72.0 7.0
I wanna escape the mansion 30.0 7.0
I Wanna Enjoy My Dreams 50.0 7.0
Radiant Needle 33.0 7.0
I wanna kill the 2sweepor 51.0 6.8
A cup of Milk 48.0 6.8
I wanna be the Galaxy Friend Remix 44.0 6.6
i wanna meme area 30.0 6.2
The Mage's Lair Returns 35.0 6.0
I wanna end the PTSD N/A 5.9
I wanna leave Africa N/A 5.6
I Wanna BF 55.0 5.2
I wanna walk to the store N/A 5.0
I wanna Thank to Sugar 46.0 4.7
I Wanna Devastate the Miku Concert 55.0 4.1
I Wanna Be The Mountain Man 40.0 4.0
Domu N/A 4.0
I wanna be the Grandpa 22.0 3.0
I Wanna Be The Decadence N/A 2.6
I wanna end my eternal hunt for a true waifu 70.0 1.1
I Wanna Be The PlayerDashNeedle 30.0 1.0
Level α 1.0 0.6
Hey shitass N/A 0.0
I wanna be the shitty avoidance N/A 0.0
I Wanna be the Matryoshka 64.0 N/A
Monmouth Has Frozen Over And So Have I 55.0 N/A
CRT Needle 60.0 N/A
Super F II - Rebirth N/A N/A
i WANNA be mint N/A N/A
I Wanna Play My First Fangame N/A N/A
MONMOUTHIAN Cell Dream 75.0 N/A
Not Another Generic Needle v 0.0.1 N/A N/A
Panasonic Bluray 55.0 N/A
I Wanna Be the Immaculate Scumble 75.0 N/A
Not_The_Boshy's improved needle game N/A N/A
I Wanna Travel The Night Sky N/A N/A
Jingle Jam N/A N/A
WannaFest 22 N/A N/A

68 Reviews

For: Not Another Generic Needle v 0.0.1
I have not played this game, but I want to give some advice to the creator. Please do not release 100+ demos of your game. Release 1 final version of your game.

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[6] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Jan 3, 2021
For: I Wanna Vibe With The Gods
I really am sorry to rate this game lower than the other reviews on this game. I really am. I have nothing against Watson and any of his games, in fact, I enjoyed his previous work quite a lot. However, I did not enjoy this game as much.

This game is very similar to Morning Dew in its style of gimmicks. It often goes outside the box and creates gimmicks that are super cool! My favorites were the apple boss (don't give them too much trouble) and the race stage. The gimmicks also never get old because stages are often 1-2 screens each. However, a large amount of the gimmicks in this game are quite annoying. Some stages that annoyed me were the many jumps apple stage, the autonomous arc stage, and the follow-the-number/align stage. While these gimmicks are very creative, they aren't fun to play with.

I also think this game has too many gimmicks. Don't get me wrong, I love gimmick needle. However, with better gimmick games like Morning Dew, not every stage has a gimmick. There are normal needle stages between the crazy gimmick stages that make the crazy stages (Minesweeper, Rocket Kid, etc.) more interesting. In this game, pretty much every stage has a gimmick like the two listed above, so the novelty wears off quick.

Also, I want to quickly rant on the Math stage. I know you can skip it, but why do you have to wait so long to do so? And if you can skip it, why have it in the game? Why not use a different, easier math problem to be more inclusive? (sorry, I'm a Math scrub. Having to wait to skip it really broke the flow of the game for me. Don't pay too much attention to this part of the review.)

The last thing I want to complain about is the music choice. The music in all of the stages (except for the final boss, banger choice there) is very repetitive, and often, it's a 15 second loop played over and over. It gets grating after a short while.

I know I complained a lot about this game, but it's really not all bad. Visually, this game is a treat. Watson continues to establish his own art style in games while experimenting with backgrounds, shaders, hand-made drawings, and more. It all comes together and it looks fantastic.

I would recommend this game to you if you liked games like I Want; super experimental games that do lots of new things. But I would not recommend if you liked Morning Dew and you want more of that.

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Tagged as: Math
[2] Likes
Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 71 71
Jan 2, 2021
For: Hey shitass
Hey shitass, wanna see me flood the wiki with shit games? Stupid bitch.

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[8] Likes
Rating: 0.0 0       Difficulty: N/A
Oct 24, 2020
For: You give me butterflies, and I take them away
This game made me cry. Extremely good in its ideas and the messages it communicates.

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Tagged as: Gimmick Short
[2] Likes
Rating: 9.5 95       Difficulty: 62 62
Oct 16, 2020
For: The Disappointment Documents
Nice little collection of egg's unfinished games. Personally, I wasn't able to clear any of them (due to my skill) but it's nice to see the evolution of this creator's work. Even if you aren't good at needle, it's worth it for the visuals to just skip through the screens with debug mode.

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[2] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: N/A
May 22, 2020

10 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
CRT Needle 48.9 5.5 7
I Wanna Be the Immaculate Scumble 72.9 7.9 32
I Wanna be the Matryoshka 64.7 7.8 18
Monmouth Has Frozen Over And So Have I 57.0 9.2 13
MONMOUTHIAN Cell Dream 70.8 9.1 11
Panasonic Bluray 52.6 8.7 73
I Wanna Play My First Fangame 31.1 5.7 20
I wanna be the shitty avoidance 75.0 3.1 4
I Wanna Travel The Night Sky 45.9 5.8 22