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For: I wanna TTB
For: I wanna TTB
Curving at the end can be pretty hard to read sometimes, and the rest of the avoidance is entirely just pattern learning mixed with RNG here and there. Intro is boring and annoying to do every time but the rest of the patterns are pretty fun.
I'll only recommend this if you like learning patterns and you're good at reading curving, otherwise you're going to die to close to the ending a lot and get annoyed (like me).
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I'll only recommend this if you like learning patterns and you're good at reading curving, otherwise you're going to die to close to the ending a lot and get annoyed (like me).
Rating: 8.0
Difficulty: 78
Jul 19, 2021
For: I wanna be the ・d・
For: I wanna be the ・d・
This is an avoidance that looks simple and easy when you look at a video of it, but it actually has lots of rough spots that can give brutal RNG. I'll describe each section of the avoidance in this review. If you wish to play this completely blind, then stop reading.
Intro (pre-vocals): Beginning could be fun to read, but it's so short that you most likely will only need to dodge 1 or 2 apples so it becomes more of a time waster. Then you have a couple patterns, 1 of which requires you to stand still for a few seconds. It's all easy but its a big time drain of nothing.
Verse 1: This is actually the main difficulty of this avoidance. It has lots of difficult to read attacks and you're limited in how you can dodge them due to the 9 platform layout and the fact that it mixes patterns with RNG. For the pattern at the end, you can't just look up 1 clear video and copy that strategy and expect it to work every time. Due to the RNG of the attack beforehand, you won't always be able to set it up the same way every time so its best to keep multiple strats ready for certain scenarios. Overall, this part is pretty fun but can also be very unfair. It also took me a long time to get somewhat a little consistent at it, and even then I wouldn't even say I actually got consistent.
Chorus 1: Basically only 2 attacks you need to worry about here. First one is the orange circles that can and will wall you 90% of the time, the other is the pattern at the end. Spoiler Alert: This pattern isn't always the same and has a small puzzle element to it to know which pattern you'll get. Though, if you're really good you could probably just read it without even needing to understand how it works. Overall, the pattern is fun but the orange circles are really bad.
Bridge: This part consists of 2 attacks as well. First one is a long aimed yellow apple attack that you need to constantly run away from. The important part of this is setting up the beginning properly. If you mess up the beginning, you're basically dead. It's not too hard but its very easy to mess up. Second attack here is leeks. This attack is very very stupid but it's also funny whenever it decides to troll you. Basically the leeks will randomly change directions, spin around randomly, and rotate around the screen before proceeding to move normally again. It's impossible to predict what the leeks will decide to do so you just need hope you can react fast enough whenever their hitboxes reactivate.
Verse 2 (Part 1: Aimed apples): First part has constant aimed apples attacking you so you need to keep moving. The worst part of this attack is the rainbow burst into grey apples. The burst is extremely fast and can give you really bad RNG. You also still have the aimed apples attacking you while this is happening, which makes this attack more luck-based than it should be since it'll constantly force you into bad spots. After that there's a jump that you need to know the timing of to do, but its actually very lenient.
Verse 2 (Part 2: Music Notes): Next part of verse 2 is music notes. It's either completely free or you get the biggest wall you've ever seen in your life. Ideally, you want to be on the left side during the end of this attack so you can dodge the curving burst after, but sometimes the music notes decide to huddle up and cover the ENTIRE left half of the stage, which forces you to stand right beside Miku and just PRAY the speedy burst that comes after doesn't completely wall you (and you'll be VERY lucky if it doesn't). After that you need to get up on the platforms to dodge stuff coming from the ground, but if you're too low you might not be able to react to the speedy black apples that come out at the beginning. The part that becomes unfair is the very very ending of verse 2. You need to be on the ground to the left to set up the pattern for chorus 2, however the RNG coming from the bottom won't stop shooting out even as the chorus 2 pattern attack is starting. There were many instances where I died to the very last RNG apple coming from the bottom because of this. Overall, this part is just a bunch of luck checks and no actual difficult reading.
Chorus 2: Probably the biggest bruh moment of the avoidance to me. The most troubling part are the disappearing and reappearing teal apples with the RNG orange apples. Even after clearing, I still don't understand how the teal apples work, and they always killed me whenever I tried going to one of the right platforms, which forced me to dodge the orange ones in a terrible spot on the middle left platform. The teal apples can still kill you even if they are invisible, so beware. The burst at the end can also give you trouble since its RNG and very fast. Overall, I feel like would've enjoyed and been more consistent at chorus 2 if I knew how to get to the right platform for that one attack, but it just became another luck grind for me.
Fireworks: So like, this part is very very easy and also quite long. However, its also really far into the avoidance so you'll most likely be very nervous once you get here. I actually died here twice because I was so nervous, but if you aren't then you shouldn't have any problem. If the last firework bursts on the left side and its a big one, you might be screwed. Overall, this part seems really out of place since its a very easy compared to the rest of the avoidance, but I'm not complaining.
