iraqlobster01's Profile
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For: I wanna see the Moon At Night
For: I wanna see the Moon At Night
Next time you make a game, try making sure it doesn't freeze for a few seconds, remove anything that would make the game unnecessarily difficult (like cancelling, since I quit on a required 1-frame), and crash after 5 minutes.
I got to a required 1-frame on the second screen before stopping; spending two hours trying to grind out a 1-frame on a laptop is a fool's errand. It's ridiculous to see how bad a game can become when a few choices regarding design of a game are made (or in this case, a lack thereof).
In terms of gameplay and aesthetics, the lag ruins the flow of the game to a point where you're resetting just waiting for a good attempt. It's basically like playing an avoidance. The aesthetics are not special at all; gray blocks, normal spike sprites, and a stagnant, black, and borderline boring background all contribute to a boring and unfun atmosphere. The music is chill, but that doesn't excuse the poor design choices/performance flaws. The stupid difficulty also contributes, as some jumps from games like Hades make their way into this game. Also, valign dependent jumps are also used in this game as previously mentioned. Overall, its a fucking terrible experience, no matter how you look at it.
If you come upon this casually, don't pay any mind to it since it is not worth your time. If you roll this during a streak, I'd skip it. If you can't skip, make sure you have a good PC, can 1-frame without cancelling, and be aware of valign tricks (since there is a valign dplane placed at the end of screen 1). Keep Jtool handy; you'll be needing it for some saves. Lastly, be more patient than I was. I know I'm not the best at natural 1-frames (mostly due to my keyboard) so make sure to stay diligent if you are 100 percent sure of your abilities as a needle player.
I have no idea if the game ends after the 2nd screen. I know I'm breaking the sacred "beat the game before review" rule, but I don't wanna spend anymore time killing my hands and hating myself for deciding to play such a terrible game.
Don't play it. Trust me, you'll be better off for it regardless of how good you might be at platforming.
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I got to a required 1-frame on the second screen before stopping; spending two hours trying to grind out a 1-frame on a laptop is a fool's errand. It's ridiculous to see how bad a game can become when a few choices regarding design of a game are made (or in this case, a lack thereof).
In terms of gameplay and aesthetics, the lag ruins the flow of the game to a point where you're resetting just waiting for a good attempt. It's basically like playing an avoidance. The aesthetics are not special at all; gray blocks, normal spike sprites, and a stagnant, black, and borderline boring background all contribute to a boring and unfun atmosphere. The music is chill, but that doesn't excuse the poor design choices/performance flaws. The stupid difficulty also contributes, as some jumps from games like Hades make their way into this game. Also, valign dependent jumps are also used in this game as previously mentioned. Overall, its a fucking terrible experience, no matter how you look at it.
If you come upon this casually, don't pay any mind to it since it is not worth your time. If you roll this during a streak, I'd skip it. If you can't skip, make sure you have a good PC, can 1-frame without cancelling, and be aware of valign tricks (since there is a valign dplane placed at the end of screen 1). Keep Jtool handy; you'll be needing it for some saves. Lastly, be more patient than I was. I know I'm not the best at natural 1-frames (mostly due to my keyboard) so make sure to stay diligent if you are 100 percent sure of your abilities as a needle player.
I have no idea if the game ends after the 2nd screen. I know I'm breaking the sacred "beat the game before review" rule, but I don't wanna spend anymore time killing my hands and hating myself for deciding to play such a terrible game.
Don't play it. Trust me, you'll be better off for it regardless of how good you might be at platforming.
Rating: 0.5 5
Difficulty: 79 79
Aug 10, 2017
For: I wanna be the Math Major
For: I wanna be the Math Major
Glad I'm a Psych major. Rating based on the math itself.
IWBT Math Major is a special game made by one of the most recognizable figures in the fangame community in TJ. He himself is quite the math whiz and you can definitely understand why he'd make a game like this. In terms of the gameplay, you as the player are tasked with completing 8 "stages" (40 questions) of math that progressively get harder and harder with each passing stage. Stage 1 eases the player into the game by asking you to solve introductory problems most elementary students should be able to solve. As you pass through each stage, the question difficulty gets slightly tougher until you're tasked with completing secondary to graduate level problems that you won't see until your senior year in high school/undergraduate or graduate level courses in college. Once you reach stage 5 or 6, some players will probably hit a wall and require some sort of assistance. In fact, I would advise some sort of help since these problems get very difficult. Treat it like an actual math test; it'll teach you something new and help with some concepts you might've forgotten.
