WrathofAnubis's Profile
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156 Games
153 Reviews
For: I wanna U-n!!
For: I wanna U-n!!
A short game with three screens followed by a boss. Clearly a joke of some kind, but unfortunately I don't get it. Boss is a bit tricky, and can RNG screw you with a bajillion kanji, but mostly he makes your ears hurt. Not recommended.
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Rating: 3.0 30
Difficulty: 27 27
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna use Snow magic
For: I wanna use Snow magic
A fun, lighthearted, relatively easy avoidance. Has a couple rather sudden attacks, but otherwise a good avoidance for beginners. Plus you get to learn numbers and letters!
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 30 30
Mar 6, 2015
For: I wanna boring unimaginative needle
For: I wanna boring unimaginative needle
You've made your point, 卑劣な人 ("Scumbag"). Very funny.
Points for the title being "scrolling grid".
[2] Likes
Points for the title being "scrolling grid".
Rating: 2.0 20
Difficulty: 50 50
Mar 5, 2015
For: I wanna be the Catharsis
For: I wanna be the Catharsis
Catharsis is one of the few fangames I've played with a fully realized artistic vision. The game oozes a dark, oppressive atmosphere, with meticulously chosen music and backgrounds (did you recognize the black and white photo of a nuclear test? because it's there). Hiddow has a masterful eye for spike placement, and some levels are works of art in their own right. Even while working almost exclusively in monochrome, there's a haunted beauty to most of these screens.
The level design itself starts off with a fairly reasonable difficulty curve, which later becomes somewhat arbitrary, oscillating between trivial and very difficult. Not all screens are perfect, either - I'm looking at you, moving platform screen - and the artistry becomes a bit more hit-or-miss as the difficulty increases.
Still, this is one of the few games that stuck with me for so long after playing it purely for its artistic value, and I'd recommend it to anyone (assuming you like fairly challenging needle).
The level design itself starts off with a fairly reasonable difficulty curve, which later becomes somewhat arbitrary, oscillating between trivial and very difficult. Not all screens are perfect, either - I'm looking at you, moving platform screen - and the artistry becomes a bit more hit-or-miss as the difficulty increases.
Still, this is one of the few games that stuck with me for so long after playing it purely for its artistic value, and I'd recommend it to anyone (assuming you like fairly challenging needle).
Tagged as: Needle
[6] Likes
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 69 69
Mar 5, 2015
For: I wanna be the Diminuendo
For: I wanna be the Diminuendo
A very short, fairly easy sorta-1-screen needle game. Oddly enough, it starts with all the spikes, then some disappear as you clear the room over and over...kinda anticlimactic, really. After clearing the first screen you just end up breezing through the rest. Nice minimal aesthetics though, and the VVVVV music and death sound fit the tileset well.
Tagged as: Needle
[1] Like
Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 37 37
Mar 1, 2015
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