GaspacoZanis's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: May 20, 2017
I am just a random guy who like to play IWBTG fangames ! If you want, you can read my reviews and ratings for every game, which I have cleared! If you want, you can ask my some questions too, and I will be happy to answer to them! Have a nice day! ^-^
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Most of fangames which I have cleared are on delicious-fruit, however, 2 are non delicious-fruit fangames.
Link to my K2 challenge progress:
Link to my K3 challenge progress:
P.S. I don't count mod clears to my main game clear list.
I've submitted:
261 Ratings!
261 Reviews!
2498 Screenshots!
261 Games
261 Reviews
For: I Wanna Be The Suitable
Game starts with horrible screen, where you see bunch of spammed different heights of gates, see standart tileset and hear restarting guy-rock. Then you realise that game doesn't have special programmed save-blockers, so you can easily skip some gates at the beginning and it will help in the game forward too.
When you complete one screen of "nice" level design, you get to next stage, where you have other type of kid: kid with small hitbox and other music, which is restarting too. This stage is very strange, because one time you see crazy screen with precise jumps, but you can skip through invisible blocks, then you see next screen and don't know how to clear it, because blocks are too high to get on them, no problem, just use save-jumping ( I don't know if I correctly called it), and then you have to get to ledge, what a nice stage! If you clear it then you have first real boss in the water. Boss is pretty confusing and I didn't really get is it boss or avoidance, with "SourPls" song. But main gameplay I didn't really remember I just remember, that I just randomly shoot, and it killed fruits and then you have to get through two gates on which I didn't died and then you get to stage three, which is longest stage in the game.
Stage 3 gives you again normal hitbox, and you first part of stage are similar to z2 screens, but apparently they are a lot worse... You see disbalanced saves, where once you have to do strange "F" jump and then "Sphyncter" jump, and there is also water saves, which have so precise jumps, that I thought, that it is impossible to clear, but it is possible, if you are normal person, who uses save-blocker non-existing bonus. Second part of stage are pretty similar to first, but now you have ice gimmicks, so it is a lot harder to complete. Only good thing, which I found was, that water was frozen, like game have even logic put in it!
Well logic disappears in stage 4, which basically is "Coca-Cola" themed stage. If I remember correctly, ice physics works there too. The main difference between previous stage is that using small-hitbox, you have similar jumps, but placed for small kid. In other word, you have special made corner, diamonds, nine-jumps and etc. It is fun if you save after each of horrible jumps, because other way it is very hard, and I didn't really wanted to frustrate without reasons. Then you have second boss, which I didn't really remember, I just remember that it was pretty smilar to first one, you could shoot fruits, but in the beginning and the end you should jump in corner, on second corner I died once.
Last stage contains one big save, where you have actual save-blocker, and you need to escape from chasing wall of spikes. Needle is pretty simple, you just need to get through some easy jumps like gates (which was around ten)and only hard jumps was half-diamond, where gate is in second half and squished-diamond. Everything after I first-tried. And then is "Thank you for plaing screen" with some text in Korean and background, and music from "Coca-Cola" world.
Game is decent, but not great. It have unique ideas and jumps, some interesting jumps and somehow interesting bosses. Some stages and ideas are terrible, like first and second stage. Game have sometimes very good music, but fact, that it is restarting, made me sometimes annoyed. The hardest stage probably is stage 4, however in difficulty stage 3 and stage 5 is pretty similar too, however probably still little bit easier.
I would say, that if you will play game ,like me, with using fact that there is no save-blockers in places where you can, then I would probably say, that you can try it if you don't have better game to play, other way, without skipping, I highly wouldn't recommend this game.
For: I wanna be the SLOo MOoTION
This avoidance is little bit more than 5 minutes long and have bunch of different attacks. Some attacks are RNG based, some are pattern based, some are position based patterns and etc. I would say that this is one of rare avoidances, where you got further and further and won't stuck without progress for too long. Every time, when you got further you are very nervous, is that second minute, third minute or last minute, but, overall, I would say, that hardest thing in the game is to get further than 4 minutes, because to get there is pretty hard, however not so impossible, and I even managed to first try last minute. Yes, avoidance can give you impossible or hard to dodge RNG, but overall it is fair.
Game has very nice music and attacks are pretty well designed, so I recommend this game even if you are beginner, because avoidance isn't too hard, because main difficulty is in its length. Definitely amazing avoidance and highly recommended!
