Trener's Profile

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Joined on: Apr 30, 2020

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108 Ratings!
86 Reviews!
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108 Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
Not Another Needle Game 75.0 10.0
I Wanna be the Vandal 69.0 10.0
I wanna be the Neon 3 63.0 10.0
I Wanna Pointillism 71.0 10.0
Christmas Deliveries 2 60.0 10.0
I wanna be the Crimson Needle 82.0 10.0
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy 50.0 10.0
I wanna shiver 73.0 9.9
MiniMetroidvania 4 63.0 9.8
I wanna be far from home 72.0 9.5
I Wanna Feed Your Escapism 2 66.0 9.5
I wanna qoqoqo 300 EasyVer 69.0 9.5
VoVoVo 60.0 9.4
I wanna KeyPick 100 62.0 9.4
I wanna go the Jungle Adventure 67.0 9.2
I wanna be the Krypton 57.0 9.0
Not Another VVVVVV Game 52.0 9.0
I wanna Discover 50 Shades of Crimson 72.0 9.0
I Wanna be the 512 72.0 9.0
I wanna go the Jumple Refrenture 67.0 9.0
Phonotaxis 81.0 9.0
Phonotransmitter 75.0 8.8
I wanna thread the Needle 74.0 8.7
I wanna qoqoqo 2 73.0 8.7
I wanna put out the cigarette 75.0 8.7
I wanna be the Neurosis 63.0 8.7
I wanna best the 50 floors 59.0 8.6
I wanna be the Catharsis 67.0 8.5
I wanna traverse the precipice 61.0 8.5
I wanna go the Ocean Wetventure 58.0 8.5
the pusspatchening 62.0 8.5
I wanna kill the troll king 48.0 8.5
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 64.0 8.5
I wanna go across the Crimson Rainbow 72.0 8.5
I wanna be Anime 57.0 8.5
I Wanna Escape Heavenly Host 45.0 8.5
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 63.0 8.5
Chill Needle 2 N/A 8.5
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 50.0 8.3
I wanna play the Needle game 58.0 8.3
I wanna fall into the snow 54.0 8.3
I wanna play Kiduija 40.0 8.2
Alphazetica 65.0 8.2
Terrible Needle 2 76.0 8.2
I Wanna Be the Immaculate Scumble 70.0 8.2
I wanna be the Crimson Collab 70.0 8.1
I Wanna Appreciate the Wolf's Enthusiasm 66.0 8.1
I wanna best the 100 floors 71.0 8.0
I wanna be the Neon 2 48.0 8.0
Hydrohomies 67.0 8.0
I wanna Reach Midnight 73.0 8.0
Untitled06 55.0 8.0
I wanna reach Heaven 61.0 8.0
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 2 63.0 8.0
I wanna rely the Needle 36.0 8.0
I Wanna Be 1 in 100 65.0 8.0
The Sunken Cathedral 66.0 8.0
I wanna be the Steak Temple 53.0 8.0
Melancholy Needle 3 65.0 8.0
I Wanna Potato 2 70.0 8.0
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy 54.0 8.0
I wanna be the Metamorphosis 62.0 8.0
I wanna get crimsoned 2 74.0 8.0
I Wanna Traverse The Seven Aspects 60.0 8.0
Pestilence 62.0 8.0
I wanna Hydrate 68.0 8.0
I wanna colorize the needle 54.0 8.0
I wanna be the continuity 60.0 8.0
I wanna be Abducted 62.0 8.0
Love. Memory. Hope. Forgiveness. Tragedy. Death... 73.0 7.9
I wanna be the Arcfox Needle 65.0 7.8
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 3 62.0 7.8
I wanna follow the faded memories 66.0 7.8
I wanna get my daily recommended amount of fiber 72.0 7.7
Needle 80.0 7.7
I Wanna Go To The Otherside 61.0 7.7
I Wanna Explore The Rectilinear Fields 65.0 7.7
I wanna uhuhu spike 3 62.0 7.5
I wanna be the Neon 48.0 7.5
Needle Hatena 65.0 7.5
Average Needle Game 71.0 7.5
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 62.0 7.5
I wanna be the Acus Amans 68.0 7.5
I Wanna End My Growth 39.0 7.5
Summer Feast Needle 2019 72.0 7.5
I wanna Traverse the Neon Rainbow 50.0 7.5
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle 62.0 7.5
I wanna a Platinum Needle 71.0 7.5
I wanna be the Phantom Needle IV 71.0 7.5
I Wanna Go Back To Basics 70.0 7.4
I wanna kill the Maker 65.0 7.3
I wanna clear 50 neon floors 57.0 7.2
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy 63.0 7.2
I wanna Dream 70.0 7.2
I wanna Awful Needle 4 73.0 7.1
I wanna be the Clarence 74.0 7.0
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 51.0 7.0
I Wanna Take The Neon Highway 68.0 7.0
I wanna one attack in soul 66.0 7.0
Deliriant Needle 55.0 7.0
I wanna be the Phantom Needle III 72.0 6.8
I wanna QoQoQo 55.0 6.7
I wanna be the Crimson ripoff 69.0 6.5
I wanna be the GB 45.0 5.7
I Wanna Vanish Needles!! N/A 5.5
I Wanna Paint the Colorful Needle 52.0 5.0
I wanna kill the pusspatch 68.0 4.5
I wanna make a wish to a shooting star together with you N/A N/A

