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36 Reviews

For: I wanna be the Forehead 2
Very solid game overall. I had fun with many of this game's platforming screens, traps, gimmicks, and bosses. There's a pleasant variety of everything from stage to stage, and the game never felt like it grew stale or overly frustrating.

That being said, it's always easier to point out the cons than the pros. The block gimmick from Bad Apple Stage moves incredibly slowly and makes certain saves take a very long time, which was especially true in one of the screens of the final stage. A couple questions in the quiz stage also did not make sense to me (thankfully I was able to use a walkthrough). From a larger perspective, though, this game was enjoyable the whole way through.


The extra bosses were way harder than the base game and easily bring the difficulty range of Forehead 2 into the mid to high-80's. If you are not ready for a grind, I highly recommend against playing extra.

Pigment: This is one of the few bosses I would say was genuinely poorly made. The boss teleports randomly around the arena, providing no consistent way to attack it other than waiting and hoping to get lucky. The sudden screen transitions between each quadrant of the arena are also a death sentence if you try to change screens when cherries are coming at you from off-screen.

Singular: The hardest fight in the game in my opinion. I really enjoyed the variety of attacks in this fight and thought the gradual ramp-up in the final attack's cherry density was cool. Though at this level of difficulty, the fight was inherently frustrating as well.

Squares: This avoidance is about 14 minutes long. Why.

Indigenous: Like Singular, this fight was also both very fun and very hard. I do think the difficulty of the last two attacks could have been better balanced with the rest of the boss.

Replication: Fairly interesting gimmick, though once you learn the fight, it becomes a very chill pattern-based avoidance compared to the craziness of the previous fights. A nice break.

Slow Motion: Very awesome and high-energy avoidance. My only complaints for this fight are that, in general, combining RNG elements with pattern gives the cherries opportunities to wall you sometimes.

Also, holy moly, a lot of the achievements are well hidden and come in just as much variety as the game itself. Some of them were pretty insane (two ceiling double diamonds in a row, beating the Past Garden avoidance without jumping), but again, I had fun grabbing them.

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Rating: 8.1 81       Difficulty: 62 62
Mar 9, 2024
For: I Wanna End the Blood Festival
The difficulty rating is mostly for the Miku avoidance, for which I spent about half of my total playtime.

This game offers six short trap stages, each with mild gimmicks and a short boss fight, and at the end of the main game, there is a final Miku avoidance. There are also secret keys for you to collect, where collecting all of them grants you access to the game's extra content.

General thoughts (spoilers ahead):

I honestly thought most of the traps in the game were funny or otherwise entertaining. They are designed such that you must jump in a slightly different way than you initially expect, and there is enough diversity to keep these from getting too repetitive. However, during the extra stage, I noticed more of a shift toward traps that completely change the route you must take through a room, and these were generally not as interesting to me.

As for the avoidances, I personally liked the level of difficulty for most of the fights, but there were a few instances of poor design choice. For the butterfly/flower lady, I found the blue and purple bullets to be incredibly hard to see, which was more so an issue during the significantly harder buffed boss rush. The game also does a poor job explaining to the player which bullets can be shot to make them disappear, which bullets block your shots, and even the fact that you can shoot the spikes in one of the stages to turn them into blocks. As for that particular stage, the gimmick is inconsistent on whether your bullet actually hits the spike or just passes straight through. And finally, while I recognize that this game is relatively old as of the time of writing this, the game features restarting music and has a tendency to lag in some areas.

For the Miku avoidance, the fight is divided roughly into one minute of easy pattern, then one minute of insane RNG, followed by another minute of simple (but choke-able) pattern. While I did have fun playing the difficult middle section, the easy pattern at the start made the whole experience take far longer than necessary and inspired a consistent sense of boredom. Finally, while I enjoyed the final extra boss as a whole, the star attack has an unnatural tendency to wall you.

Other than these sour moments, I found much of the game to be quite fun. Most of the traps, gimmicks, and boss attacks are designed in an interesting fashion, and the bosses were challenging enough that I felt satisfied after beating each one. The traps, though not overly extravagant, are both diverse and nicely spaced. Miku is the only part of this game that I would consider genuinely awful.

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Rating: 5.9 59       Difficulty: 70 70
Aug 27, 2023
For: Not Another Falling Game
First and foremost, I'm impressed with how long this game keeps on delivering screens and stages the whole way through. It truly is on the longer end of fangames, very similar in length to Not Another Needle Game, the fangame which very obviously inspired this one. Not all the screens present earth-shattering ideas, and sometimes there a few uncomfortable jumps here and there, but the constant changeup of basic gimmicks every 20 floors makes the whole experience interesting enough to play through in its entirety. Especially in some of the later stages, the gimmicks can become really cool and innovative as well. And I gotta say, most of the music in this game is totally jamming pump-up music that fits the game nicely.

The only significant part of the game that felt somewhat lacking to me was the story. There were a number of grammatical errors throughout the game, but considering it was originally written in Chinese(?), these errors makes sense. Still, at best, the game's story flow felt like it did a good job filling in the gaps between stages, but there wasn't a whole lot of deep lore or otherwise ambiguous themes to push the storytelling to the next level.

Spoilers below for post game:

I realize the extra stages are treated more as an addendum to the main game. Regardless, stage EX1 was actually really awesome and its gimmick was my favorite part of the whole game. Stage EX2 was cool and, while I appreciated it, I admit I still do not know how to dodge the shuriken spam attack in phase 3 (the phase with 800 health). Stage EX3 felt just a bit clumsy with the enormous plethora of shields for a relatively short fight, but otherwise it was ok. As for the last extra stage, I feel it would benefit tremendously if both the number of zombies and the player's health were drastically reduced, thereby turning the stage into less of a spamfest and ideally more of an exercise in caution and resource management. Otherwise, I thought all the ideas and brainstorming behind the extra stages was pretty neat.

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Rating: 8.6 86       Difficulty: 68 68
Aug 19, 2023
For: I wanna be the Flyingspike
I actually think the idea of having a needle game with lots of absurd RNG is a really cool idea for a sudoku game. Obviously, the game doesn't have a ton of production value, but if you enjoy a game where the spikes travel in uniquely spontaneous ways for each room, flyingspike is just the right meme game for you.

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Rating: 7.2 72       Difficulty: 59 59
Jul 29, 2023
For: I wanna be the LoveAE-RYRC
This game is a relatively beginner-friendly 100 floor semi-medley game with some obvious inspiration from Kamilia 2, including the K2 death effect as well as some of the game's music and sound effects. As for the gameplay itself, the first 60 floors or so are pretty boring, to the point where the first couple floors don't even have any spikes that can kill you and the first boss literally does not do anything. There are also a bunch of traps dotted around using fake spikes that don't kill you but are more so intended to be silly, and I think this theme of harmless and silly describes much of the game as a whole.

For the first half of the game, the only gimmicks you really come across are triggers and moving objects. Starting at about floor 61, the gameplay becomes challenging enough to be a little more interesting, and starting at about floor 81, the gimmicks themselves start to become fun as well. Overall, the game starts out easy and simple to the point of being unengaging, but it picks up a fair deal in the second half.

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Rating: 6.5 65       Difficulty: 44 44
Jul 26, 2023
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3 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna find my Destiny 60.0 9.5
I Wanna Be the Butterfly 72.0 8.7
I wanna get better with avoidances 66.0 9.7