Personally, I started to have real trouble around the Calculus/Higher level probability questions. In general, I consider myself a good student, but only after high school. Before college, I was very bad when it came to studying, yet I managed to survive all of my classes with A's and B's. However, I am terrible at retaining information so I tend to forget most concepts over the summer. For Calculus, I retained little to none of the information I learned during my senior year in high school and would like to take another class in college if I can. For probability, I have no experience whatsoever when it comes to the subject so I had no idea what to do or where to start.
Nevertheless, this game helped me remember and learn plenty of conceptual and general concepts regarding higher level math. I never really regarded myself as a great mathematician, but like most things, give me enough time and I'll damn near master it. For the people who have mastered it, I commend you for mastering such a difficult and comprehensive subject. I have a newfound respect for those who take this career path.
Would I recommend this game? I do think if you're into math, you should check this game out. While it was frustrating not knowing how to do some of the higher level questions, some patience, and a open and studious attitude will help to make the game a bit more fun. Again, you might end up learning something like I did. If you're like some people and wish math's utter demise and destruction, you probably wouldn't enjoy this game. All in all, you'd be better off playing something else, but do give it a shot if you're genuinely curious or want to learn something new.
Looks nice. Great song picks. Would've like something more mellow but I wasn't annoyed by the music. Still enjoyed it.
IWBT Math Major is a special game made by one of the most recognizable figures in the fangame community in TJ. He himself is quite the math whiz and you can definitely understand why he'd make a game like this. In terms of the gameplay, you as the player are tasked with completing 8 "stages" (40 questions) of math that progressively get harder and harder with each passing stage. Stage 1 eases the player into the game by asking you to solve introductory problems most elementary students should be able to solve. As you pass through each stage, the question difficulty gets slightly tougher until you're tasked with completing secondary to graduate level problems that you won't see until your senior year in high school/undergraduate or graduate level courses in college. Once you reach stage 5 or 6, some players will probably hit a wall and require some sort of assistance. In fact, I would advise some sort of help since these problems get very difficult. Treat it like an actual math test; it'll teach you something new and help with some concepts you might've forgotten.
Personally, I started to have real trouble around the Calculus/Higher level probability questions. In general, I consider myself a good student, but only after high school. Before college, I was very bad when it came to studying, yet I managed to survive all of my classes with A's and B's. However, I am terrible at retaining information so I tend to forget most concepts over the summer. For Calculus, I retained little to none of the information I learned during my senior year in high school and would like to take another class in college if I can. For probability, I have no experience whatsoever when it comes to the subject so I had no idea what to do or where to start.
Nevertheless, this game helped me remember and learn plenty of conceptual and general concepts regarding higher level math. I never really regarded myself as a great mathematician, but like most things, give me enough time and I'll damn near master it. For the people who have mastered it, I commend you for mastering such a difficult and comprehensive subject. I have a newfound respect for those who take this career path.
Would I recommend this game? I do think if you're into math, you should check this game out. While it was frustrating not knowing how to do some of the higher level questions, some patience, and a open and studious attitude will help to make the game a bit more fun. Again, you might end up learning something like I did. If you're like some people and wish math's utter demise and destruction, you probably wouldn't enjoy this game. All in all, you'd be better off playing something else, but do give it a shot if you're genuinely curious or want to learn something new.
Looks nice. Great song picks. Would've like something more mellow but I wasn't annoyed by the music. Still enjoyed it.
Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 79 79
Jul 31, 2017
For: I wanna revenge the Syndrome
For: I wanna revenge the Syndrome
Not funny.
Disclaimer of sorts: My intention is not to insult the creator for the choices he made throughout the game (even though it might seem like I am with some lines found here) I've learned how bad unconstructive criticism can be when reviewing something. Or at least I've learned some. Nonetheless, if you think I'm trying to flame banana, that's the last thing I'd want to do.
Absolutely vanilla, and in the bad way. After the terribly designed avoidance, you as the player are tasked with completing 5 screens of difficult needle that feature extremely common jumps like gates, diagonals, and corners. Additionally, the creator throws in a 16 px and required 2f here and there, just to spice up the precision in this game. As you progress through the platforming, you'll most definitely notice the lack of anything unique in terms of the jumps. In simpler terms, the creator of the game spams the same type of jump over and over again with no regards to balance. The difficulty curve is all over the place, as some saves took longer than others, no matter what screen I was on. After beating 4 of the screens, you're greeted with what I believe to be the creator's rendition of the CN2 secret on floor 92, since corners are the only jump present. This screen follows most of what I've said, with a inconsistent difficulty curve along with lazy and overly vanilla design. Overall, a lackluster experience that I would not wish upon anyone.
To be frank, its shit.