Chorus 3 + Lovetrap: Fun to read RNG at the beginning but can be a little difficult. Then you need to climb up to dodge aimed apples. Timing on the climb is easy to mess up, but not too bad if you have a good strat. And then we have the leeks + lovetrap attack... Basically, asking the question: "What happens when you combine 2 very easy and very iconic attacks into 1?" And as it turns out, you get something that shouldn't be put together under any circumstance! Lovetrap is easy, but it still requires you to do it a certain way to dodge it properly, and the leeks can just decide to completely screw you over. Overall, this part is just a bunch of unorignal attacks used in the worst way possible.
Outro: First you have to time a jump. I don't actually know how precise this jump is since I was lucky enough to first try it, but I can see it being easy to mess up. Finally, the final burst. I was also lucky enough to first try this and everything after too, but I can see it being completely unfair, since the burst is super fast and random. Overall, I can't say much else on it since I first tried it all.
My final thoughts is that while it has a really good song and some fun parts. The avoidance itself has terrible RNG balancing and also isn't even that visually appealing compared to other RNG/Pattern Miku avoidances. It mixes really hard RNG with lots of random down time which gives the illusion that its easy if you only watch a clear video. Overall, I do not recommend you grind this game as there are much better Miku avoidances out there, but if "終点 by CosMo (feat. Hatsune Miku)" is your favourite song or something then you'll probably enjoy it.
[6] Likes
Intro (pre-vocals): Beginning could be fun to read, but it's so short that you most likely will only need to dodge 1 or 2 apples so it becomes more of a time waster. Then you have a couple patterns, 1 of which requires you to stand still for a few seconds. It's all easy but its a big time drain of nothing.
Verse 1: This is actually the main difficulty of this avoidance. It has lots of difficult to read attacks and you're limited in how you can dodge them due to the 9 platform layout and the fact that it mixes patterns with RNG. For the pattern at the end, you can't just look up 1 clear video and copy that strategy and expect it to work every time. Due to the RNG of the attack beforehand, you won't always be able to set it up the same way every time so its best to keep multiple strats ready for certain scenarios. Overall, this part is pretty fun but can also be very unfair. It also took me a long time to get somewhat a little consistent at it, and even then I wouldn't even say I actually got consistent.
Chorus 1: Basically only 2 attacks you need to worry about here. First one is the orange circles that can and will wall you 90% of the time, the other is the pattern at the end. Spoiler Alert: This pattern isn't always the same and has a small puzzle element to it to know which pattern you'll get. Though, if you're really good you could probably just read it without even needing to understand how it works. Overall, the pattern is fun but the orange circles are really bad.
Bridge: This part consists of 2 attacks as well. First one is a long aimed yellow apple attack that you need to constantly run away from. The important part of this is setting up the beginning properly. If you mess up the beginning, you're basically dead. It's not too hard but its very easy to mess up. Second attack here is leeks. This attack is very very stupid but it's also funny whenever it decides to troll you. Basically the leeks will randomly change directions, spin around randomly, and rotate around the screen before proceeding to move normally again. It's impossible to predict what the leeks will decide to do so you just need hope you can react fast enough whenever their hitboxes reactivate.
Verse 2 (Part 1: Aimed apples): First part has constant aimed apples attacking you so you need to keep moving. The worst part of this attack is the rainbow burst into grey apples. The burst is extremely fast and can give you really bad RNG. You also still have the aimed apples attacking you while this is happening, which makes this attack more luck-based than it should be since it'll constantly force you into bad spots. After that there's a jump that you need to know the timing of to do, but its actually very lenient.
Verse 2 (Part 2: Music Notes): Next part of verse 2 is music notes. It's either completely free or you get the biggest wall you've ever seen in your life. Ideally, you want to be on the left side during the end of this attack so you can dodge the curving burst after, but sometimes the music notes decide to huddle up and cover the ENTIRE left half of the stage, which forces you to stand right beside Miku and just PRAY the speedy burst that comes after doesn't completely wall you (and you'll be VERY lucky if it doesn't). After that you need to get up on the platforms to dodge stuff coming from the ground, but if you're too low you might not be able to react to the speedy black apples that come out at the beginning. The part that becomes unfair is the very very ending of verse 2. You need to be on the ground to the left to set up the pattern for chorus 2, however the RNG coming from the bottom won't stop shooting out even as the chorus 2 pattern attack is starting. There were many instances where I died to the very last RNG apple coming from the bottom because of this. Overall, this part is just a bunch of luck checks and no actual difficult reading.
