iraqlobster01's Profile
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50 Reviews
For: Phonotaxis
For: Phonotaxis
I need to get a better keyboard.
Extremely difficult, but amazingly produced needle game. Aside from a few saves/jumps, the game effectively challenged my "needle IQ" while remaining fun all the way through. Granted, this game is over my skill level so I spent considerably longer trying to beat it, but no matter how long it takes, it's a journey I'd recommend to any veteran needle player looking for something unique to play.
Extremely difficult. It doesn't contain your conventional jumps (corners, planes, whatever else people consider hard) so its uniqueness is something most players will notice immediately. The first screen starts off with a bang and the difficulty curve does sway a bit from save to save (or screen to screen), but its overall difficulty doesn't; nothing felt too easy or excruciatingly hard. Apart from a water hourglass jump after a 16 px drop and other saves I've honestly forgotten about (I have terrible memory, you'll have to experience it for yourself), this game was nothing short of perfect.
Kreygasm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Amazing music, very calming. Felt like I was playing needle in a LoZ temple. Tileset is godlike, if I knew how to I'd try to make it my Jtool skin. Played well, no complaints).
Overall rating:
If you love needle and want a enormous challenge/are seasoned in needle and wish to chill with something unique and difficult, I would highly recommend this. If you're more of a novice/intermediate player when it comes to needle and don't have the patience to grind it, play some easier games and come back to this later, maybe even take it save by save. Otherwise, stay away unless you feel confident about your skills. Nonetheless, this is a beautiful game that I wholeheartedly enjoyed. Keep it up Inferno!
My Rating: 8/10
My Difficulty: 88/100
[1] Like
Extremely difficult, but amazingly produced needle game. Aside from a few saves/jumps, the game effectively challenged my "needle IQ" while remaining fun all the way through. Granted, this game is over my skill level so I spent considerably longer trying to beat it, but no matter how long it takes, it's a journey I'd recommend to any veteran needle player looking for something unique to play.
Extremely difficult. It doesn't contain your conventional jumps (corners, planes, whatever else people consider hard) so its uniqueness is something most players will notice immediately. The first screen starts off with a bang and the difficulty curve does sway a bit from save to save (or screen to screen), but its overall difficulty doesn't; nothing felt too easy or excruciatingly hard. Apart from a water hourglass jump after a 16 px drop and other saves I've honestly forgotten about (I have terrible memory, you'll have to experience it for yourself), this game was nothing short of perfect.
Kreygasm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Amazing music, very calming. Felt like I was playing needle in a LoZ temple. Tileset is godlike, if I knew how to I'd try to make it my Jtool skin. Played well, no complaints).
Overall rating:
If you love needle and want a enormous challenge/are seasoned in needle and wish to chill with something unique and difficult, I would highly recommend this. If you're more of a novice/intermediate player when it comes to needle and don't have the patience to grind it, play some easier games and come back to this later, maybe even take it save by save. Otherwise, stay away unless you feel confident about your skills. Nonetheless, this is a beautiful game that I wholeheartedly enjoyed. Keep it up Inferno!
My Rating: 8/10
My Difficulty: 88/100
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 88 88
Feb 13, 2017
For: I wanna be the AO
For: I wanna be the AO
I Wanna be the AO places the player in a pretty familiar situation, much like most games; a few screens of needle followed by a really fun and easyish avoidance over one of my favorite SDVX songs Alpha Omega. The game itself is nothing special and aside from a few jumps, its not really original. However, I still enjoyed playing it and would recommend to anyone looking for a chill game to play.
Decently difficult. The first screen sets the bar a bit too high compared to the rest of the game and definitely took me longer than the rest of the platforming. Style is pretty vanilla with only spikes and 2 yellow fruit so it's nothing special. A few corners here and there, a charlie skip, and a few hard drops are the highest it gets. Otherwise, it shouldn't take veteran players long and intermediate players should spend close to 20-30 minutes on it. Save balance is great with nothing too long or short excluding the last screen. Overall, decently done.
