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144 Reviews
For: I wanna be the Strongest Fairy
For: I wanna be the Strongest Fairy
Fangame Clear #9
Honestly I just thought this short game was very neat. Perfect for a starter fangame, the needle is fun and challenging enough for beginners to spend some time learning mechanics.
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Honestly I just thought this short game was very neat. Perfect for a starter fangame, the needle is fun and challenging enough for beginners to spend some time learning mechanics.
Rating: 7.8 78
Difficulty: 26 26
Jul 10, 2023
For: I wanna be the Animus
For: I wanna be the Animus
Fangame Clear #8
Certainly one of the games of all time.
The first section is an autoscroller, and in my opinion its quite okay! A lot of stuff here is quite fun to play through, and nothing here really poses much of a bad challenge at all, nor are there obnoxious amounts of traps (which is always a plus)
The water section afterwards is pretty cool too! It's quite a relaxing decent with minimal challenges and absolutely no obnoxious traps!! (woo!!) The hitboxes on the sea critters are a bit weird, but overall they really add to the pleasant aesthetic of the area. So far, pretty good!
The fire section is where the problems begin to arise, although this section still isn't too bad. This section is really just filled with unoriginal traps, which is really the main downside, but the fire block gimmick is probably the most explored (and best) gimmick in the entire game. It's a very nice puzzle-like edition that really forces you to think about the section you're playing.
The next area is probably the most abhorrent and miserable thing in this entire game. It is essentially the definition of "guess and check lmao!" with invisible triggers and paths you have to memorize every single save, with bland platforming and tedious traps thrown in. Immediately bumps this game from an A to a C, in a single sweep.
The cloudy area is just pretty miserable, and is overall a complete mess. Many paths lead to nowhere, and the few traps it has are purely nonsensical. The mini-boss of the area is quite possibly placed in the most inconvenient and rage-inducing spot and is completely different from the rest of the game. The rest of the area is tolerable except for the mini-boss, which is just horrid.
The space area was kinda cool, but a noticeable spike in difficulty from the rest. Not super memorable except the final screen where you race against the sun? Cool I guess?
The final boss is boring and forgettable, nothing more and nothing less.
Overall, not the best beginner recommendation, but I would be lying if I told you this game didn't have some value. Worth a playthrough on medium and not much else.
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Certainly one of the games of all time.
The first section is an autoscroller, and in my opinion its quite okay! A lot of stuff here is quite fun to play through, and nothing here really poses much of a bad challenge at all, nor are there obnoxious amounts of traps (which is always a plus)
The water section afterwards is pretty cool too! It's quite a relaxing decent with minimal challenges and absolutely no obnoxious traps!! (woo!!) The hitboxes on the sea critters are a bit weird, but overall they really add to the pleasant aesthetic of the area. So far, pretty good!
The fire section is where the problems begin to arise, although this section still isn't too bad. This section is really just filled with unoriginal traps, which is really the main downside, but the fire block gimmick is probably the most explored (and best) gimmick in the entire game. It's a very nice puzzle-like edition that really forces you to think about the section you're playing.
The next area is probably the most abhorrent and miserable thing in this entire game. It is essentially the definition of "guess and check lmao!" with invisible triggers and paths you have to memorize every single save, with bland platforming and tedious traps thrown in. Immediately bumps this game from an A to a C, in a single sweep.
The cloudy area is just pretty miserable, and is overall a complete mess. Many paths lead to nowhere, and the few traps it has are purely nonsensical. The mini-boss of the area is quite possibly placed in the most inconvenient and rage-inducing spot and is completely different from the rest of the game. The rest of the area is tolerable except for the mini-boss, which is just horrid.
The space area was kinda cool, but a noticeable spike in difficulty from the rest. Not super memorable except the final screen where you race against the sun? Cool I guess?
The final boss is boring and forgettable, nothing more and nothing less.
Overall, not the best beginner recommendation, but I would be lying if I told you this game didn't have some value. Worth a playthrough on medium and not much else.
