YaBoiMarcAntony's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: Apr 26, 2020
I used to be here four years ago but I left. I was Guitarsage2k/Parallax5.
These fangames mean a lot to me (attempt at order)
1. I Wanna Kill the Kermit 3
2. I Wanna Walk Out in the Morning Dew
3. I Wanna Be the Volatile Presence: Stagnant Edition
4. Crimson Needle 3
5. I Wanna Kill the Kermit 2
6. I Wanna Figure
7. Phonotransmitter
8. VoVoVo
9. I Wanna Reach the Moon
10. untitled needle game
11. I Wanna Burnmind
12. Domu
13. I Want To Meet Miki
14. I Wanna Go Across the Rainbow
15. Alphazetica
16. I Wanna Stop the Simulation
17. I Wanna Hydrate
18. I Wanna Be the Ocean Princess
19. I Wanna Vibe with the Gods
20. I Wanna Be the Vandal
21. I Wanna Pray to the Platform God
22. I Want
23. I Wanna Pointillism
24. I Wanna Be Far From Home
25. I Wanna Be the RO
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276 Ratings!
237 Reviews!
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276 Games
237 Reviews
For: Hydrohomies
Hydrohomies is as perfect as it can be, managing to make any given flaw (as few as there are, anyways) seem insignificant and not worth noting, whether this comes down to technical errors or a slight fall in gameplay quality. To the former, they do exist, though I imagine they'll not be doing so for long. and the latter simply comes down to preference. For my part, this is a flawless game. Despite being centered on one critical component, each stage manages to breathe life into what some may think of as a tired gimmick - catharsis water. There's the wilder takes on the concept such as in geo's spectacular stage which I imagine will stand out as the most divisive of each stage, though perhaps not as divisive as his famed Dew-based game. Then you have the more "by-the-numbers," stages, such as wolfie's take on catharsis water, this take perhaps being Wolfie's finest hour yet. Every stage, however, puts its own little twist on the gimmick, so you're certain to find something you like.
Everyone deserves major props for what they put forth in Hydrohomies, but I think the most surprising of the bunch has to be Zurai's stage. Zurai, despite being the least experienced maker here in terms of output, manages to stand just as tall as the greats like Stonk or Wolfie with some truly inventive design which manages to combine this classic feel with a sense of modernity.
Hydrohomies starts off the year amazingly, being one of the best collabs ever made - and it only took four weeks to make!
(1/22/2021: I look back on this as being a bit too positive. I recognize now that there are some problems, mainly to do with the general lack of focus on catharsis water, realistically. While Geo and Gwiz do excellently with the gimmick, the rest more or less design typical catharsis water needle, though they do so to perfection. As such, I won't say that anything I say here is an outright lie, just that it was a case of me sort of jumping the gun and wanting to lavish praises on something I like a lot - and what's wrong with that? Despite saying this, I still believe this is a superb game, even if it's not quite as perfect as I stressed it to be.)
(I realized recently that I basically don't remember a thing about this game now and I feel no inclination towards replaying it, so here we are. It was very, very good, but nowhere near as much as I personally hyped it up to be.)
For: I Wanna Pointillism
Let me walk you through it, my friends!
Should you make the excellent choice to visit Pointillism, you'll first be greeted by an excellent soundtrack to back your viewing experience made up of various classic songs of old, my personal favorite being those coming from Mussorgsky's own masterpiece, Pictures at an Exhibition. Those few paintings set to his Great Gates of Kiev were particularly moving thanks to the choice of song. Secondarily, you'll find the very exhibit itself to be quite pleasant and easy to traverse. There's no confusing hallways, no moment where I found myself lost or unaware of where to go. The only rub is you're locked away from other sections until you've properly appreciated each painting. This is not an issue in and of itself since every painting is worth that effort, but to some, it may damage the experience of just wandering and enjoying everything at your own pace.
Now, for the meat of things.
There are some paintings which stand on their own, but for the most part everything is organized into several different areas, let's begin with the first: hallway 1! Descriptive name, right? Well, there's no real theme to the various art selections here, though most everything is fairly grounded, aside from one: Subversions of Expectations; Pt. 1. This fun little meisterwerk takes joy in doing just what the title suggests. Many other faux-artists (and writers) try to do this very thing, but few actually do so in a satisfying and enjoyable way. MLSTRM, however, knows just what they're doing and exactly how to trick us viewers. As such, you'll find yourself surprised quite often in your time with Subversions. The rest, while certainly enjoyable in their own right, are merely the soft beginnings of what is to come.