86 Reviews

For: I Wanna Take The Neon Highway
dual sensations from the game. On the one hand, this is the same game with a similar style of jumping as always with Nader, on the other hand, it has become more difficult, there are few saves, and the paths to them are often long, which spoils the feeling of the game. Increase the number of saves, and The difficulty would be, I think, 60, no more, but precisely because of that very length, playing is sometimes unpleasant and annoying. In my opinion, the lack of saving after passing the screen does not add a plus, you go a long way, the screen changes, but there is no save, you see that you still need to make a couple of jumps to it, or one, but more accurate, for me this was not a good idea. The last screen was annoying because you go through the first part purely from platforms, in fact, quite long, then the style changes sharply, and you You are playing purely as an igloo. It would be logical to make the last screen on the contrary more difficult in terms of jumping, but to make one save in my opinion at least. Because it even feels like you are playing 2 different parts. In general, this is clearly not a favorite, I’m unlikely to return to it, like I returned to other Nader games

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Rating: 7.0 70       Difficulty: 68 68
Oct 31, 2023
For: I wanna be the Acus Amans
It’s a good game. We have 2 creators who alternate saves on one screen, and it is indicated whose save you are currently going through, in my opinion, geo has a little more variety. The game consists of 10 screens with even difficulty, which is how you essentially start the game, This complexity is maintained, plus or minus, throughout the entire game. The game uses vines, water, inversion in some places. It was quite fun.

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Rating: 7.5 75       Difficulty: 68 68
Oct 30, 2023
For: I wanna be the Catharsis
The first and so far the only game for me, which is made as if in an arthouse style from a movie. Whether you like it or not, you have versions of what Hidden was trying to say. Since we are not offered versions, text, history or anything else, we They leave us alone with our thoughts and what we see, and everyone can see their own.
If we consider from the point of view of the title of the game, then it would probably be reasonable to watch from the point of view of the main character, i.e. the kid himself, but I honestly admit that this version suits me less, because I saw something more global and disconnected from our character, he is simply a guide here, and we travel and look at everything that is happening in the world. The work of the subconscious with the pictures we see , and in some situations, works from the figures themselves that create obstacles from needles show us and hint at something.
This is similar to the story of a man who won the war, but remained in the world that exists after a nuclear war.
At first we see beautiful landscapes with rather inspired music, but still evoking a feeling of something lost and bitter, the sky only relaxes and speaks of the beauty of this world. Thoughts, incomprehensible, but alarming. This foreshadows something bad. towards the end of this stage, we begin a free fall, somewhere down, the colors change to gray, the general background is with lifeless trees, fog and lifeless water, we fall even deeper and see a certain portal in the background, I see it as a transition to hell, we are being chased a creature slowly armed with many things. We run away, on the next screen we see a soldier’s helmet, an obvious hint of losses, war. But we begin our climb upward, apparently like a person who survived, but saw all the horror, we rise seemingly to the light , the water takes on a pleasant tone, a tree appeared in the water (just made from needles) as we see a nuclear war, as the apogee of the entire war apparently. then screens with prisoners, possibly connected with murderers, riots
around. The colors, like the shapes, are already aggressive, gray with black, red. At the moment of transition to the final stage, we see how the needles first become huge in comparison with us, hinting at our insignificance and meaninglessness in this world. And only then comes the moment with cut off like needles, incomprehensible shapes, dullness, disturbing music. And in the finale we see that catharsis has not come, as a hint that perhaps we will never be the same. I need to move away from the game of words, it puts a lot of pressure on the psyche.
If we return to the gameplay, then the game for me personally is quite ordinary, but with the condition of artistry, approach, music and everything else, this can hardly be considered separately

