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For: I wanna be the TF
For: I wanna be the TF
surprisingly long trials game with some pretty generic and generally indistinguishable saves. there's no sense of progression due to the lack of floor numbers, the only thing that changes is the tileset every once in a while, and it only happens a few times. despite all this, it's still somewhat fun to run through. it isn't all too hard and most floors can be beaten pretty easily if you have above average needle skill. being able to 1f and cancel well will make this notably easier, especially in the last floor
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Rating: 6.0 60
Difficulty: 69 69
Jan 27, 2025
For: I wanna 12SN
For: I wanna 12SN
typical example of a pretty good game ruined by an infamously bad engine. using Nikaple should be a crime, especially with a game belonging to a genre with such potential as Promethium-likes. the game has little to no difficulty balancing and lots of mean jumps. there's some somewhat creative vstring stuff to be found, so make sure to look out for those. generally the first two saves are very bad, but all the saves afterwards are much better and more playable. the pathing isn't all too confusing and you won't find yourself going the wrong way all too often
someone should port this game to a better engine, it would be so much better
someone should port this game to a better engine, it would be so much better
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 5.2 52
Difficulty: 66 66
Jan 27, 2025
For: I Wanna Crash The Crates
For: I Wanna Crash The Crates
faithful fangame recreation of the crash bandicoot games. while I'm personally not a fan, I don't mind this game. it's quite a short game with some very easy platforming and some collecting to do if you're interested. the inclusion of enemies is somewhat interesting, I suppose. biggest personal gripe is the lack of doublejump, but that might just be because you don't have doublejump in the crash bandicoot games anyway
Tagged as: Adventure
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Rating: 6.2 62
Difficulty: 14 14
Jan 27, 2025
For: I wanna travel -The first story-
For: I wanna travel -The first story-
fairly short avoidance with one pattern in the middle of it being the most difficult part. past then, everything is fairly predictable and standard. there isn't a lot going on and it can be learned and cleared pretty easily in under half an hour. the needle is not notable whatsoever, you'll spend most of your non-avoidance time in the maze before it. the song is nothing special either
Tagged as: Avoidance
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Rating: 4.9 49
Difficulty: 55 55
Jan 27, 2025
For: I wanna enjoy the Excursion
For: I wanna enjoy the Excursion
this game is a bit of a mess, it has a lot of ideas and a lot of stuff that simply shouldn't go together or is poorly executed. there's little to no continuity between the stages and they all just feel like random amalgamations of ideas that Tokoroten thought would be interesting but couldn't find an organic way to include them in his games. this leads to a lot of questionable balancing, odd gameplay and the rare good idea or two
the first stage hasn't got a lot going on, it's just some basic needle, some cycles and a few traps. at the end of the first stage, there's a long platform section which I will admit is very fun. granted, you can skip the hardest part of it by doing what is essentially one (1) apple align. the first boss isn't anything special, but the stage that comes after it IS. the first gimmick of the game: low gravity. this gimmick is quite fun actually and is utilized in an interesting enough way. however, this will later be abused and will become very annoying. by this I mean that it will be come THE reason why the final boss is such a pain and/or feels like a gamble. the boss here is a pretty simple avoidance. for some reason all of the bosses are stickmen. I suppose Tokoroten ran out of character designs or just doesn't care (not that I particularly mind, I find them somewhat charming). everything up to here is pretty fun and enjoyable. if the game ended here, it'd be a solid 6.0
then comes stage 3. stage 3 is the turning point of the game, where everything becomes substantially harder and a few orders of magnitude more bullshit. the gimmick of stage 3 is cycles. cycles, cycles and yet more cycles. cycles that make you want to gouge your eyes out because of how precise and difficult they are. granted, the saves aren't too long, but the cycles are hard as all hell. these are legitimately nothing like I've ever played. these are some of the most precise and difficult timings I've ever seen in any fangame ever. most notable is the screen 2 last save. what in God's name is the last series of movements??? this water cycle is insanely, inhumanly unfair. you can't really ever tell what you're doing wrong, meaning you can't really do much about it. this continues for about 5 more screens by the way. granted, some of the later ones are debatably easier but that's not important right now. as for the second boss, it's one of those 'you just hope to get attacks which you can do damage to him on' bosses. there are some attacks which you can't reliably get damage in, so simply hope for the best!