Very fun. Fight consists of RNG with a few aimed attacks and one or two patterns. Since the fight is primarily RNG, it will test consistency and ability to read. The emphasis lies with reading since most attacks come from multiple angles, usually from one source (a ceiling and right wall bye the bye-like attack for example. Reading also gets tested with the aimed bursts, since you are placed near the ceiling. It can get pretty cluttered but it's not too bad if you're experienced. Other than that, I cannot remember anything else pertaining to critiques; the fight is honestly the highlight of the game. Plus Alpha Omega is SourPls x100
Game looks okay in terms of platforming and avoidance. Once again, it's nothing special. Projectiles take the entrance look, which I've come to love, makes the fight look cooler for some reason. Music choices were fantastic. Overall, aesthetically magnificent. No criticisms.
Overall rating:
Great game. It's a bit too vanilla with the platforming and avoidance since there are plently of games with the same format and nothing really sticks out that would make it special, but I still enjoyed it. Once again, would recommend to any player looking for a chill game that won't take much time.
Rating: 6.7/10
Difficulty: 58/100
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Decently difficult. The first screen sets the bar a bit too high compared to the rest of the game and definitely took me longer than the rest of the platforming. Style is pretty vanilla with only spikes and 2 yellow fruit so it's nothing special. A few corners here and there, a charlie skip, and a few hard drops are the highest it gets. Otherwise, it shouldn't take veteran players long and intermediate players should spend close to 20-30 minutes on it. Save balance is great with nothing too long or short excluding the last screen. Overall, decently done.
Very fun. Fight consists of RNG with a few aimed attacks and one or two patterns. Since the fight is primarily RNG, it will test consistency and ability to read. The emphasis lies with reading since most attacks come from multiple angles, usually from one source (a ceiling and right wall bye the bye-like attack for example. Reading also gets tested with the aimed bursts, since you are placed near the ceiling. It can get pretty cluttered but it's not too bad if you're experienced. Other than that, I cannot remember anything else pertaining to critiques; the fight is honestly the highlight of the game. Plus Alpha Omega is SourPls x100
Game looks okay in terms of platforming and avoidance. Once again, it's nothing special. Projectiles take the entrance look, which I've come to love, makes the fight look cooler for some reason. Music choices were fantastic. Overall, aesthetically magnificent. No criticisms.
Overall rating:
Great game. It's a bit too vanilla with the platforming and avoidance since there are plently of games with the same format and nothing really sticks out that would make it special, but I still enjoyed it. Once again, would recommend to any player looking for a chill game that won't take much time.
Rating: 6.7/10
Difficulty: 58/100
Rating: 6.7 67
Difficulty: 58 58
Jan 25, 2017
For: I wanna be the Vector
For: I wanna be the Vector
Rating doesn't include extra, but will probably be updated when I do get around to it.
Neat needle game, definitely harder that I thought it would be (for a few reasons). Cool visually, musically, and plays very well. Difficulty curve was a little inconsistent with some saves in Blue/Green area. Additionally, Blue stage was a bit much for me as a whole, but overall I enjoyed the entire game regardless of personal gripes. Was very fun to grind and felt rewarding to clear.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice challenge/test to their needle, or anyone who wants to casually grind through a needle game. Based on what I've seen out of extra, I'll hold off for now but will definitely come back to it.
Once again, excellent game.
[0] Likes
Neat needle game, definitely harder that I thought it would be (for a few reasons). Cool visually, musically, and plays very well. Difficulty curve was a little inconsistent with some saves in Blue/Green area. Additionally, Blue stage was a bit much for me as a whole, but overall I enjoyed the entire game regardless of personal gripes. Was very fun to grind and felt rewarding to clear.
Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice challenge/test to their needle, or anyone who wants to casually grind through a needle game. Based on what I've seen out of extra, I'll hold off for now but will definitely come back to it.
Once again, excellent game.