In terms of attacks, its pure rng. The intro introduces a difficult-to-read curving attack and will probably take some form of luck to clear for some attempts. Ceiling rng dominates throughout after the intro, as 3 of the next 4 attacks come from the place up high. After some bouncing, you're greeted with around 30-45 seconds of sporadic rng that comes from both Miku and the ceiling. After that, a rendition of the intro that is nerfed for maximum choke.
Design wise, I can definitely guess that no effort was made in making such a terribly designed boss. The two big cherries that spawn after the intro do not kill you and only serve to inhibit your ability to read the ceiling rng. While it is unique in some regard, the cherries are gigantic and can hide some cherries from the player, leaving room for snipes and ninja walls to wreak havoc. The platform in the middle of the arena serves no purpose, so I question why the creator put it there in the first place. The monotonous color palette also leaves room for confusion when reading, since most of the things in the boss are either red or pink. After a certain point, the design of the fight mimics the style of the platforming; completely vanilla and lacking of any dynamic or unique features. In the end, its a god awful boss that may demotivate you from picking this game up if you've seen/played it. It's arguably the worst boss I've played.
And trust me, I've cleared Lucky 1.
Miku. Miku everywhere. I'm down with it, but it makes the platforming harder to do since you cannot accurately pinpoint your position. Avoidance song is nice; its a light that somehow shines though in a dark, deep abyss of bad design. Decent overall, probably the best thing about this game.
Overall, its bad. I think what've I've said pushes that envelope quite well.
Don't bother with it, its a waste of time no matter how good you are.
[1] Like
Not funny.
Disclaimer of sorts: My intention is not to insult the creator for the choices he made throughout the game (even though it might seem like I am with some lines found here) I've learned how bad unconstructive criticism can be when reviewing something. Or at least I've learned some. Nonetheless, if you think I'm trying to flame banana, that's the last thing I'd want to do.
Absolutely vanilla, and in the bad way. After the terribly designed avoidance, you as the player are tasked with completing 5 screens of difficult needle that feature extremely common jumps like gates, diagonals, and corners. Additionally, the creator throws in a 16 px and required 2f here and there, just to spice up the precision in this game. As you progress through the platforming, you'll most definitely notice the lack of anything unique in terms of the jumps. In simpler terms, the creator of the game spams the same type of jump over and over again with no regards to balance. The difficulty curve is all over the place, as some saves took longer than others, no matter what screen I was on. After beating 4 of the screens, you're greeted with what I believe to be the creator's rendition of the CN2 secret on floor 92, since corners are the only jump present. This screen follows most of what I've said, with a inconsistent difficulty curve along with lazy and overly vanilla design. Overall, a lackluster experience that I would not wish upon anyone.
To be frank, its shit.
In terms of attacks, its pure rng. The intro introduces a difficult-to-read curving attack and will probably take some form of luck to clear for some attempts. Ceiling rng dominates throughout after the intro, as 3 of the next 4 attacks come from the place up high. After some bouncing, you're greeted with around 30-45 seconds of sporadic rng that comes from both Miku and the ceiling. After that, a rendition of the intro that is nerfed for maximum choke.
Design wise, I can definitely guess that no effort was made in making such a terribly designed boss. The two big cherries that spawn after the intro do not kill you and only serve to inhibit your ability to read the ceiling rng. While it is unique in some regard, the cherries are gigantic and can hide some cherries from the player, leaving room for snipes and ninja walls to wreak havoc. The platform in the middle of the arena serves no purpose, so I question why the creator put it there in the first place. The monotonous color palette also leaves room for confusion when reading, since most of the things in the boss are either red or pink. After a certain point, the design of the fight mimics the style of the platforming; completely vanilla and lacking of any dynamic or unique features. In the end, its a god awful boss that may demotivate you from picking this game up if you've seen/played it. It's arguably the worst boss I've played.
And trust me, I've cleared Lucky 1.
Miku. Miku everywhere. I'm down with it, but it makes the platforming harder to do since you cannot accurately pinpoint your position. Avoidance song is nice; its a light that somehow shines though in a dark, deep abyss of bad design. Decent overall, probably the best thing about this game.
Overall, its bad. I think what've I've said pushes that envelope quite well.
Don't bother with it, its a waste of time no matter how good you are.
Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 75 75
Jul 22, 2017
For: Sun Flower
For: Sun Flower
Good, cute boss. In terms of flaws, the heart patterns are a bit finicky in regards to learning them and the tiny red apples that bounce can gib from time to time. RNG can be a bit dense but that's counteracted by the short length of the boss. Other than that, its a short, fun avoidance that I would suggest to anyone. Keep it up, Desti.
