BoshyGo11's Profile

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Joined on: Oct 23, 2018

I've submitted:
108 Ratings!
103 Reviews!
2 Screenshots!

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108 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Crimson Needle 3 N/A 10.0
Chungo's Gauntlet 25.0 10.0
I Wanna Save the Ship 53.0 10.0
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2 Remake N/A 10.0
I Wanna Pointillism 70.0 10.0
I wanna break the Series Z 2 Remake 83.0 10.0
I wanna spread my wings 25.0 10.0
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 70.0 10.0
I Wanna Save My Boy 70.0 10.0
VoVoVo 60.0 10.0
Ance Tournament Collection N/A 10.0
I wanna be the Justice Guy 80.0 10.0
I wanna be the Sc2 Italia! N/A 10.0
Domu 59.0 10.0
I wanna be the Ocean Princess 65.0 10.0
I Wanna be the Vandal 68.0 10.0
I wanna Musiclock 75.0 10.0
the fight against the ultimate threat 30.0 9.9
I wanna be the Scenario 60.0 9.9
I wanna be the Graverobber 30.0 9.9
I wanna play Kiduija 35.0 9.8
I Wanna Marenol 60.0 9.7
I wanna be the knight in shining armor 40.0 9.5
Milky Ways 65.0 9.5
Cyber Thunder Cider 75.0 9.5
I wanna reach the Moon 50.0 9.5
I Wanna Heyan Trapventure 2 30.0 9.5
I wanna NPM N/A 9.5
I Wanna Experience The Butterfly Effect 55.0 9.4
untitled needle game N/A 9.1
I Wanna Retrace My Steps 45.0 9.0
BONK: An Interactive Exposition 60.0 9.0
I Wanna Heyan Trapventure 50.0 9.0
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 3 EZ 60.0 9.0
Ebb Needle 2022 60.0 9.0
I Wanna Reach for the Stars 60.0 9.0
I wanna kill the Kamilia 2 WARPED N/A 9.0
Vodka Makers N/A 9.0
I wanna SlimeTrap 30.0 9.0
I Wanna Find a Cure 55.0 9.0
I Wanna End My Growth 30.0 9.0
RNG Dungeon 78.0 8.9
I am here 25.0 8.5
A Minimal Adventure 28.0 8.4
Tantsor Rebalanced N/A 8.0
Vodka Makers 2 N/A 8.0
I Wanna Get The Coins 45.0 8.0
I wanna bye Bye the Bye 75.0 8.0
I wanna make a Sandwich 50.0 8.0
I Wanna Blacklight 63.0 8.0
Chippy 55.0 8.0
I wanna know what's in my Desktop 30.0 8.0
I wanna Veah N/A 7.9
I Wanna be the BHG (共同開発) 55.0 7.5
I Wanna Look Inside 55.0 7.5
I wanna stop the Simulation 50.0 7.5
I wanna go the Spookventure 50.0 7.5
I Wanna Eclipse 60.0 7.5
Alphazetica 65.0 7.5
I wanna be the LemonTrap 55.0 7.5
I wanna be the Volatile Presence 85.0 7.4
Endless Mirage Demo 36.0 7.0
VoRoVo 70.0 7.0
I wanna Kikkai Kettai 67.0 7.0
I wanna find my Destiny 65.0 7.0
he 35.0 7.0
I Wanna Be The Y2K 99.0 6.5
Ultimate Avoidance Sprite Pack N/A 6.5
I Wanna Rid The Black Mist 25.0 6.5
I wanna take the Santa-Hat 2 35.0 6.5
I wanna escape the Gothic Castle 60.0 6.0
I wanna Grow Up 40.0 6.0
Avoidance Collab 4 N/A 6.0
I Wanna be the Penger-- N/A 5.9
game 2 N/A 5.6
I Wanna Change A Lightbulb 50.0 5.5
Extreme Depths 2 65.0 5.0
guess what 90.0 4.0
I wanna mw N/A 4.0
I Wanna OMAKENO Stroke N/A 3.9
I Wanna Be The Non-Conformist 50.0 3.5
Back in the 90's 25.0 3.0
You give me butterflies, and I take them away 60.0 3.0
I wanna cut the corners N/A 2.5
The Majestic Kid N/A 2.5
I wanna be the Morbius N/A 2.0
I Wanna Follow The Story N/A 1.5
I Wanna Be the Maze 90.0 1.0
RoflanEbaloShizaAndFlex 0.0 0.0
Hey shitass N/A 0.0
I Wanna Be The Lucky Projection 100.0 0.0
I wanna Isekai Ojisan N/A N/A
Galaxy Collapse 98.0 N/A
Ezamur N/A N/A
I wanna Slay Mega Kid demo 50.0 N/A
I wanna thank the Ashotovka 8 N/A N/A
I wanna fuck Lucario up the ass N/A N/A
I wanna Kardia N/A N/A
I Wanna Be The Gimmick Extremity N/A N/A
E------- N/A N/A
I Wanna be a Good Guy N/A N/A
Competitive tower climbing N/A N/A
I want N/A N/A
I wanna be the NNN N/A N/A
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2: Legacy Extra N/A N/A
Menacing Taisa N/A N/A
I wanna be the torture(easy ver) N/A N/A
I Wanna Buy a Nintendo DS Lite N/A N/A