Rating: 4.3 43
Difficulty: 23 23
Jul 10, 2023
For: I wanna get the Rainbow feather
For: I wanna get the Rainbow feather
Fangame Clear #7
This fangame, very simply put, has shown its age. Extremely tedious fangame to play through, I'll break it down section by section.
The beginning is your quintessential trap needle, except a lot of the traps are borderline annoying and very tiring to learn. Invisible paths have never been my cup of tea. Although, this isn't really too bad in itself.
The snow area, is very simply put, not good at all. Most of the screens are extremely long, tedious, and riddled with annoying traps. A lot of the snowmen just serve more as timewaste and annoyance than anything else, and there's really not much substance here. Don't even get me started on the randomly appearing blocks screen, that was just straight up not fun at all.
The mechanical area was a bit better, having highlighted areas where traps could be is a nice touch and gives some leeway for creative trapping, which unfortunately was not utilized to its potential outside of a few rare circumstances. There are also just rooms with absolutely useless and confusing things, such as the room where you have to click the bottom spikes? Why? (not to mention the screen afterwards was probably the most "honk-shoo" part of the whole game. just utterly miserable.)
The gravity section is probably the first section that isn't either outright terrible, or very tedious. It was actually quite fun to play through, and most of the mechanics (albeit very poorly explained) were utilized quite well, and the pathing was also quite fun! Overall a highlight in this otherwise dim game.
The quiz is probably the most ridiculous and utterly useless section in this entire game, and does not belong whatsoever. That is all.
The monochrome area was the second area of the game that wasn't utterly terrible to play through. Overall it was a decent, only slightly tedious section that didn't really have anything super memorable going for or against it.
The crystal section is quite polarizing, the first third is honestly the best needle in the game and very fun to play through, but as soon as the breakable blocks were introduced things took a nosedive into some of the most infuriating and otherwise boring gameplay I've played up to this point. 90% of this was absolutely not needed, especially the very long tedious autoscroller screen into the multiple traps that you have to avoid before you're allowed to save. Simply not good.
The boss is just, nothing special really. I barely even remember it and I played it less than 4 days ago.
Overall, not great. Very little of this game is worth playing, but it really isn't the *worst* thing in the world, and if you're up for it, I wouldn't actively advise you to not play it, I just wouldn't recommend it is all.
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This fangame, very simply put, has shown its age. Extremely tedious fangame to play through, I'll break it down section by section.
The beginning is your quintessential trap needle, except a lot of the traps are borderline annoying and very tiring to learn. Invisible paths have never been my cup of tea. Although, this isn't really too bad in itself.
The snow area, is very simply put, not good at all. Most of the screens are extremely long, tedious, and riddled with annoying traps. A lot of the snowmen just serve more as timewaste and annoyance than anything else, and there's really not much substance here. Don't even get me started on the randomly appearing blocks screen, that was just straight up not fun at all.
The mechanical area was a bit better, having highlighted areas where traps could be is a nice touch and gives some leeway for creative trapping, which unfortunately was not utilized to its potential outside of a few rare circumstances. There are also just rooms with absolutely useless and confusing things, such as the room where you have to click the bottom spikes? Why? (not to mention the screen afterwards was probably the most "honk-shoo" part of the whole game. just utterly miserable.)
The gravity section is probably the first section that isn't either outright terrible, or very tedious. It was actually quite fun to play through, and most of the mechanics (albeit very poorly explained) were utilized quite well, and the pathing was also quite fun! Overall a highlight in this otherwise dim game.
The quiz is probably the most ridiculous and utterly useless section in this entire game, and does not belong whatsoever. That is all.
The monochrome area was the second area of the game that wasn't utterly terrible to play through. Overall it was a decent, only slightly tedious section that didn't really have anything super memorable going for or against it.