[0] Likes
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 60 60
Jul 14, 2017
For: I Wanna Be the Chair 2
For: I Wanna Be the Chair 2
The second installment of the Chair series. I'll skip the intro and analyze each stage and boss.
Stage 1 (Grasslands) -
A good start to the game. Vanilla, chill, and not too difficult. Excellent overall.
Boss 1 (Tyrone) -
Not too hard. His I-frames are pretty much non-existent so you can spam away once he's far away from you. He does gain some invincibility when half of his health is gone, but after that, he returns to his normal state. The number of projectiles does increase slightly, but its not enough to wall the player (in terms of progress on the boss). His attacks are easy to read and dodge, so most players shouldn't have a problem with him.
Stage 2 (Fish)
Normal platforming with some water and vertical boost gimmick. Not too difficult. Metroid-like escape occurs once you clear the area, so you must backtrack through platforming you've already done.
Stage 3 (Caves)
More normal and water platforming followed by a boulder chase and survival room. Platforming was fun. Survival room was tedious due to the speed of the boulders and targeting of the darts. Chase was fun as well.
Boss 2 (Eggman)
Annoying, but easy boss. I wasn't too fond of the small projectiles that come from the raining rocks, but other than that, the first phase was nice. The second phase isn't too bad as well. The fire can be slightly hard to read at times, but after a few attempts its not too bad. Decent boss overall.
Stage 4 (Hell)
Fun area. Amazing music and awesome platforming. Perfect. However, not my favorite.
Stage 5 (Sky)
A stage dominated by an amazing gimmick. You teleport through portals in order to access different parts of a screen. They're integrated in a way that doesn't interfere with the platforming. Nice stage overall.
Boss 3 (Black Chair)
Not my favorite boss. The targeting is a bit excessive (not to mention fast) and can easily lead to errors in reading if not careful. The final phase is also tedious as the chair moves with plenty of speed, making it hard to hit the boss at all. Very tedious overall.
Stage 6 (Megaman with magnets)
Basically the same description as Sky Stage. Amazing gimmick integrated well with the platforming.
Stage 7 (Megaman with shooters)
Nice break from the gimmick/platforming section of the game. Was very chill. Enjoyed it. Loved the Yoshi Coin meme as well.
Boss 4 (Megaman Medley)
Hardest boss of the game. Many of the men's attacks go well together and make the fight more difficult. Slightly tedious as well. Overall, nice but difficult boss fight. Shouldn't be too hard if you can kill Cutman, Shadowman, Pharoahman, and the fast bomber man before starting with Gravityman.
Stage 7 (Kirby)
Unique style of platforming using Kirby's enemies as obstacles instead of spikes. While the hitbox caused a few problems with the walking waddle dees, it was a style of platforming that I came to appreciate due to how special it was. Was very fun.
Stage 8 (Outskirts)
Chill stage filled with triggers in gimmick form. Fantastic atmosphere. Loved this stage.
Stage 9 (8bit shit)
Tedious stage with somewhat annoying platforming. Spike box triggers seemed off due to the chair's hitbox so it was very hard to get them to move, especially on the conveyor belts found later in the stage. Probably my least favorite stage. Didn't like much about it in the first place.
Boss 5 (Billy)
Easy boss. Some attacks are difficult to dodge and learn, but overall this isn't too bad as long as you kill the boss quickly.
Stage 10 (Black and white)
Interesting gimmick with fun platforming. Player has to switch the color of spikes and plan jumps accordingly. Nice stage overall.
Stage 11 (Throwback?)
I might have fucked the order by now but I remember most of the stages. This one was fun except for the thwomp room. Hated that shit. Pretty much vanilla.
Stage 12 (Moon)
Best stage. Love TTYD, so seeing this was very awesome. Very nice gimmick with amazing platforming and song.
Final Boss (Chair Rebuilt)
Worst boss. Some attacks can gib, wall, or have the player say "what could I have done there?" after every attempt. After the first two phases, you do a screen of platforming that isn't too bad but is easily chokable due to the explosions occurring behind you, causing the player to rush slightly. There's a gray block trigger after the screen ends, so make sure not to go slow enough to where the explosions catch up to you before the black chair teleports you to the credits.
Overall, good game. While the platforming and gimmicks were perfect, the bosses brought the game down due to their tedious nature. With some balancing/attack fixes, this could easily be the best game of 2017. In its current state, its a great adventure game that could be perfect if the bosses weren't so annoying. Of course, different players will have different opinions which will lead to a different experience, but this is how I feel.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed this game. I would recommend to any player looking for a fun and unique adventure game. I hope to see much more from the creator in the future.