103 Reviews

For: E-------
I've played Noesis and it's actually one of my favorite fangames, even though I've hit a bit of a difficulty wall at the moment, and while this game tries to be like Noesis, a lot of triggers end up being extremely obnuxious, unintuitive and too precise. That might sound like a weird criticism for a game that's *about* precise triggers, but Noesis somehow makes those tight jumps flow extremely splendidly, that's a pretty subjective thing, but usually when I talk to people who dislike Noesis I refer to this as "Noesis magic". There is a boss at the end of the stage though and it's extremely fun! If someone took this boss and put it into Noesis I wouldn't notice, the attack design is that great. This is just a short demo and there IS potential in this game to end up as a kind of unofficial Noesis 2 if the maker tones down on the precision aspect of the needle, good luck to them.

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Tagged as: Noesis-Like
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 18, 2022
For: I Wanna Be The Gimmick Extremity
Idk how I feel about every fangame genre eventually coming to a point where it's just a bunch of inputs with almost no leniency, but this game is at least more fun to see executed because of the gimmick use

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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Apr 10, 2022
For: Ezamur
Движок говно, из-за инерции делать небольшие движения неприятно, подкат активируется движением из приседа, часто случайно, стрельба просто почему-то ощущается странно. Сам левел-дизайн довольно хороший, боссы выглядят интересно, с удовольствием прошёл бы на нормальном движке, будь то какой-нибудь Yoyoyo или нормально реализованный ЖГ-движок

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Tagged as: Adventure Boss
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Rating: N/A       Difficulty: N/A
Mar 25, 2022
For: Extreme Depths 2
This game does really feel like two different games stitched together which I can only explain with Watson making the first 8 stages, then forgetting about the game for 5 years and returning to make the extra now. The first 7 stages are done in the currently forgotten genre of "jtool needle but jumps are generally fun", like Rainbow trap or Conquer the Discorder. Then the 8th stage adds some gimmick, but doesn't go all the way with it. Then the final boss is more or less your everyday multicolor-style boss. And then the extra comes in, blasting the rest of the game away with prod value and platforming complexity. I've been thinking most recent gimmick needle games were getting stale and even when there is some new thing it just feels like a chore, but Watson's game design magic works as good as ever here and stuff is fun and smooth to pull off. The extra final boss though slogs for way too long and just becomes unfun at some point. And with how much variety there is in said boss, I'd say putting at least one checkpoint there would make it a lot better without feeling out of place.

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Tagged as: Needle Gimmick Boss
[1] Like
Rating: 5.0 50       Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 19, 2022
For: Galaxy Collapse
Technically it's not impossible

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Tagged as: Avoidance
[0] Likes
Rating: N/A       Difficulty: 98 98
Jan 27, 2022

1 Game

GameDifficultyAverage Rating# of Ratings
I wanna Slay Mega Kid demo 53.2 5.5 16

7 Favorite Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna spread my wings 25.0 10.0
I Wanna Kill The Kamilia 2 Remake N/A 10.0
I Wanna Destroy the Maelstrom 70.0 10.0
I Wanna be the Vandal 68.0 10.0
I Wanna Save My Boy 70.0 10.0
I wanna Musiclock 75.0 10.0
I wanna Touhikea N/A N/A
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