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Joined on: Apr 20, 2015


Just another fangamer.

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9 Ratings!
9 Reviews!
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9 Reviews

For: I wanna thank you Garrettp375
This game has a lot of interesting gimmicks with very steep learning curves, and none of them linger for any amount of time. Aside from gimmicks, it also has some interesting and fun needle. I loved the puzzle solving aspect of trying different strategies, some jumps seeming impossible until you figure out the correct strategy. In other cases, there are even multiple ways of doing the jump, which I enjoyed.

A couple of screens in this game do feel overly sadistic though, putting the most difficult jump/gimmick near the end of a save. I did not enjoy having to play through 20 seconds of needle before I could throw myself at a jump I had no idea on how to approach. This is only a problem if you, like me, are not a seasoned gimmick needle player. And even still, it was an enjoyable experience overall.

Music/Visuals are great, but one background in particular made my whole vision "slide to the left" after I had stared at it for a while. I'm not sure if this was the intended effect.

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 65 65
Sep 25, 2023
For: WannaFest 22
I like it when the Kid screams.

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Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 55 55
Aug 14, 2023
For: I wanna Common Jump
This is a really fun, short gimmick game, that changes how your jump behaves. The stages are ok, but the bosses, while they are somewhat trial and error, are really fun. The production value is also top-notch. I wouldn't recommend this game to newcomers as there are a lot of somewhat hard sections, and it starts of pretty hard.

Full Review:
This game consists of 3 stages, each with their own general gimmick. These stages consist of a platforming section (forgetful but sometimes really fun) and a boss (really fun for the most part).

The first stage is all about gravity flipping, with your jump being able to switch gravity, like in VVVVVV. The second stage is about infinity jump. The third stage, and the most fun one in my opinion, is all about a high jump. The platforming in this stage is really fun, and the boss wis also really fun, but hard.

Overall this game is really fun to play through. I made a good decision trying a new fangame :)

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Tagged as: Gimmick
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Rating: 7.1 71       Difficulty: 34 34
Jul 17, 2015
For: I wanna kill the Kamilia
First let me talk about the good things of this fangame. It's the first medley fangame, a fangame that takes screens from other games and also mixes in some original content. This game also has surprisingly good production value, compared to when it was made. But now we live in a world where I feel this game is really bad, as it has not aged well at all.

The way this game is divided up is that there are stages, and these stages consist of a platforming section and a boss. The platforming is very easy though, so you'll most likely be stuck on the bosses (especially in the later stages, as the bosses get ruthless there). Now, this wouldn't be a problem if it were not for the fact that the bosses suck. The bosses are basically just a Frankenstein's monster of the stages behind it. This could be done well and it could... Kamilia 1 did it horribly. It's something you have to play to understand.

The platforming is actually pretty good, if it were not for the occasional glitch. Some of the screens were bad, but I found myself actually having fun, compared to the bosses.

Overall the stages are good and easy, but the bosses are horseshit and hard. The only reason to play this game would be for the K2 and K3 challenges.

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Tagged as: Medley
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Rating: 3.9 39       Difficulty: 50 50
Jul 4, 2015
For: I wanna PP 100
This is a 100-floor game very much inspired by the Mega Man franchise. The production value is good and it gradually gets harder until at the end it's about as hard as Blow Game 3.

I really enjoyed the stages in this game, but I really didn't enjoy the bosses. Where the stages had interesting gimmicks and good level design and *mostly* good tilesets, the bosses, very much near the end, were an RNG-fest. If it were not for the bosses this game would've been really great, but such is not the case.

Would recommend for beginners.

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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 34 34
Jun 21, 2015
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3 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna celebrate 100 N/A N/A
Not Another Needle Game N/A N/A
WannaFest 22 55.0 10.0

68 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna be the 500 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Animus N/A N/A
I wanna be the Chokochoko N/A N/A
I wanna be the Churatch N/A N/A
I wanna be the Experience N/A N/A
I wanna be the GGM N/A N/A
I wanna be the MC N/A N/A
I wanna be the Perfection N/A N/A
I wanna be the Perfection2 N/A N/A
I wanna be the Yassan(21) N/A N/A
I wanna celebrate 100 N/A N/A
I wanna challenge 100 trials!! N/A N/A
I wanna enjoy the Game N/A N/A
I wanna go across the Rainbow N/A N/A
I wanna run the Terminal! N/A N/A
I wanna be the Guy N/A N/A
I wanna be the Best Guy N/A N/A
I wanna be the Dishdryer 19.0 1.9
I wanna be the Fangame! N/A N/A
I wanna be the Octophobia N/A N/A
I wanna be the Tribute N/A N/A
I wanna be Easy! N/A N/A
I wanna Bread N/A N/A
I wanna clear the Easy Miku N/A N/A
I wanna clear the Easy Miku 2 N/A N/A
I wanna get Cultured N/A N/A
I wanna go the Magical journey N/A N/A
I wanna Go the Run! N/A N/A
I wanna kill the Kamilia 50.0 3.9
I wanna QoQoQo N/A N/A
I wanna wanna N/A N/A
Not Another Needle Game N/A N/A
I wanna be the Dark Blue N/A N/A
I wanna be the Showdown N/A N/A
I Wanna be the GreeeeN N/A N/A
I wanna get the Yellow Star N/A N/A
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike N/A N/A
I wanna conquer the blow game N/A N/A
I wanna conquer the blow game 2 N/A N/A
I wanna conquer the blow game 3 N/A N/A
I wanna sheep 100 N/A N/A
I wanna PP 100 34.0 5.9
I wanna be the Green Moon N/A N/A
I Wanna Graduate From DT N/A N/A
I wanna be the Aura N/A N/A
I Wanna Escape the Mysterious House N/A N/A
I Wanna Be the Fortress Returns N/A N/A
I wanna be the Dreamcatcher N/A N/A
I wanna Common Jump 34.0 7.1
I wanna be the aq spike N/A N/A
I wanna come to the conclusion N/A N/A
We Live Under The Stairs N/A N/A
I wanna stop the Simulation N/A N/A
I Wanna Escape Heavenly Host N/A N/A
Chungo's Gauntlet N/A N/A
WannaFest 22 55.0 10.0
I Wanna Escape Into My Mind N/A N/A
Boshy 17 N/A N/A
I wanna thank you Garrettp375 65.0 7.0
I Wanna Go For Another Ride N/A N/A
I Wanna Go The Twourney N/A N/A
I wanna be the orbit trap 3 N/A N/A
I wanna collapse the Versum N/A N/A
I Wanna Eat the Slop N/A N/A
I wanna be the Desert Paradise N/A N/A
I wanna gain the ability N/A N/A
I Wanna Be 1 in 100 N/A N/A