[2] Likes
Stage 1 (Grasslands) -
A good start to the game. Vanilla, chill, and not too difficult. Excellent overall.
Boss 1 (Tyrone) -
Not too hard. His I-frames are pretty much non-existent so you can spam away once he's far away from you. He does gain some invincibility when half of his health is gone, but after that, he returns to his normal state. The number of projectiles does increase slightly, but its not enough to wall the player (in terms of progress on the boss). His attacks are easy to read and dodge, so most players shouldn't have a problem with him.
Stage 2 (Fish)
Normal platforming with some water and vertical boost gimmick. Not too difficult. Metroid-like escape occurs once you clear the area, so you must backtrack through platforming you've already done.
Stage 3 (Caves)
More normal and water platforming followed by a boulder chase and survival room. Platforming was fun. Survival room was tedious due to the speed of the boulders and targeting of the darts. Chase was fun as well.
Boss 2 (Eggman)
Annoying, but easy boss. I wasn't too fond of the small projectiles that come from the raining rocks, but other than that, the first phase was nice. The second phase isn't too bad as well. The fire can be slightly hard to read at times, but after a few attempts its not too bad. Decent boss overall.
Stage 4 (Hell)
Fun area. Amazing music and awesome platforming. Perfect. However, not my favorite.
Stage 5 (Sky)
A stage dominated by an amazing gimmick. You teleport through portals in order to access different parts of a screen. They're integrated in a way that doesn't interfere with the platforming. Nice stage overall.
Boss 3 (Black Chair)
Not my favorite boss. The targeting is a bit excessive (not to mention fast) and can easily lead to errors in reading if not careful. The final phase is also tedious as the chair moves with plenty of speed, making it hard to hit the boss at all. Very tedious overall.
Stage 6 (Megaman with magnets)
Basically the same description as Sky Stage. Amazing gimmick integrated well with the platforming.
Stage 7 (Megaman with shooters)
Nice break from the gimmick/platforming section of the game. Was very chill. Enjoyed it. Loved the Yoshi Coin meme as well.
Boss 4 (Megaman Medley)
Hardest boss of the game. Many of the men's attacks go well together and make the fight more difficult. Slightly tedious as well. Overall, nice but difficult boss fight. Shouldn't be too hard if you can kill Cutman, Shadowman, Pharoahman, and the fast bomber man before starting with Gravityman.
Stage 7 (Kirby)
Unique style of platforming using Kirby's enemies as obstacles instead of spikes. While the hitbox caused a few problems with the walking waddle dees, it was a style of platforming that I came to appreciate due to how special it was. Was very fun.
Stage 8 (Outskirts)
Chill stage filled with triggers in gimmick form. Fantastic atmosphere. Loved this stage.
Stage 9 (8bit shit)
Tedious stage with somewhat annoying platforming. Spike box triggers seemed off due to the chair's hitbox so it was very hard to get them to move, especially on the conveyor belts found later in the stage. Probably my least favorite stage. Didn't like much about it in the first place.
Boss 5 (Billy)
Easy boss. Some attacks are difficult to dodge and learn, but overall this isn't too bad as long as you kill the boss quickly.
Stage 10 (Black and white)
Interesting gimmick with fun platforming. Player has to switch the color of spikes and plan jumps accordingly. Nice stage overall.
Stage 11 (Throwback?)
I might have fucked the order by now but I remember most of the stages. This one was fun except for the thwomp room. Hated that shit. Pretty much vanilla.
Stage 12 (Moon)
Best stage. Love TTYD, so seeing this was very awesome. Very nice gimmick with amazing platforming and song.
Final Boss (Chair Rebuilt)
Worst boss. Some attacks can gib, wall, or have the player say "what could I have done there?" after every attempt. After the first two phases, you do a screen of platforming that isn't too bad but is easily chokable due to the explosions occurring behind you, causing the player to rush slightly. There's a gray block trigger after the screen ends, so make sure not to go slow enough to where the explosions catch up to you before the black chair teleports you to the credits.
Overall, good game. While the platforming and gimmicks were perfect, the bosses brought the game down due to their tedious nature. With some balancing/attack fixes, this could easily be the best game of 2017. In its current state, its a great adventure game that could be perfect if the bosses weren't so annoying. Of course, different players will have different opinions which will lead to a different experience, but this is how I feel.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed this game. I would recommend to any player looking for a fun and unique adventure game. I hope to see much more from the creator in the future.
Rating: 6.7 67
Difficulty: 62 62
Jun 26, 2017
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