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Rating: 8.5 85       Difficulty: 67 67
Oct 30, 2023
For: Christmas Deliveries 2
Great game. The music, the atmosphere, everything really creates the Christmas spirit. Even though it’s the end of October, the game is so soulful that it creates this winter holiday. The game itself is divided into stages, there are 7 in total, at the end of each there are bosses. The bosses are all easy , and are more of a transition to the next stage than any challenge. Each stage is individual and has its own mechanics and features. The first 5 stages all have traps, each is individual and interesting and unusual in its own way. I don’t like traps, but here they are interesting , not annoying, you know that your action and touching something already marked in advance with a snowflake or something else, depending on the stage, will lead to their appearance, from this you are ready and meet them combatively, although initially you do not understand what exactly will happen. Mine the opinion is that this is the best option for traps. Stage 6 is a clean needle with a little innovation in the first 5 screens. Places similar to platforms covered with snow that you cannot catch on when jumping, the jump must be at the level of your feet to this platform, otherwise you will fall down, although it acts on the principle of a platform, like a transparent one. Then at this stage there are screens with an interesting use of a teleport, it’s quite difficult to explain, but the idea is cool, as is the implementation.
Stage 7 also uses a teleport in combination with various mechanics, such as 3 jumps, increased speed, levitation, etc. Here you must find a way out using all this. In general, the game is wonderful and worthy of the highest rating

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Rating: 10.0 100       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 30, 2023
For: I wanna be the continuity
good puzzle game, I liked everything except the stage with reducing the hitbox to blue needles. It seemed the easiest, simplest, without the need to find a hitbox, everything is easy to go through by touch, without any difficulties, a minimum of variety in the process. The rest are each good in their own way , the Nanga stage is the most difficult in the game, essentially a strong clone with a teleport stage not another needler game.
Stage Walk the ceiling makes you think hard and look for ways in some moments, but for me this stage is my favorite.
Stage co-op with a good atmosphere and interesting interaction with abilities

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Rating: 8.0 80       Difficulty: 60 60
Oct 28, 2023
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108 Cleared Games