Chorus 2: Probably the biggest bruh moment of the avoidance to me. The most troubling part are the disappearing and reappearing teal apples with the RNG orange apples. Even after clearing, I still don't understand how the teal apples work, and they always killed me whenever I tried going to one of the right platforms, which forced me to dodge the orange ones in a terrible spot on the middle left platform. The teal apples can still kill you even if they are invisible, so beware. The burst at the end can also give you trouble since its RNG and very fast. Overall, I feel like would've enjoyed and been more consistent at chorus 2 if I knew how to get to the right platform for that one attack, but it just became another luck grind for me.
Fireworks: So like, this part is very very easy and also quite long. However, its also really far into the avoidance so you'll most likely be very nervous once you get here. I actually died here twice because I was so nervous, but if you aren't then you shouldn't have any problem. If the last firework bursts on the left side and its a big one, you might be screwed. Overall, this part seems really out of place since its a very easy compared to the rest of the avoidance, but I'm not complaining.
Chorus 3 + Lovetrap: Fun to read RNG at the beginning but can be a little difficult. Then you need to climb up to dodge aimed apples. Timing on the climb is easy to mess up, but not too bad if you have a good strat. And then we have the leeks + lovetrap attack... Basically, asking the question: "What happens when you combine 2 very easy and very iconic attacks into 1?" And as it turns out, you get something that shouldn't be put together under any circumstance! Lovetrap is easy, but it still requires you to do it a certain way to dodge it properly, and the leeks can just decide to completely screw you over. Overall, this part is just a bunch of unorignal attacks used in the worst way possible.
Outro: First you have to time a jump. I don't actually know how precise this jump is since I was lucky enough to first try it, but I can see it being easy to mess up. Finally, the final burst. I was also lucky enough to first try this and everything after too, but I can see it being completely unfair, since the burst is super fast and random. Overall, I can't say much else on it since I first tried it all.
My final thoughts is that while it has a really good song and some fun parts. The avoidance itself has terrible RNG balancing and also isn't even that visually appealing compared to other RNG/Pattern Miku avoidances. It mixes really hard RNG with lots of random down time which gives the illusion that its easy if you only watch a clear video. Overall, I do not recommend you grind this game as there are much better Miku avoidances out there, but if "終点 by CosMo (feat. Hatsune Miku)" is your favourite song or something then you'll probably enjoy it.
Rating: 5.5
Difficulty: 87
Jun 15, 2021
For: I wanna Wonderful Rush
For: I wanna Wonderful Rush
Wonderful Rush is a very long and difficult pattern avoidance that goes on for a little over 4.5 minutes. Almost every pattern is an unreactable instagib up to the very end that requires you to know how they work before you can pass them. Depending on your preference, this can be either very tedious or very rewarding throughout as you slowly conquer each section of this avoidance little by little. For me, I played parts of it blind but then ultimately gave up and watched a video for the later parts, which ended up making my experience more enjoyable. In this review, I'll be going over what I thought about the patterns and the RNG, as well as my overall thoughts.
The patterns themselves range in difficulty, with some parts like the first minute being extremely easy to learn and execute while others requiring a little more trial and error to get the correct timings down. A lot of times I find myself bopping my head while timing jumps because of how well-timed some of the patterns are to the music, such as the transition into the 2nd chorus where you jump into a completely different scene. It is both satisfying to watch and do even though its just a simple jump. A lot of the time, you'll find that the timings you need to do for certain jumps are synced directly with the music, Reveal Spoiler(namely about 1 minute in right before the 1st chorus when the song says "AL-RIGHT", you double jump in time with those lyrics) which really helps get you into both the song and the game.
One thing to note if you do this blind is that most of the patterns themselves are clearly designed to only have 1 solution with slight variations. In fact, even though I did parts of this blind, it isn't easy to see that. There's only 2 small sections I can think of where I had a noticeably different strategy than everyone else, so if you want to play this avoidance in order to "invent strats", you most likely won't be doing that. Reveal SpoilerThe screen scrolling section at the very end can probably be done in various ways, but this one of the parts I didn't do blind so I can't say for sure.
Without spoiling too much, I will note that there is a puzzle aspect to some patterns in this avoidance, so expect to put your thinking cap on if you're trying to figure these parts out yourself.
Now in terms of the RNG, well to sum it up: it sucks. There ARE fun parts with fun-to-read RNG like the infinite jump part, and the part right after (despite the latter being literally impossible at times), a lot of the other RNG parts either come down to pure luck or are so minimal that they don't really change up anything at all. Namely, there's a part during the 2nd verse about 2 minutes in where red, yellow, teal, blue and purple cherries will randomly spawn all over the place in that order. With every colour besides the first, they will be faded before spawning their hitbox, giving you time to move out of the way if it spawns on you. With red however, it can literally just kill you the moment it spawns on you. The creator seems to "fix" this issue by spawning less reds than other colours, but I still found it happened to me quite a few times (even multiple times in a row at times) which can get REALLY REALLY frustrating. The RNG at the very ending can also either be completely free or impossible, so dying there can be quite heartbreaking.