the last stage is quite fun, it exhibits the most unique ideas and executes them the best. speed gimmick is fun and responsive, bubble isn't very responsive but it's quite iconic. the corners were very, very mean though. I couldn't find a slow way to do them, so I just kinda tapped direction keys and hoped for the best. this area of the game is also passable. I'd go as far as to say it's very innovative and unique granted its age
the final boss is a pain. everyone's said it and everyone knows it. it's one long save with a bunch of previous gimmicks thrown in. the time attack isn't that much of an issue until the very, very end where the boss has a real chance to catch up to you. there's some more unique ideas here, but they're gatekept by one very poorly designed gravity section. here is where the low gravity gimmick comes in: it's because of the low gravity. you have to do a series of some of the most uncomfortable, difficult-to-control movements you have ever seen. it just isn't fun, and having to do it several times (probably) isn't very fun either. it's very frustrating to die to the end, as I have three times. I even died once to the 2nd to last jump, how great! it's a unique idea but I highly dislike the way it's made, solely due to the one low gravity section and the gates at the end
this is the end of the main game, and you can choose to play extra which consists of two touhou fights. yet again, sort of poorly executed: your bullets are nearly opaque which makes reading bullets in front of you very difficult. this is where almost all of the difficulty comes from, otherwise it really isn't that hard of a touhou sequence. there's two sections, the first one being substantially harder but much shorter. it's necessary to point out that I'm bad at touhou. my brain can't process controlling something with 4 directional keys instead of 2 + jump (or at least not as well). the first section's hardest part is actually the green cherry that appears at the end. I'd recommend just spamming bombs. not at the boss, but at the green cherry as it's substantially harder to read. I found out you can hover around in the bottom left to be able to read stuff more easily, since your bullets won't cover what's directly coming at you. the second fight is chill and quite long, I enjoyed it much more than the first one. don't know how or why it ends with 2 stars still remaining, but that's fine. it has 11 phases and the last one is by far the hardest. thankfully it isn't too difficult, it feels much more manageable than the first boss
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the first stage hasn't got a lot going on, it's just some basic needle, some cycles and a few traps. at the end of the first stage, there's a long platform section which I will admit is very fun. granted, you can skip the hardest part of it by doing what is essentially one (1) apple align. the first boss isn't anything special, but the stage that comes after it IS. the first gimmick of the game: low gravity. this gimmick is quite fun actually and is utilized in an interesting enough way. however, this will later be abused and will become very annoying. by this I mean that it will be come THE reason why the final boss is such a pain and/or feels like a gamble. the boss here is a pretty simple avoidance. for some reason all of the bosses are stickmen. I suppose Tokoroten ran out of character designs or just doesn't care (not that I particularly mind, I find them somewhat charming). everything up to here is pretty fun and enjoyable. if the game ended here, it'd be a solid 6.0
then comes stage 3. stage 3 is the turning point of the game, where everything becomes substantially harder and a few orders of magnitude more bullshit. the gimmick of stage 3 is cycles. cycles, cycles and yet more cycles. cycles that make you want to gouge your eyes out because of how precise and difficult they are. granted, the saves aren't too long, but the cycles are hard as all hell. these are legitimately nothing like I've ever played. these are some of the most precise and difficult timings I've ever seen in any fangame ever. most notable is the screen 2 last save. what in God's name is the last series of movements??? this water cycle is insanely, inhumanly unfair. you can't really ever tell what you're doing wrong, meaning you can't really do much about it. this continues for about 5 more screens by the way. granted, some of the later ones are debatably easier but that's not important right now. as for the second boss, it's one of those 'you just hope to get attacks which you can do damage to him on' bosses. there are some attacks which you can't reliably get damage in, so simply hope for the best!
the last stage is quite fun, it exhibits the most unique ideas and executes them the best. speed gimmick is fun and responsive, bubble isn't very responsive but it's quite iconic. the corners were very, very mean though. I couldn't find a slow way to do them, so I just kinda tapped direction keys and hoped for the best. this area of the game is also passable. I'd go as far as to say it's very innovative and unique granted its age
the final boss is a pain. everyone's said it and everyone knows it. it's one long save with a bunch of previous gimmicks thrown in. the time attack isn't that much of an issue until the very, very end where the boss has a real chance to catch up to you. there's some more unique ideas here, but they're gatekept by one very poorly designed gravity section. here is where the low gravity gimmick comes in: it's because of the low gravity. you have to do a series of some of the most uncomfortable, difficult-to-control movements you have ever seen. it just isn't fun, and having to do it several times (probably) isn't very fun either. it's very frustrating to die to the end, as I have three times. I even died once to the 2nd to last jump, how great! it's a unique idea but I highly dislike the way it's made, solely due to the one low gravity section and the gates at the end
this is the end of the main game, and you can choose to play extra which consists of two touhou fights. yet again, sort of poorly executed: your bullets are nearly opaque which makes reading bullets in front of you very difficult. this is where almost all of the difficulty comes from, otherwise it really isn't that hard of a touhou sequence. there's two sections, the first one being substantially harder but much shorter. it's necessary to point out that I'm bad at touhou. my brain can't process controlling something with 4 directional keys instead of 2 + jump (or at least not as well). the first section's hardest part is actually the green cherry that appears at the end. I'd recommend just spamming bombs. not at the boss, but at the green cherry as it's substantially harder to read. I found out you can hover around in the bottom left to be able to read stuff more easily, since your bullets won't cover what's directly coming at you. the second fight is chill and quite long, I enjoyed it much more than the first one. don't know how or why it ends with 2 stars still remaining, but that's fine. it has 11 phases and the last one is by far the hardest. thankfully it isn't too difficult, it feels much more manageable than the first boss
Rating: 4.0 40
Difficulty: 75 75
Jan 27, 2025
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