YaBoiMarcAntony's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: Apr 26, 2020
I used to be here four years ago but I left. I was Guitarsage2k/Parallax5.
These fangames mean a lot to me (attempt at order)
1. I Wanna Kill the Kermit 3
2. I Wanna Walk Out in the Morning Dew
3. I Wanna Be the Volatile Presence: Stagnant Edition
4. Crimson Needle 3
5. I Wanna Kill the Kermit 2
6. I Wanna Figure
7. Phonotransmitter
8. VoVoVo
9. I Wanna Reach the Moon
10. untitled needle game
11. I Wanna Burnmind
12. Domu
13. I Want To Meet Miki
14. I Wanna Go Across the Rainbow
15. Alphazetica
16. I Wanna Stop the Simulation
17. I Wanna Hydrate
18. I Wanna Be the Ocean Princess
19. I Wanna Vibe with the Gods
20. I Wanna Be the Vandal
21. I Wanna Pray to the Platform God
22. I Want
23. I Wanna Pointillism
24. I Wanna Be Far From Home
25. I Wanna Be the RO
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276 Ratings!
237 Reviews!
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276 Games
237 Reviews
For: I wanna Hibikusuku
I honestly don't have much to say about this game as despite the sheer goodness of Hibikusuku, it leaves me with little thoughts on the actual game itself; that is likely due to the relatively minuscule nature of the game, featuring only two stages both with bosses. With that said, both these stages (and bosses) are fairly lengthy, and due to the nature of a trapventure game, you won't breeze through each stage as quickly as you would other games of this stature. Therefore, you're still getting a lot of bang for your buck - and even if the game is short, that is no slight. these small trapventure romps are some of the more enjoyable fangame experiences. Sure, they don't match up to the titan-esque adventure or needle games like Ocean Princess or Crimson Needle 3, but that is not necessary. I Wanna Hibikusuku is a lovely little promenade through the mind of a brilliant creator, one who would do quite well doing whatever they liked, be it bite-sized trapventures or perhaps more hefty games; either way, I am truly excited to see what else they cook up.
For: I wanna be the Tethys
I would not say Tethys is a bad game altogether, not in the slightest. There is a valiant attempt at making an enjoyable needle game here, but there's just so many jumps which really deteriorated the experience that I could never recommend this game. The most enjoyable aspect was the aesthetic, something that dopamine was able to perfect from the very start of his gamemaking career; yet, a great aesthetic does not itself make a great game.
If you're in dire need of some dopamine, then and ONLY then would I say give this a shot. I seem to be in the minority concerning my opinion, though, so don't let my negativity get in the way of what could be an enjoyable gaming experience.
For: I wanna be the Neurosis
I Wanna be the Neurosis is yet another nice moody romp from dopamine that places a lot of energy on the atmosphere of the game, something that I love being done in fangames. Neurosis takes place over the course of seven chapters and doesn't really amp up the difficulty until the last two. Coincidentally, these were my least favorite chapters due to the uncomfortable platforming in some of the saves. The last chapter ends with a rather irritating screen that also happens to have my favorite aesthetic in the game, being exactly what I want out of these surreal sort of horror fangames.
Nonetheless, the rest of the chapters are decent fun and make the game absolutely worth playing through. Though, Abducted is the clear superior when considering the two games. Also, I feel the difficulty is heavily over-stated; though that rating is a bit more accurate when considering the final two chapters, as a whole I found the game to be rather easy.
For: I wanna be Abducted
There are twenty-four eggs and your goal is to put those eggs all in one basket. In which order you choose to retrieve those eggs is essentially up to you. There are three hub worlds with four doors each, though you cannot access the second hub world until you've found enough eggs in the first hub world, and the third is similarly locked out. Nonetheless, aside from that limitation, how you choose to explore these needle screens is entirely up to you. These stages place a massive focus on flow and pathing, dropping the need for cleverly made jumps and maneuvers (though certainly you'll not be in want of that either, it's merely not the main draw of the game), though the final hub world sort of lacks in that respect. The first two stages, you'll find yourself treading on old ground a fair bit of time searching for eggs, but it never feels redundant or tiring; instead, the excitement of searching through each stage with a fine-tooth comb looking for the eggs you so desire (as well as a few EASTER eggs here and there) totally overrides any sense of boredom one could come down with should these levels have been presented as mere needle.