My overall opinion on this is that this game is very fun with a couple of "bruh why" moments sprinkled here and there. The song is very catchy and this avoidance really brings that out with its visuals and execution. As of now it is my biggest accomplishment that required me over 100 hours to clear, but this is coming from someone who has only been playing fangames for 1 year so more experienced players will most likely spend much much less time than I did. And even after clearing, I found myself kind of missing the grind and actually wanting to play more just because of how unique and visually appealing the patterns are.
[2] Likes
Wonderful Rush is a very long and difficult pattern avoidance that goes on for a little over 4.5 minutes. Almost every pattern is an unreactable instagib up to the very end that requires you to know how they work before you can pass them. Depending on your preference, this can be either very tedious or very rewarding throughout as you slowly conquer each section of this avoidance little by little. For me, I played parts of it blind but then ultimately gave up and watched a video for the later parts, which ended up making my experience more enjoyable. In this review, I'll be going over what I thought about the patterns and the RNG, as well as my overall thoughts.
The patterns themselves range in difficulty, with some parts like the first minute being extremely easy to learn and execute while others requiring a little more trial and error to get the correct timings down. A lot of times I find myself bopping my head while timing jumps because of how well-timed some of the patterns are to the music, such as the transition into the 2nd chorus where you jump into a completely different scene. It is both satisfying to watch and do even though its just a simple jump. A lot of the time, you'll find that the timings you need to do for certain jumps are synced directly with the music, Reveal Spoiler(namely about 1 minute in right before the 1st chorus when the song says "AL-RIGHT", you double jump in time with those lyrics) which really helps get you into both the song and the game.
One thing to note if you do this blind is that most of the patterns themselves are clearly designed to only have 1 solution with slight variations. In fact, even though I did parts of this blind, it isn't easy to see that. There's only 2 small sections I can think of where I had a noticeably different strategy than everyone else, so if you want to play this avoidance in order to "invent strats", you most likely won't be doing that. Reveal SpoilerThe screen scrolling section at the very end can probably be done in various ways, but this one of the parts I didn't do blind so I can't say for sure.
Without spoiling too much, I will note that there is a puzzle aspect to some patterns in this avoidance, so expect to put your thinking cap on if you're trying to figure these parts out yourself.
Now in terms of the RNG, well to sum it up: it sucks. There ARE fun parts with fun-to-read RNG like the infinite jump part, and the part right after (despite the latter being literally impossible at times), a lot of the other RNG parts either come down to pure luck or are so minimal that they don't really change up anything at all. Namely, there's a part during the 2nd verse about 2 minutes in where red, yellow, teal, blue and purple cherries will randomly spawn all over the place in that order. With every colour besides the first, they will be faded before spawning their hitbox, giving you time to move out of the way if it spawns on you. With red however, it can literally just kill you the moment it spawns on you. The creator seems to "fix" this issue by spawning less reds than other colours, but I still found it happened to me quite a few times (even multiple times in a row at times) which can get REALLY REALLY frustrating. The RNG at the very ending can also either be completely free or impossible, so dying there can be quite heartbreaking.
My overall opinion on this is that this game is very fun with a couple of "bruh why" moments sprinkled here and there. The song is very catchy and this avoidance really brings that out with its visuals and execution. As of now it is my biggest accomplishment that required me over 100 hours to clear, but this is coming from someone who has only been playing fangames for 1 year so more experienced players will most likely spend much much less time than I did. And even after clearing, I found myself kind of missing the grind and actually wanting to play more just because of how unique and visually appealing the patterns are.
Rating: 8.5
Difficulty: 86
Jun 1, 2021
2 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna Be The Desastre | 65.0 | 6.5 | 3 |
I Wanna Revive The Mana Tree | 80.0 | 4.9 | 4 |
18 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna be the Boshy | N/A | N/A |
Serial Experiments Kid | N/A | N/A |
I wanna be support the Mario。 | 45.0 | 10.0 |
I wanna solve color puzzle | N/A | N/A |
I wanna be the あびゃ~。 | N/A | N/A |
I wanna Wonderful Rush | 86.0 | 8.5 |
I wanna be the knight in shining armor | N/A | N/A |
I wanna bigger penis | 45.0 | 9.9 |
I Wanna Lose Brain Cells | N/A | N/A |
I wanna belong to DDLC | 80.0 | 8.5 |
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I wanna be the pinacol | 71.0 | 9.6 |
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Tagged As Avoidance (1) | N/A | N/A |
Fangame Patch Tools (gm8x_fix, DBGHELP.dll, melatonin) | N/A | 10.0 |
1030 Cleared Games