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For: I wanna be the Gel
For: I wanna be the Gel
extremely difficult RNG-based barrage from a maker you wouldn't quite expect. the avoidance consists of pretty much entirely fast and dense RNG attacks. all of these range from reasonable and readable to unreasonable and unreadable. by far the most egregious attack is the curving + bouncing attack, which will be the first major chokepoint and the area you'll eventually just have to get good at. there is pretty much no way to 'luck' your way through this attack. one thing that is recommended is to just not jump, as I noticed that most of my deaths are attributed to jumping out of sheer panic that a curving cherry is headed straight towards me. after that are some very easily chokable bouncing attacks. these are the most varied and can range from extremely easy to inhuman. after that is another buildup, this time a slower one (that I still ended up dying to once, somehow). this leads you into the hardest part of the avoidance by far - one large shitstorm known as the drop
the drop is the reason why this avoidance is a firm and solid 90 and not in the mid 80s. it's sheer speed and density is so relentless and insane that it feels like you're just helpless half the time. you'll just learn to be annihilated again, and again, and again, and again, until you eventually either get lucky or get carried by the adrenaline rush from being so deep into the avoidance. clearing this feels really good, it really feels like you've earned it at times - especially if the attempt had some good dodges
overall a very rough and hostile game, but enjoyable without reading too deep into it
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the drop is the reason why this avoidance is a firm and solid 90 and not in the mid 80s. it's sheer speed and density is so relentless and insane that it feels like you're just helpless half the time. you'll just learn to be annihilated again, and again, and again, and again, until you eventually either get lucky or get carried by the adrenaline rush from being so deep into the avoidance. clearing this feels really good, it really feels like you've earned it at times - especially if the attempt had some good dodges
overall a very rough and hostile game, but enjoyable without reading too deep into it
Rating: 4.9 49
Difficulty: 90 90
Dec 9, 2024
For: The REAL JRocker Area
For: The REAL JRocker Area
some slow rng attacks with some nice and simple attacks. a good chunk of the avoidance is infinite jump, which I think I like more than just being on the ground for the whole thing. not sure what you were cooking with extra though thats a different story entirely
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 7.7 77
Difficulty: 50 50
Dec 4, 2024
For: I Wanna Be the Picture
For: I Wanna Be the Picture
right away I’ll make something clear, this game is quite the mess. its one of Carnival’s early games, meaning it’s quite old. not much of it is good and it realistically doesn’t provide much. there’s some good or decent ideas in here, but they aren’t very fun or well-made. the game has a myriad of issues that are difficult to address without directly altering large chunks of the game directly. these issues are seated deep within this game, unfortunately becoming just a characteristic. this is one of those games that you force yourself to like because it’s not a great look to hate it. I’m a victim of this too, the game seemed alright, looking like just another sub-par (but not disasterous) Carnival game. unfortunately again, nothing really works and the game fails at most things it does
there’s a lot of traps which are Carnival-grade traps still, which is a good thing considering he makes quite good trap needle. however, the gimmicks which usually work with these traps to produce even more varied and interesting gameplay; here they’re boiled down to conveyors with the worst collision this world has seen, some rotating objects which produce braindead timings, and those red laser things which are notably harder than in any other game they’re in. one thing I quite dislike about these gimmicks in particular is that they often aren’t mixed in with regular/non-gimmick gameplay. by this I mean, there’s just corridors with a bunch of these lasers and spinning things. I suppose this isn’t an issue with the design, but with the conveyors themselves. oh and also, the final stage platforming sucks. none of it is really fun at all. it just sorta sloppily combines everything you’ve already went through. in this game’s case though, that’s a nightmare of an idea
the entire game has a somewhat unique look to it which I can somewhat enjoy. Carnival was never a ground-breaking visual designer, though. he rarely stole sprites and tiles, which left him with only one real way to address the spriting/tiling issue: drawing everything by hand. this is quite commendable (especially at the time), not a lot of makers do this sort of thing - or rather, not in a similar way to Carnival. another thing I like is the pathing: you reach the end of a platforming area, then you go back to the beginning. this makes each stage work as two, as they functionally become different screens with the inclusion of backtracks. that, and the trap design (but that’s a given considering the fact this is a Carnival game), is all i like about this game. everything else is either not great or very bad.