For: I wanna clear the Crime & Punishment Ver.Normal
The main description of this game I have written in my review of I wanna clear the Crime & Punishment Ver.W&B (Easy version), so if you are interested about that, then you may go and read it. Anyway about this avoidance I would like to say that this was really painful to learn. This version buffs avoidance in the way that it gets really hard. Just getting to the post-Kamilia 3 moment isreally hard and getting to it is a rare thing, which resulted in a real grind of this avoidance, which I disliked a lot. And I can't imagine how I would pla the original game, when I play so bad in a cut version. Anyway I wouldn't recommend, since I disliked this game in most of time, however if you want to improve your skill (or if you are high skilled) or if you for some weird reason want to play I wanna be the White & Black, because then this is a good practise tool, even though I don't see any reason to do such a thing,then you may try this one, even though better choice would be to try I wanna clear the Crime & Punishment Ver.W&B (Easy version), to be honest, it is easier and is more fun to play.
Edit: I tried to look on each version and looks like that the main difference between versions is that in w&b version there spawns like ~9 fruits per burst; in normal like 12 per burst but in version w like ~15 per burst.
For: I wanna be Purple
Avoidance is 3 minutes long, but is pretty disbalansed in the difficulty. If the avoidance in first 2 minutes is great and is easy and have just 1 random attack at the beginning, then last minute (and I'm talking about last 3 phases)is just crazy, because 3rd phase from the end is pattern attack with random flying fruits, which can easily kill you if you have bad RNG. 2nd attack from the end is probably pattern attack, but probably it is based on position, butr you can't really stay in one position in previous attack, so I don't know if red fruits is random, but grey fruits is definitely random, so to get used of that phase, you just need to train it over the time, but then you have last phase, which is purple phase, and contains only patterns, but hard ones, especally last jump, before last white fruit patterns. And if we don't miss that you need to re-do first 2 minutes all the time, to get to the last one, then it just gets annoying, however those 2 minutes are going consistent, but that was reason, why I played this game, just sometimes and had done just few good attempts, because it just gets annoying avoidance... For me to learn first 2 minutes more or less consistent took me around 5 hours, but to complete all game - little bit less than 17 hours...
So my conclusion would be that game is very good, because avoidance is made very well and have very nice designs and effects, but in case that it can get pretty hard for beginner, I would recommend to play this game only for players who can play average games, but for beginners I would recommend this game play later, when you will get more skill to play these type of avoidances. Overall, I liked game, even after so many hours that was taken to complete it.
Fun fact: Looks like this avoidance creator is actually Sasanoke as I got it lol.
For: I wanna be the Green Moon
Game have 4 stages and 3 bosses ( first stage is just small intro stage, which doesn't have boss for it ). Platforming for every stage was interesting and decent, like in IW get the yellow star, had similarly well-placed and not too many traps and nice, however restarting music.
The main problem of the game is in the bosses, who are pretty boring RNG based bosses, which have some attacks and you just try to dodge it, or if to be honest - to wait good rng. Yes, music is good for bosses, however even music have its issues in second boss, namely, sound effect music is way louder than background music, so if you will try to make louder music for your pc, then you will hear very loud shooting sound and 'game over' music. This bug can be encountered only in second boss, so I don't know reason for this bug.
While bosses are uninteresting and boring, I had question why game is called as IWBT Green Moon, because you see green moon only in title card and ending screen, and there is no actual boss, and you won't see any moon in platforming segments, so I didn't really get why it has its name. And I had this question, because this creator's another game have explained and logical for game name ( I am talking about IW get the yellow star, as I completed only 2 games by this creator), so game doesn't have any meaning and thats sad...
My conclusion is easy: Game has good platforming and isn't even too hard and could be even better, but creator doesn't even tried to make it good, so he rushed and made uninteresting and rng based bosses and even inappropriate name for the game.
I would recommend only if you don't have any better game to play or if you do Kamilia 2 Savage Mountain challenge, but in any other case, I wouldn't really recommend this game.
Edit(20/08/2019): After 2 years of beating this I am actually kind of unsure about my difficulty 32, which I gave, when I compare this game to others, that is why I highered it up, even though I remember really badly this game, except that 2 years ago I had trouble with some of the bosses, and I think I underrated this game, but I may replay this game some day, and if I do, then I will update my review once again.
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413 Cleared Games