Symmetry is where Pointillism steps into a league of its own, featuring highly experimental and novel painting of which my personal favorite is Mobius, perhaps one of the most fantastic paintings to ever grace my eyes with its blazing glory. To tell you the truth, I thought I had this one pegged just a few minutes in, but when its true nature revealed itself to me, I was quite simply awestruck. I have never seen anything like this, and if I should ever do so again, it will almost certainly be through cheap imitation. This sort of thing, however, is par for the course in Symmetry. The concept of symmetry is one well fleshed out, but that does not mean there is no more innovation and excellence to be gleaned from it. As such, even the more typical paintings in Symmetry are glorious in their own right, though the particularly brilliant ones in my opinion are Double Rainbow, Through the Looking Glass, and of course Mobius.
Now then, Hallway 2 dials back the peculiarity a bit, allowing the viewer a bit of a breather from what came before and for what's to come. With that said, MLSTRM simply couldn't help themselves and still threw in an avant-garde masterpiece in the form of Tilted, one of the bigger oddities in Pointillism. Though its quite out there, Tilted still managed to be something of a comfort to me. It presents the world in a way we don't often see, reminding one somewhat of Picasso and other such masters of the Cubism movement. Nonetheless, Hallway 2 is not one of the sections that inspire me to write this review, though calling it a lowlight would be a mistake as that suggests there is something less than incredible here, which there isn't.
Modernism, however, blows Hallway 2 away in every way it can. Calling Tilted avant-garde is almost comedic when compared to such pieces like Closed Loop, Airlocks, Aerial Inverter, and what is the most controversial piece in Pointillism, Only the Right Angles. Right Angles is rough, complex, and unique in a way that is rarely touched upon. As such, the ideas brought to the table here will come across as horrible and outright vile to those not willing to give Right Angles a chance. Of course, some who do will still describe it thusly, but for those of whom Right Angles resonates with, they will find this a breath of fresh air. It touches upon concepts many other artists are terrified to deal with, and rightly so. Such concepts need a master's touch, but luckily, MLSTRM is a master. Modernism is a genuine highlight in Pointillism, both in terms of aesthetic value and innovation.
But of course, MLSTRM is not one to starve the viewer. As such, Garden is yet another moment of luminous brilliance. This is the second largest section in the gallery, and it is naturally chock full of genius. Here, MLSTRM's experimentation does not generally manifest itself in such outwardly awkward ways like Right Angles, but that does not diminish the nigh-revolutionary state of every painting here. Particularly, Butterfly Effect is an astounding twist on an old classic, one many viewers will be familiar with, though perhaps not intimately so. With that said, I think those pieces which stood out to me the most were Labyrinth, The Well of Ascension, and Waterfall. Labyrinth is an oddity to be sure, but it offers the viewer something no other artist has done before, at least not to this level. The Well of Ascension, however, takes the common cliché which Catharsis birthed and breathes into it new life with a vast piece which spans several levels. You'll spend a fair bit of time here relative to the other paintings, but I suspect you'll enjoy your time here. As for Waterfall, it is not quite as voluminous, but what it loses in size, it makes up for in density. Waterfall is a veritable well of supremacy which would take years to drain. The pieces which I do not touch on are of course similarly phenomenal, but I cannot describe everything to you, can I? There must be some surprises for you readers!
Tower is the penultimate moment of Pointillism, one that stands out to me as one of the more confident moments within this flawless gallery. Here, MLSTRM takes pieces of the past and puts their own little touch on each of them. For example, the famous piece from Crimson is re-imagined in a way that manages to improve upon a classic. I mean, how many artists are you aware of with the gall to re-do other's masterpieces? What confidence must be needed to do such a thing! Furthermore, what sort of skill does one need to actually go on and improve these pieces? I do not possess such skill, that is for sure. There is no need to touch on any one piece here as each is memorable in their own right, and I would prefer not to spoil the surprise, something which is especially important in Pointillism. While I loved most every painting, my favorite part of it all was the exploration aspect of itself. There is something truly special about wandering from piece to piece, perhaps not giving each one the time it should, but nonetheless exploring them all. Upon unlocking each section, I would relish those small moments of curiosity in which I would be greeted by totally new paintings, and I would just jump from painting to painting and take in everything I could in an expedient manner before truly diving into each of them. This is the true brilliance of Pointillism, not its collection of works, but that it engenders the joy of exploration in a way that I have rarely found before.
There is one last section, Hallway 3. But, I feel I should not touch on this as it is the absolute highlight of Pointillism, something that should be left for you to find and explore yourself, and I implore each and every one of you readers to visit Pointillism as soon as you can. Perhaps it will not resonate with you as much as it does with me and many others, but I am sure you will not regret your choice. Pointillism is one of the most vibrant and magnificent artistic statements I have ever seen in my life, and it will be remembered for years and years to come.
