Cthaere's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: May 25, 2020
I play fangames or stuff.
I try rating game compared to what they are trying to achieve rather than compared to fangames as a whole, and with knowledge of what you're getting into; If I rate a corridor needle game, I assume the person reading the review wants to play corridor needle, as if they don't they shouldn't bother playing it anyway. With that said, I tend to be very generous on needle ratings while being very skimpy on avoidances (although you likely won't see it as if I'd give it less than a 7 I just won't clear it instead).
with extremely rare exceptions, 9/10+ is reserved to games that have left deep emotional impact, while 10/10 is reserved for games I love unconditionally.
If I reviewed it and the review doesn't say otherwise, it's safe to assume I cleared it. I try adding my clears to df but I never really cared to keep track, so some might be missing.
don't expect diff ratings to be very accurate.
I've submitted:
237 Ratings!
158 Reviews!
9 Screenshots!
237 Games
158 Reviews
For: It's so hot! Help! I think the house price can be saved by heating the cover
overall it killed some time without being too unfun, but there are much better games to play out there.
For: I wanna ⬤▅▇█▇▆▅▄▄▄▇
│Entrance hidden by
│Bricks and rubble
┳ ║ ║▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
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│ ║ ║ │Saddam
6ft ╚╗ ╔╝ │Hussein
│====o ╚════│════════╗
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Air vent │ │Fan
For: I wanna NMS - Happy Birthday Sunbla!
Despite being made in 2017, I wanna NMS feels very much like it could have came out yesterday. With a shiny unique titlescreen, practice mode, audio sync that even tries to pitch shift to imitate real audio speed changes, an arena that changes throughout the fight multiple times, and pattern design that focuses on making the player constantly active and moving throughout the arena to use the space to its fullest. This isn't even touching on the visuals, mind you, as the avoidance looks gorgeous despite using fairly minimalistic visuals for the most part.
Gameplay wise, Let's get that out of the way first: It is 90% pattern. If you don't like pattern, even when offered practice, do not play this. However, as mentioned before, the patterns are designed for dynamic play and while I will not say that it is devoid of safespot memorization, the safespots usually dissipate quickly and the focus is on the movement of trying to get to the next one rather than staying in place for 20 seconds. Difficulty wise, once you learn the patterns, there are at best 5-8 patterns that you might choke before chorus 2, with 2 that can kill you with hard (although very rarely unfair) rng. However, chorus 2 and over is where an attempt truly begins, and it doesn't relent from then onwards until the end of the fight, where nerves replace difficulty to ensure you're still never truly safe. As someone that likes the feeling of getting consistent attempts while also disliking long easy intros, this managed to somewhat strike a balance as I'd be getting chorus 2 attempts consistently when playing well and the start of the fight still required my attention, even if it was mostly thoughtless automatic movements.
Visually, as I've said, this avoidance is impeccable. This avoidance uses every tool available: Deeply saturated cherries, particle and objects-imitating-particle effects, pretty cherry patterns (especially the cube at the end), the uniquely recognizable miku sprite, smooth screenshake, color inversion in the right places, transition effects, everything. Not only that, but they're applied tastefully and even more importantly in accordance with the song: The most impressive parts are reserved to the most intense parts of the song, giving you good promise of the visuals from the very start while reserving the big spectacles for the most epic moments in the avoidance.
This would normally be the part where I put in my negative thoughts. However, aside from the backloaded difficulty and a minor amount of the rng design, the only other things to point out would be entitlement at best, such as the audio sync messing up the song a bit too much, having only 1 savefile meaning deathtime is lost between practice and real attempts, or the inability to practice individual attacks. I cannot in good faith count these against the avoidance, and so I won't.
In conclusion, this avoidance is criminally overlooked and is one of the best hard-but-not-insane pattern bosses I've ever played. If you like patterns and can handle the difficulty (or even if you can't and would like to play it in practice mode for fun) it is a must-play.
For: I wanna L
For: I wanna fly the Far away
So basically: The drop corner in screen 2 sucks, and screen 1 as a whole is relatively pretty generic and not all that fun gameplay wise, at least for me. Final jump of final screen could definitely also be a problem if you get stuck on it. Otherwise, the game is very good. Jumps feel satisfying to pull off and while a big amount of them does boil into jump jump hold direction, they're sprinkled in with other jumps that do offer more interesting movement, and for a game with this level of precision too much movement complexity could very easily backfire.
All in all this holds up very well, a lot better than many of the other old&hard needle games that came to fame, and is likely going to remain a timeless classic.
2 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I wanna Musiclock | 74.7 | 9.3 | 20 |
I wanna Xanadu | 60.7 | 7.7 | 8 |
32 Favorite Games
143 Cleared Games