The crystal section is quite polarizing, the first third is honestly the best needle in the game and very fun to play through, but as soon as the breakable blocks were introduced things took a nosedive into some of the most infuriating and otherwise boring gameplay I've played up to this point. 90% of this was absolutely not needed, especially the very long tedious autoscroller screen into the multiple traps that you have to avoid before you're allowed to save. Simply not good.
The boss is just, nothing special really. I barely even remember it and I played it less than 4 days ago.
Overall, not great. Very little of this game is worth playing, but it really isn't the *worst* thing in the world, and if you're up for it, I wouldn't actively advise you to not play it, I just wouldn't recommend it is all.
Rating: 3.5 35
Difficulty: 24 24
Jul 10, 2023
For: I wanna go the Spook House
For: I wanna go the Spook House
Fangame Clear #6
An extremely charming short game. A new gimmick is found on every screen, with varied, new, and slightly challenging (for a new player such as myself), but not crazy enough to cause any form of prolonged annoyance! The room designs are phenomenal, the platforming is varied and unlike anything I have seen before it, and overall very fun throughout. The boss is also very charming, a parody of Undertale that has unforgiving RNG elements, but makes up for it in the fact that it has a health bar, which is a nice addition! The funny quips fit a game and a boss like this, and ties in nicely with everything else.
The only two gripes I have are at the very beginning and end, namely the way in which you even enter the mansion is quite confusing (if you're blind like me and didn't notice the open window and just sat at the door clicking the up arrow like an insane person,) and the way in which you spare the ghost isn't so straightforward as the Spare button does not act like the one in Undertale (i.e, no indication of whether or not you can spare, no easy way to find the conditions to spare). But besides those very minor things, this is a very charming game and a must play for anyone new to fangames.
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An extremely charming short game. A new gimmick is found on every screen, with varied, new, and slightly challenging (for a new player such as myself), but not crazy enough to cause any form of prolonged annoyance! The room designs are phenomenal, the platforming is varied and unlike anything I have seen before it, and overall very fun throughout. The boss is also very charming, a parody of Undertale that has unforgiving RNG elements, but makes up for it in the fact that it has a health bar, which is a nice addition! The funny quips fit a game and a boss like this, and ties in nicely with everything else.
The only two gripes I have are at the very beginning and end, namely the way in which you even enter the mansion is quite confusing (if you're blind like me and didn't notice the open window and just sat at the door clicking the up arrow like an insane person,) and the way in which you spare the ghost isn't so straightforward as the Spare button does not act like the one in Undertale (i.e, no indication of whether or not you can spare, no easy way to find the conditions to spare). But besides those very minor things, this is a very charming game and a must play for anyone new to fangames.
Rating: 8.8 88
Difficulty: 25 25
Jul 10, 2023
For: I wanna be the Aura
For: I wanna be the Aura
Fangame Clear #5
Your quintessential Trap/Gimmick game. The Kirby area felt very long, and felt dragging at times. The IWBTG fangame is just your basic trap section, nothing that really separated itself from the rest, just an annoying hurdle. The final area, albeit the worst in design, was in practice the most fun, although it was practically unnecessary and very long. The boss designs though are certainly a highlight of this game, each of them are varied and quite fun, albeit the final one was long it was still varied enough to be fun through some attempts.
Overall, if you love the trap genre and you're looking for a classic, this is a fine recommendation to have, but for someone that's looking for a bit more than traps and dragging gameplay, it might not suit your tastes.
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Your quintessential Trap/Gimmick game. The Kirby area felt very long, and felt dragging at times. The IWBTG fangame is just your basic trap section, nothing that really separated itself from the rest, just an annoying hurdle. The final area, albeit the worst in design, was in practice the most fun, although it was practically unnecessary and very long. The boss designs though are certainly a highlight of this game, each of them are varied and quite fun, albeit the final one was long it was still varied enough to be fun through some attempts.
Overall, if you love the trap genre and you're looking for a classic, this is a fine recommendation to have, but for someone that's looking for a bit more than traps and dragging gameplay, it might not suit your tastes.
Rating: 5.0 50
Difficulty: 20 20
Jul 10, 2023
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