GameDifficultyUser's Rating
I wanna go across the Crimson Rainbow 72.0 8.5
I wanna be the Guy N/A N/A
I wanna be the Catharsis 67.0 8.5
I wanna be the Crimson Needle 82.0 10.0
I wanna be the Neon 48.0 7.5
I wanna be the Neon 2 48.0 8.0
I wanna Dream 70.0 7.2
I wanna kill the Kamilia N/A N/A
I wanna kill the Maker 65.0 7.3
I wanna QoQoQo 55.0 6.7
I wanna reach Heaven 61.0 8.0
Not Another Needle Game 75.0 10.0
I wanna be Anime 57.0 8.5
I wanna uhuhu spike 3 62.0 7.5
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 51.0 7.0
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 50.0 8.3
I wanna be the GB 45.0 5.7
I wanna be the Crimson ripoff 69.0 6.5
I wanna be the Metamorphosis 62.0 8.0
I wanna be the Neurosis 63.0 8.7
I wanna stop the MELTDOWN 63.0 8.5
I Wanna Vanish Needles!! N/A 5.5
I wanna colorize the needle 54.0 8.0
I wanna clear 50 neon floors 57.0 7.2
I Wanna Potato 2 70.0 8.0
I wanna one attack in soul 66.0 7.0
I wanna Discover 50 Shades of Crimson 72.0 9.0
I wanna Neonize the Needle N/A N/A
I wanna be the Crimson Collab 70.0 8.1
I wanna go the Jungle Adventure 67.0 9.2
I wanna rely the Needle 36.0 8.0
I wanna be Abducted 62.0 8.0
I wanna fall into the snow 54.0 8.3
I wanna qoqoqo 2 73.0 8.7
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 62.0 7.5
I wanna thread the Needle 74.0 8.7
I wanna get my daily recommended amount of fiber 72.0 7.7
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 2 63.0 8.0
I wanna go the Jumple Refrenture 67.0 9.0
I wanna Reach Midnight 73.0 8.0
I wanna be far from home 72.0 9.5
Phonotaxis 81.0 9.0
I wanna be the Arcfox Needle 65.0 7.8
Needle 80.0 7.7
I wanna be the Acus Amans 68.0 7.5
I wanna be the Clarence 74.0 7.0
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle 62.0 7.5
I wanna a Platinum Needle 71.0 7.5
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy 54.0 8.0
I wanna be the Phantom Needle III 72.0 6.8
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower 64.0 8.5
I wanna be the Noodle Loon 3 62.0 7.8
I wanna get crimsoned 2 74.0 8.0
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy 50.0 10.0
I wanna Traverse the Neon Rainbow 50.0 7.5
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy 63.0 7.2
I wanna be the Phantom Needle IV 71.0 7.5
I wanna be the continuity 60.0 8.0
I wanna best the 50 floors 59.0 8.6
I wanna Awful Needle 4 73.0 7.1
I Wanna End My Growth 39.0 7.5
I wanna be the Steak Temple 53.0 8.0
I Wanna Augment the Loon's Noodle N/A N/A
I wanna shiver 73.0 9.9
Terrible Needle 2 76.0 8.2
I wanna kill the troll king 48.0 8.5
Untitled06 55.0 8.0
Deliriant Needle 55.0 7.0
I wanna qoqoqo 300 EasyVer 69.0 9.5
I wanna play Kiduija 40.0 8.2
I wanna go the Ocean Wetventure 58.0 8.5
I wanna KeyPick 100 62.0 9.4
Not Another VVVVVV Game 52.0 9.0
I Wanna Feed Your Escapism 2 66.0 9.5
I wanna be the Krypton 57.0 9.0
I wanna put out the cigarette 75.0 8.7
I Wanna Go To The Otherside 61.0 7.7
Chill Needle 2 N/A 8.5
I Wanna Appreciate the Wolf's Enthusiasm 66.0 8.1
VoVoVo 60.0 9.4
I Wanna be the Vandal 69.0 10.0
I wanna be the Neon 3 63.0 10.0
I wanna best the 100 floors 71.0 8.0
Phonotransmitter 75.0 8.8
Needle Hatena 65.0 7.5
I wanna Hydrate 68.0 8.0
Alphazetica 65.0 8.2
I Wanna Pointillism 71.0 10.0
I Wanna Go Back To Basics 70.0 7.4
Love. Memory. Hope. Forgiveness. Tragedy. Death... 73.0 7.9
Hydrohomies 67.0 8.0
I Wanna be the 512 72.0 9.0
I wanna kill the pusspatch 68.0 4.5
The Sunken Cathedral 66.0 8.0
I Wanna Be the Immaculate Scumble 70.0 8.2
the pusspatchening 62.0 8.5
I Wanna Escape Heavenly Host 45.0 8.5
Christmas Deliveries 2 60.0 10.0
I Wanna Explore The Rectilinear Fields 65.0 7.7
MiniMetroidvania 4 63.0 9.8
Melancholy Needle 3 65.0 8.0
I Wanna Take The Neon Highway 68.0 7.0
I wanna follow the faded memories 66.0 7.8
Average Needle Game 71.0 7.5
I wanna traverse the precipice 61.0 8.5
Pestilence 62.0 8.0
I Wanna Traverse The Seven Aspects 60.0 8.0
I Wanna Be 1 in 100 65.0 8.0