Rating: 9.0 90
Difficulty: 78 78
Jan 10, 2017
For: I wanna fall into the snow
For: I wanna fall into the snow
Very nice and lengthy needle game. The atmosphere is very cool and relaxed, which all needle games really should be no matter the difficulty. The game curved well and never became a grind excluding 1 or 2 saves. Overall, fantastic game.
Consisting of around 20 screens (I forgot to count), the game starts out at an average difficulty with no grindy jumps or saves. The theme of a few medium-sized saves with moderate jumps followed by a short, more advanced save is established immediately and the game flows well with this pace, integrating everything from vanilla needle to platform and water jumps. As someone who would like more experience with platform needle, it was a great refresher and test in regards to this concept, though I wish more of the game used it along with water. A few of the saves, although short, seemed extremely tedious, but not tedious enough to be called a grind; it took a few minutes but most players will get to the next save eventually. All in all, the platforming was smooth, cool, and very fun to play. The atmosphere definitely contributed to how much I enjoyed the game, but I wish it wasn't so vanilla and integrated more gimmicks that don't stray from how vanilla the game was (platforms for example).
None to note/analyze.
Very chill, cool atmosphere. Music is perfect and helps creating this relaxing atmosphere. Played well (wish I didn't have to play it on a keyboard I'm not used to that cramped my hands x_x) and was fantastic aesthetically overall.
Fantastic game. Would recommend to anyone looking for something chill to play after a long, grindy game or just something to chill with in general. Most players should finish this in under or around an hour so it shouldn't take long to complete. Once again, I wish more water and platforms were used, but this preference should not dissuade anyone from playing this game. It's great to test your needle as well as give you something to cool down with when the player needs it. In short, great game.
Rating: 7.8/10
Difficulty: 57/100
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Consisting of around 20 screens (I forgot to count), the game starts out at an average difficulty with no grindy jumps or saves. The theme of a few medium-sized saves with moderate jumps followed by a short, more advanced save is established immediately and the game flows well with this pace, integrating everything from vanilla needle to platform and water jumps. As someone who would like more experience with platform needle, it was a great refresher and test in regards to this concept, though I wish more of the game used it along with water. A few of the saves, although short, seemed extremely tedious, but not tedious enough to be called a grind; it took a few minutes but most players will get to the next save eventually. All in all, the platforming was smooth, cool, and very fun to play. The atmosphere definitely contributed to how much I enjoyed the game, but I wish it wasn't so vanilla and integrated more gimmicks that don't stray from how vanilla the game was (platforms for example).
None to note/analyze.
Very chill, cool atmosphere. Music is perfect and helps creating this relaxing atmosphere. Played well (wish I didn't have to play it on a keyboard I'm not used to that cramped my hands x_x) and was fantastic aesthetically overall.
Fantastic game. Would recommend to anyone looking for something chill to play after a long, grindy game or just something to chill with in general. Most players should finish this in under or around an hour so it shouldn't take long to complete. Once again, I wish more water and platforms were used, but this preference should not dissuade anyone from playing this game. It's great to test your needle as well as give you something to cool down with when the player needs it. In short, great game.
Rating: 7.8/10
Difficulty: 57/100
Rating: 7.8 78
Difficulty: 57 57
Nov 28, 2016
For: I wanna Tear it
For: I wanna Tear it
Well shit, what a journey. As I downloaded this much earlier than I should've like the idiot I was, the 39 hours spent grinding and getting better at each attacks and avoidance in general was extremely worth it. To be quite frank, I'm very glad to have been an idiot because it made me a better player. Hands down. But enough about me, its time to praise the game for what it is: an amazing barrage.
Perhaps the best barrage I've played and will ever play. At first download, getting past intro + red and blue was a complete struggle; the speed of the bullets was overwhelming for a player new to fangames. However, with time I grew to love the speed, it helped immensely for my reading skills. 4 orbs was great for pulling off precise dodges as well as helping me read intersecting bullets which I had a major problem with. "Bottom bass" or blue spiral attack was probably my favorite; moving through bullets and dodging into space felt amazing with this attack. "Freeze" or 2D sphere definitely annoyed me as I had no idea how to read it, but with the experience I gained over time, it became free.