The final stage, however, sort of pulls back on this sort of level design and instead gives you more straight-forward needle, though it is well-designed needle nonetheless. These levels, then, were the low-light of my Abduction experience, but by no means bad or even just good. My other complaint would lie with the music choices in some levels. Though I liked all the music, I felt that some areas had music choices which were detrimental to the overall surreal and creepy mood of the game, that mood which acts as the game's greatest boon. You're dropped into a foreign world reminiscent of Yume Nikki and you're only directive is to find eggs; otherwise, you're given no guidance nor information on the world surrounding you. The various disturbing figures and images you'll see in your journey will not fill you in on what you're exploring, they'll merely inform you that you're not alone in this land. All this is to say, dopamine was quite successful in building the aesthetic of Abducted, but sometimes I felt the music choices took away from that foreign feeling; for example, the song in the third hub world stage with the gun pointed at you in the background, though good, was a bit too catchy and up-beat to me. In fact, I would have preferred if every song were instrumentals (creepy ones, obviously), but the music did not detract from my experience in any meaningful way.
Loaded with atmosphere and dripping with a moody aesthetic, I Wanna be Abducted does not disappoint in the slightest and holds up rather well four years later. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone with an enjoyment for collect-a-thons and place an importance on the aesthetic in their fangames.
For: I Wanna be the Matryoshka
Now, my real gripe with Matryoshka has little to do with the platforming (and no, it's not the bosses. For one reason or another, I liked the bosses despite their being RNG fests. Nonetheless, I would have liked them a lot more if they were more creative) and all to do with the actual mood of the game itself - it's non-existent! Every screen feels disconnected from each other, the only unifying force between each screen in a given stage being the visuals. Otherwise, if you gave all the screens the same visuals and randomized the order, I would have a bit of difficulty identifying what came from where. Gimmick usage generally does define a stage, but more so in the sense that a certain stage will have a lot of a particular gimmick rather than just a bit of it (stage 3, for example, has a lot of gravity flipping and heavy air, while stage 1 has a lot of moving spikes). In this way, I suppose there is some cohesion, but it's hard to tell.
There are two reasons for this, I think. For one, the game has this sanitized sort of feel, as if someone spent a very long time scrubbing and scrubbing, cleaning and cleaning, polishing and polishing, to the point where it's sickeningly clean. You can smell the bleach in the air and feel the burning shine of the lemon pledge on every surface and spike; yet, if that were the case, then logically there should be nothing irritating about this game. A clean, polished game should have no sections which make me want to pull my hair out or overall are extremely uncomfortable to pull off. This, my friends, is the danger of the overclean, an absolutely bullshit term I just made up at this very moment.
Two, I don't feel any particular flow from save to save. This, I think, is the real culprit for my middling feelings concerning Matryoshka. When you finish a save, there's little feeling of progression or flow; instead, it just feels like a concatenation of saves without any sort of unification. Again, this is not something that I really noticed until stage 3, which is coincidentally where my enjoyment of the game severely diminished and I dropped it for a few weeks. Stage 4 is somewhat better, but the issues remain, and I suppose this is as good a time as any to bring up stage 5 and how it's two screens long and with a boss, so you can tell that Dono and KittyGame were really losing steam by the end here. Nonetheless, what little of stage 5 there is was pretty enjoyable, and the boss, though very short, was pretty fun.
Now, I know I've said a lot of negative things here, but I really don't think this is a bad game at all. Despite my issues, I really do enjoy Matryoshka. Every save offers something enjoyable and satisfying to pull off, and there's even a fair bit of creativity to be found here. For example, any usage of heavy air and platforms I found to be quite enjoyable and interesting (this is something that comes up in every stage, luckily, so I always had something to look forward to). The game is at its best in the first two stages, where the platforming feels the most satisfying and cohesive. Though the quality deteriorates in the latter stages, not once does anything dip into trash territory. The bosses as well were, as I said, fairly enjoyable. Even if they were all RNG fests, I found them to be rather fun to fight through and never became irritated with their RNG nature. The third boss is probably the worst of them all, as well as the hardest, but it's nothing to get your panties up in a twist about.
So, all this said, I would definitely recommend this game with the caveat that it's not the best gaming experience. Instead, I'd describe this as more of a series of stages as opposed to an entire game. Nonetheless, you're definitely getting something good here, and I am quite excited to see what's in store next from this dynamic duo (I mean, come on! Name a better duo, you fucks).
P.S., the 6.9 rating isn't a meme, it's just what I happened to rate it. (This is no longer correct lore as I've updated the rating to be 7 as this really is a great game)
9 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
A Sky Blue Denouement | 88.8 | 8.4 | 10 |
April is the Cruelest Month | 84.6 | 8.9 | 20 |
I Wanna Flying Disc | 91.7 | 9.1 | 6 |
Frankie Teardrop | 2.2 | 6.0 | 10 |
I Don't Wanna Dwell | 69.2 | 7.3 | 14 |
Nebulous Thoughts | 80.0 | 9.1 | 32 |
Strewn Detritus | 69.0 | 7.3 | 14 |
The Sunken Cathedral | 69.5 | 8.2 | 28 |
I Wanna be the Ziggomatic Drukqs | 70.5 | 7.3 | 9 |
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