bosses are an example of “very bad”. plain and simple - they come in two variants: bullshit luckfests or ass vocaloid avoidances. notably the len bosses are quite terrible, both the regular variant and the buffed variant. both of them are long, drawn-out and boring with not a lot going on. all this on top of having quite run-of-the-mill songs, these avoidances don’t amount to much, but they’ll be the thing you spend the most time on. the final boss (on top of droning on for a while) isn’t anywhere near the most difficult boss - that title goes to the buffed len fight. also notably terrible is the cloud fight, that one should be very clear what’s wrong. I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s luck-based and not fun at all. the ex boss is fun though, it’s just some fun and simple RNG attacks with a good, classic song
not recommended, Carnival has seen better days
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there’s a lot of traps which are Carnival-grade traps still, which is a good thing considering he makes quite good trap needle. however, the gimmicks which usually work with these traps to produce even more varied and interesting gameplay; here they’re boiled down to conveyors with the worst collision this world has seen, some rotating objects which produce braindead timings, and those red laser things which are notably harder than in any other game they’re in. one thing I quite dislike about these gimmicks in particular is that they often aren’t mixed in with regular/non-gimmick gameplay. by this I mean, there’s just corridors with a bunch of these lasers and spinning things. I suppose this isn’t an issue with the design, but with the conveyors themselves. oh and also, the final stage platforming sucks. none of it is really fun at all. it just sorta sloppily combines everything you’ve already went through. in this game’s case though, that’s a nightmare of an idea
the entire game has a somewhat unique look to it which I can somewhat enjoy. Carnival was never a ground-breaking visual designer, though. he rarely stole sprites and tiles, which left him with only one real way to address the spriting/tiling issue: drawing everything by hand. this is quite commendable (especially at the time), not a lot of makers do this sort of thing - or rather, not in a similar way to Carnival. another thing I like is the pathing: you reach the end of a platforming area, then you go back to the beginning. this makes each stage work as two, as they functionally become different screens with the inclusion of backtracks. that, and the trap design (but that’s a given considering the fact this is a Carnival game), is all i like about this game. everything else is either not great or very bad.
bosses are an example of “very bad”. plain and simple - they come in two variants: bullshit luckfests or ass vocaloid avoidances. notably the len bosses are quite terrible, both the regular variant and the buffed variant. both of them are long, drawn-out and boring with not a lot going on. all this on top of having quite run-of-the-mill songs, these avoidances don’t amount to much, but they’ll be the thing you spend the most time on. the final boss (on top of droning on for a while) isn’t anywhere near the most difficult boss - that title goes to the buffed len fight. also notably terrible is the cloud fight, that one should be very clear what’s wrong. I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but it’s luck-based and not fun at all. the ex boss is fun though, it’s just some fun and simple RNG attacks with a good, classic song
not recommended, Carnival has seen better days
Rating: 2.1 21
Difficulty: 67 67
Dec 3, 2024
For: I wanna be the Air
For: I wanna be the Air
rating based on hard, however I don’t think you should play this on hard unless you like trap stuff or don’t like memorizing slightly longer trap sequences
classic trap game and a good one at that. very trap-heavy, but not over-bearing. the traps aren’t too overkill, even on hard. most traps I found quite fun and didn’t end up hating. I like the specific approach each trap has, Marimario really has an interesting vision when it comes to trap gameplay. the game has a decent amount of content and doesn’t skimp out on really any area. bosses aren’t that interesting though, the game definitely shines more in the platforming aspect.
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classic trap game and a good one at that. very trap-heavy, but not over-bearing. the traps aren’t too overkill, even on hard. most traps I found quite fun and didn’t end up hating. I like the specific approach each trap has, Marimario really has an interesting vision when it comes to trap gameplay. the game has a decent amount of content and doesn’t skimp out on really any area. bosses aren’t that interesting though, the game definitely shines more in the platforming aspect.
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 45 45
Nov 29, 2024
For: I wanna be Getting Faster and Faster
For: I wanna be Getting Faster and Faster
very unique (original comment, I know), memorable, easily-recognizable and primarily fun avoidance with a unique idea at its core. this game is pretty much entirely rng attacks which don’t wall you easily, meaning most deaths can be attributed to the player’s poor movement or reads. the song is great and catchy and the reading is fun, that’s pretty much all you should know. don’t let this avoidance’s difficulty scare you, I don’t believe its as hard as some people make it out to be
highly recommended!!
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highly recommended!!
Rating: 7.7 77
Difficulty: 65 65
Nov 29, 2024
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