- Marcus Antonius
For: I wanna put out the cigarette
Now, I'll admit that every stage, though to some degree great, also managed to get on my nerves to some degree as well. The biggest offender would be Separation. This is the stage with the most striking visuals, though not my favorite of the bunch, and this is thanks to the unusual spike designs which beget Randomchaos's experimentation several months after Cigarette in Neo Needle Buffet. These peculiar spikes, while being quite enjoyable in the right circumstances, also served to be quite an annoyance every now and again. Separation was the first stage I took on, and I found it to feel like the longest one of the bunch, but I don't know the actual lengths of any stages aside from wonderful's four-piece masterpiece (it's not a masterpiece, I just liked the way that phrase rolled off the tongue).
As for the favorite, I'd say that honor goes equal parts to Flesh and Distortion. The former held my favorite saves as well as my favorite visuals, while the latter was the most cohesive stage of the bunch as well as looked quite cool in its own right.
The game may be difficult, but it's a game worth taking on if you enjoy this sort of moody needle, you just need a little hair on your chest before you can take this game on.
For: I Wanna Vibe With The Gods
I Wanna Vibe With the Gods, of course, is a Watson game through and through.
So far as I can gather, this game was put together over the course of a week. That alone is worthy of endless praise, despite the relative size of the game. There are ten screens and a boss, but each screen is a masterpiece in its own right, something which would take most people many hours to come up with and create, let alone polish to the point of being ready for release - and there's ten of them! Many people have already drawn comparisons to Morning Dew, so I'll refrain from doing the same - but I will add: this game is not like Morning Dew. Instead, it's more like a WarioWare game in which each screen focuses on its own unique gimmick rather than each gimmick being fleshed out and utilized to its peak potential over the course of several screens; however, that is not to say I ever felt like anything was under-utilized, no siree. Instead, Watson managed to eke out a ton of quality from each gimmick in a massively short amount of time. This combined with the fact that each gimmick is wildly different from each other makes for a highly varied and dense game.
I won't go into depth on each screen since most of the fun is discovering each gimmick and getting a handle on them, but I'll say that the screen order is randomized, making it so that everyone is quite likely to have their own unique experience. One might think this would screw with the overall difficulty balance, but I found that to be a rather irrelevant thought. A couple screens stood out in terms of difficulty, but your experience with the game will differ depending on your strengths and weaknesses. With that said, there is one screen in particular that I imagine will cause quite a lot of trouble with most whom experience it (as well as another screen that is technically a cake-walk if you're willing to make it so).
I cannot speak to the boss completely as I did not feel inclined to play it, but in the short time I tinkered with it, I found that it's an extremely inventive twist on an old classic. I suspect it'll be the most difficult part of the game for most as it gave me a fair bit of trouble in my fifteen or so minutes of "grinding." Nonetheless, while it did not grab me as strongly as the rest of the game, I won't factor it into my rating as I will certainly return to complete it - and if I find that I don't like it as much, I'll come back and rate the game accordingly.
All in all, I Wanna Vibe with the Gods is a game which will at the very least earn your admiration; because of its experimental nature, there's no guarantee you'll actually enjoy playing the game, but the sheer creativity and effort put into the game is enough to warrant respect. Luckily, it earned my love too.
For: Love. Memory. Hope. Forgiveness. Tragedy. Death...
The visuals too are astounding, taking the atmosphere to the next level and making the game far more memorable than it already would have been. Some effects can become a bit distracting, but overall I was never bothered enough to be irritated or even slightly vexed.
There's a story to be consumed here, but it's generally presented through vague diaries scattered about the landscape. I enjoyed this small aspect of the game and would have liked if this were more fleshed out, i.e., if there were more diaries or if each diary was more thoroughly hidden. It would have been a great moment, for example, to walk into an un-assuming hallway and then discover a hidden level of sorts. Nonetheless, each diary is fairly easy to find (aside from one), so you will likely come to the end of the game having discovered them all without issue.
If you liked Depression (avgustine's game, not the mental illness), then you'll certainly enjoy this game as well.
9 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
A Sky Blue Denouement | 88.8 | 8.4 | 10 |
April is the Cruelest Month | 84.6 | 8.9 | 20 |
I Wanna Flying Disc | 91.7 | 9.1 | 6 |
Frankie Teardrop | 2.2 | 6.0 | 10 |
I Don't Wanna Dwell | 69.2 | 7.3 | 14 |
Nebulous Thoughts | 80.0 | 9.1 | 32 |
Strewn Detritus | 69.0 | 7.3 | 14 |
The Sunken Cathedral | 69.5 | 8.2 | 28 |
I Wanna be the Ziggomatic Drukqs | 70.5 | 7.3 | 9 |
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