The only attack I had a genuine problem with was scatter (attack before red rain). No matter how long I played this fight, I've always had disdain for this attack. RNG was bad most of the time and I honestly always felt lucky passing it, which no player should have to feel like doing an attack.
Red and Blue rain were easy enough, nothing special. Deaths still occurred, but realistically once you get used to the screen distortion, it should become free along with blue rings. Yellow and green are a bit harder, but much better than red and blue at the beginning. Dodging on the right is a bit strange for newer players, but again enough attempts and you'll get used to it. Finally, final blue, red and final. Final blue is one of the hardest attacks to get used to since it's so far into the fight; its movement is very strange and its speed can overwhelm players new to the attack. Final Red pretty much requires the player to be on the right side of the screen, nothing else to it.
Final. The hardest attack for sure. BOM is okay for those who can read and react, but what makes it hard is its tendency to be impossible based on your position. Final stretch can be hard to move in since you feel much faster at first then suddenly slow down for final two explosions. After that, book it to the right and whadya know you've cleared Tear it. PogChamp //
SourPls nice song SourPls
Kreygasm amazing design choices, especially final Kreygasm
PogChamp looked great as well PogChamp
Overall rating:
Excellent game. One I will always cherish for making me so much better as a player. Thank you Lily and Daburyu <3. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a great 1st barrage. Other than that, try your best to suppress your anticipation to play this to make sure you don't make the same mistake I did 9 months ago.
Rating: 9.3/10
Difficulty: 87/100
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Perhaps the best barrage I've played and will ever play. At first download, getting past intro + red and blue was a complete struggle; the speed of the bullets was overwhelming for a player new to fangames. However, with time I grew to love the speed, it helped immensely for my reading skills. 4 orbs was great for pulling off precise dodges as well as helping me read intersecting bullets which I had a major problem with. "Bottom bass" or blue spiral attack was probably my favorite; moving through bullets and dodging into space felt amazing with this attack. "Freeze" or 2D sphere definitely annoyed me as I had no idea how to read it, but with the experience I gained over time, it became free.
The only attack I had a genuine problem with was scatter (attack before red rain). No matter how long I played this fight, I've always had disdain for this attack. RNG was bad most of the time and I honestly always felt lucky passing it, which no player should have to feel like doing an attack.
Red and Blue rain were easy enough, nothing special. Deaths still occurred, but realistically once you get used to the screen distortion, it should become free along with blue rings. Yellow and green are a bit harder, but much better than red and blue at the beginning. Dodging on the right is a bit strange for newer players, but again enough attempts and you'll get used to it. Finally, final blue, red and final. Final blue is one of the hardest attacks to get used to since it's so far into the fight; its movement is very strange and its speed can overwhelm players new to the attack. Final Red pretty much requires the player to be on the right side of the screen, nothing else to it.
Final. The hardest attack for sure. BOM is okay for those who can read and react, but what makes it hard is its tendency to be impossible based on your position. Final stretch can be hard to move in since you feel much faster at first then suddenly slow down for final two explosions. After that, book it to the right and whadya know you've cleared Tear it. PogChamp //
SourPls nice song SourPls
Kreygasm amazing design choices, especially final Kreygasm
PogChamp looked great as well PogChamp
Overall rating:
Excellent game. One I will always cherish for making me so much better as a player. Thank you Lily and Daburyu <3. Would highly recommend to anyone looking for a great 1st barrage. Other than that, try your best to suppress your anticipation to play this to make sure you don't make the same mistake I did 9 months ago.
Rating: 9.3/10
Difficulty: 87/100
Rating: 9.3 93
Difficulty: 87 87
Nov 13, 2016
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