GaspacoZanis's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: May 20, 2017
I am just a random guy who like to play IWBTG fangames ! If you want, you can read my reviews and ratings for every game, which I have cleared! If you want, you can ask my some questions too, and I will be happy to answer to them! Have a nice day! ^-^
Link to my clear list, wishlist, plans and what I am currently playing:
Most of fangames which I have cleared are on delicious-fruit, however, 2 are non delicious-fruit fangames.
Link to my K2 challenge progress:
Link to my K3 challenge progress:
P.S. I don't count mod clears to my main game clear list.
I've submitted:
334 Ratings!
334 Reviews!
2515 Screenshots!
334 Games
334 Reviews
For: I wanna enjoy the Game
For: I wanna be the Octophobia
Very well made short game, with 8 different, easy and fun stages. Very good production and definitely game, which I recommend for beginner!
For: I Wanna Uhuhu Spike
For: I wanna Giripossible
For: PSIFT: A Post-Structuralist Ironic Fangame Title
Reveal Spoiler
Game shows in the beginning cutscene, where we see kid who gets in storm in the sea, and then kid gets to unknown island, where his adventures beginns.
The main thing how to complete each stage is similar to Super Meat Boy - complete a certain number of levels, and you will get to next stage. But the main difference and for me problem - you can get medals not only for completing level, but for speedruning too, well... it should be, however it doesn't, at least in version, which I played, so I couldn't be able to get further than world 2A (if only medals don't give secret in world 1B, which I can't find), but still you can play 3 worlds and 1 boss.
Worlds have 15 levels of each, which you can choose as in SMB, and each have its unique things: water gimmick, key gimmick, trap gimmick and etc.
Music is really well found and whole platforming was amazing! I really loved different kind of gimmicks, nice level designs, and fitting music.
Boss was specific, but really fun to play. It felt like it would be rng based boss, but soon I got , that it isn't only rng, but there you need good strategy and reaction too.
Only minuses for game can be some strange kid bugs after one gimmick and maybe some other small bugs, which still doesn't affect my opinion of game
But still if you can get this private game, then I heavily recommend it, because it is really awesome game, with awesome musics, level designs, gimmicks and other things!
P.S. If I will solve problem of game, I will update review!
For: I wanna be the Guy2
Game has 2 worlds. First world is basically pure easy needle and needle with platforms. Nothing special to mention.
Second world I liked more, because it has one interesting puzzle with invisible blocks, which appears, when character touch them. There is some easy needle too.
Game ends with title "demo".
Other things about game:
Music is very suitable and enjoyable , however it restarts like in original IWBTG..
Tileset in both worlds is standart IWBTG tileset.
Like in original IWBTG, there is no invisible save-blockers
Only thing which isn't from IWBTG is other engine.
Game is very easy, but I wouldn't say that I really liked it,yes, it has nice music and puzzle, but that is only things which I liked about game...
For: I wanna be the corner jump
Game gives you standart corner (probably with bad align too). Only strat which worked for me, was to make small jump.
Then you have screen with title : "congratulations, your a corner jump" , but screen doesn't have ground too, so you will die too if you will go right...
Just free fangame, nothing special to see... Only I have feeling , that this game soon will be private too, because of reasons...
Edit(2017-12-16): Still not private? Wow, I am impressed.
For: I wanna eat the lemon
For: I wanna be the Number One
Meme-themed avoidance, which mostly have unoriginal and unfunny memes along with verywierd soundtrack. Unoriginal RNG attacks, which are hard to react and which are repetitive too. Some ideas are better some are worse, but avoidance itself is still bad, so I won't change rating. Also, to run this game without laggs, I needed to download Patrick's windows 10 fix and to use it on .exe. But there were still little laggs, so I downloaded and installed OBS. Also I used smoothing mode, which I guess helped too. Was this all process worth of it? To be honest, since game is still bad. Wouldn't recommend.
For: I wanna be the Salt
This is very specific game. To clear game without secrets and get to one of three ''Thank you for playing!'' screens, you have to clear 6 needle world and 7 bosses.
In the beginning you have choise to choose to go up or down. Each of path have 3 needle segments and 3 bosses.
Upper path is basically standart needle, with standart IWBTG tileset and restarting guy rock (well every music in this game restarts...). Only third world has delicious-fruits in it. Bosses aren't anything special too.
Downer path are more interesting to speal about. Every of world have its specific gimmick and 2 of bosses use this gimmick too. First segment have water gimmick, but its boss doesn't have water, so its just usual rng boss (like all other bosses in this game..).Second segment have appearing and disappearing block gimmick (this gimmick was included in k1 by the way), and this gimmick make boss for this world pretty hard if there are bad rng. Third world have different kind of low and high gravity gimmick. It makes world pretty fun. Boss is easy if you know that you don't need to kill boss instantly, but need to shoot with one bullet each time, because after each damage, boss throws delicious-fruit burst.
When you have cleared all 6 worlds, you can access ''final boss'' which is pretty tough. It have very hard rng attacks, espicially at the end, however from first clear it is most fun boss to play.
Then you have ''Thank you for playing!'' screen, but it isn't normal clear ( as game says ), because to get normal clear, you need to fight secret final boss, which unlocks after finishing secret area, which unlocks after you get all 7 secret items.
For this clear main problems won't be with needle for sure , because it is basically filled with traps, but it doesn't make needle hard. Main problems will be wih bosses, because they are rng bosses, and sometimes rng can be retarted...
Secret items aren't very hard to get, but are very fun but hard to guess where they are if you play blind.
Secret area need to be cleared with just one save, however it isn't that hard and is fun!
I will update review after I will finish secret final boss, but anyway I would recommend maybe to play this game, because I had fun when I played this game,however it isn't great game to play too.
*1,5 years later*
Well, it is 13th March 2019 and I cleared secret final boss. Should admit that even though my timer shows 4:42:51 in moment of clearing (and according to my stats I cleared normal final boss in 2:18:38), most of the time was played in 2017. Back then I couldn't beat the first blue fruit attack lol. Important detail is that boss didn't take too much now, and the fun fact is that I 1 time died attack before the part in avoidance where you have to do almost nothing for some time and when I got 2nd time, I didn't die there and I first tried everything after that (also after the first blue fruit attack I was in total only 2 times if I recall correctly lol). Still, avoidance was pretty fun so I will change rating from 5 to 7.3 and difficulty from 38 to 46. Yes, some attacks were pretty repetitive (especially intro) and maybe it could be more unique, but I would recommend to play this game just because of the secret final boss if you have enough skill. I don't know if I am going to beat all extra stuff, but if I will, then I will update review once more (also tag 'Long' is for secret final boss if what).
57 Favorite Games
431 Cleared Games