dono's Profile

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Joined on: Jul 28, 2019


sometimes general fangame player, often needle maker

i dont know what else to put here

I've submitted:
61 Ratings!
61 Reviews!
5 Screenshots!

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61 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna take the Timemachine 2 65.0 10.0
I Wanna Pass The Inverted Gate Jump By Using The Easiest Way 1.0 10.0
Fangame Patch Tools (gm8x_fix, DBGHELP.dll, melatonin) 92.0 10.0
Panasonic Bluray 50.0 9.0
I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered 40.0 8.5
I wanna be the Nyx 60.0 8.5
I wanna be the Little runner 25.0 8.5
efficient 55.0 8.0
I wanna be the Jumble2 40.0 8.0
I wanna be the Needle Reaper GX 65.0 8.0
I wanna be the magician on paper 60.0 8.0
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 65.0 8.0
I wanna conquer the blow game 3 35.0 8.0
I wanna QoQoQo 60.0 8.0
I wanna be the LoveTrap 95.0 8.0
I wanna be the Churatch 50.0 8.0
I wanna be the Dark Blue 35.0 8.0
I wanna be the Venus 60.0 8.0
I wanna be the ichor easymode 35.0 7.5
I don't wanna black art 30.0 7.5
Building Worlds 15.0 7.0
I wanna play the Rubber Trap 15.0 7.0
I wanna be the Popularity 40.0 7.0
I wanna be the asuoifghsaatb N/A 6.0
I wanna be the rambling 5.0 6.0
I wanna PD Happy 35.0 6.0
I wanna explore giant anime girls 5.0 3.5
I wanna be the ポンコツ 55.0 3.0
I wanna RLB N/A 3.0
I wanna Mad Needle 80.0 2.0
I wanna be the Dark Ephemera 70.0 1.5
I wanna be the Fuckerball N/A 1.0
I Wanna Fuck The Whores N/A 1.0
I wanna fortnite 10.0 0.5
I wanna Play The Game 3!!! 100.0 0.5
Hey shitass N/A 0.0
I Wanna Take the Second L N/A N/A
I Wanna be the Dononite N/A N/A
I Wanna be the Matryoshka Special Edition N/A N/A
I wanna verre N/A N/A
the dono files N/A N/A
I Wanna Duloxetine N/A N/A
Happy Birthday to Saira N/A N/A
I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours N/A N/A
I Wanna Love My Little Rooms N/A N/A
I wanna be the Volatile Presence N/A N/A
I Wanna Take the L+ 55.0 N/A
I Wanna Fleeting Pink N/A N/A
Empty Needle 40.0 N/A
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) N/A N/A
I Wanna be the Ooner N/A N/A
I Wanna Sertraline N/A N/A
I Wanna be the Butterfly Effect N/A N/A
I Wanna Buy a Nintendo DS Lite N/A N/A
2009 Needle Hole N/A N/A
2010 Needle Hole 50.0 N/A
I wanna be the super kid N/A N/A
I Wanna be the Matryoshka N/A N/A
Needle Hatena N/A N/A
I Wanna Take the L 55.0 N/A
I Wanna Assimilate Bummer Into The Secret Society Of Kemonomimi N/A N/A

61 Reviews

dono [Creator]
For: I Wanna Love My Little Rooms
Sorry it took so long to make a new game lmao
This game is weird. You probably won't like it much. Just keep in mind this was made over the course of a year through a lot of turmoil, and I think it shows.

I'll shit myself if anyone gets the true ending though

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick
[9] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Nov 21, 2023
For: I wanna take the Timemachine 2
an absolute masterpiece of a run and gun, everyone else has already said their piece. if you havent, please try this game, its fucking sublime

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[2] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 65 65
Jan 19, 2022
For: I Wanna Dodge The DVD Screensaver For Seven Hours
I do apologise for asking a question like this but.... why does this game require money? Why can't it be "pay what you want" or "It's free, but you can pay this amount"? Why does it have to priced? I want to be able to play it for my YouTube Channel, in the future, because I have loved and known about The dvd screensaver zfor a long time. I want to give this game a go but.... there's a pricing. If you could email this game to me at "[email protected]", if I think the game is a "well-done" game, I will buy the game to support you!

I just don't want to buy indie games to then result in me not liking the game and not being about the refund the game because of the ridiculous service they provide on these platforms.

So, if you see this comment, could you please send the whole game to that email that I provided?

Thank you for reading, hope to play your game soon! :)

- dono - YouTube Personality in Gaming

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[5] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Dec 2, 2021
For: Fangame Patch Tools (gm8x_fix, DBGHELP.dll, melatonin)
An absolutely brutal collection of games, but extremely high quality with tons of content as well. Would not recommend 100% clear, but it’s still absolutely worth playing. Amazing job Floogle, renex and Starz0r!

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[0] Likes
Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 92 92
Sep 5, 2021
For: Happy Birthday to Saira
bummer def had the worst stage

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[1] Like
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Aug 12, 2021

22 Games

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I Wanna 1spike 39.8 5.7 24
2009 Needle Hole 47.7 6.4 23
2010 Needle Hole 54.3 5.9 10
2011 needle hole 53.4 6.9 37
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) 50.4 7.1 29
I Wanna be the Butterfly Effect 51.1 5.5 21
I Wanna Buy a Nintendo DS Lite 35.6 3.4 15
I Wanna be the Dononite 50.7 7.2 32
I Wanna Duloxetine 59.4 8.5 55
I Wanna Duloxetine -Caravan Mix- 55.9 8.0 17
Empty Needle 36.8 4.5 12
I Wanna Fleeting Pink 32.7 5.3 39
love goku 25.6 2.1 7
I Wanna Love My Little Rooms 63.8 7.6 6
I Wanna be the Matryoshka Special Edition 53.1 7.3 15
Needle Hatena 66.9 7.6 39
I Wanna be the Ooner 42.3 3.4 9
I Wanna Sertraline 50.1 7.6 42
I Wanna Take the L 49.3 7.1 43
I Wanna Take the L+ 51.6 7.0 27
I Wanna Take the Second L 50.7 7.1 21
the dono files N/A N/A 3