GaspacoZanis's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: May 20, 2017
I am just a random guy who like to play IWBTG fangames ! If you want, you can read my reviews and ratings for every game, which I have cleared! If you want, you can ask my some questions too, and I will be happy to answer to them! Have a nice day! ^-^
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Most of fangames which I have cleared are on delicious-fruit, however, 2 are non delicious-fruit fangames.
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P.S. I don't count mod clears to my main game clear list.
I've submitted:
292 Ratings!
292 Reviews!
2512 Screenshots!
292 Games
292 Reviews
For: I wanna be the Machinary
For: i wanna be the ditch mouth mutant3
Opinion about the whole serie at the end.
The third entry in the series and the best game. No more restarting Guy Rock stage 0, no more dumb "hat" on kid's head. Well... No more kid anymore, I guess. Now we play as ditch mouth mutant? I know that doesn't make any sense, but still (also playing as this character is quite weird).
Anyway this game is longer than any other game in this serie and is also the hardest one. Game has several stages, each has its own style. I won't talk about each stage, but will mention the ones I liked the best and which I quite disliked. I really liked several stages for having cool atmosphere like Spooky stage, I like intersting gimmick stages, like the one, where you have infinite jump, but cannot touch the walls, and even meme I wanna H1 stage lol. Every stage has pretty cool soundtracks, which is great improvement from first 2 games, however music still restarts, which is quite problematic. Some bosses I liked, especially boss, which represents death, however sometimes it was unobvious how to beat boss. Ghost boss was quite long and maybe for someone it would be annoying. but at some point it seemed even quite creepy when you don't know when to expect ghost to appear. If you beat all the main stages, hen you have the final stage, which is a special stage, which is also the longest one.
If you was sad (why would you?) that you couldn't try final boss of I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant and couldn't try how it is to jump on breasts in I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant 2, because you cannot find both games (can't you?), then don't worry, you may do it in this game! Well, you will see only picture of both bosses, but, hey, you can still jump on breasts, that isn't removed! Yes, as you can tell, final stage is reminscence of previous games. You go through the whole games, but backwards and with nerfed segments and with one whole soundtrack, which restarts as you enter portal to the next stage. It is really cool design and idea, how you go from one stage to another and from one game to another. It was entertaining for me, who has beaten previous games, and I think it is cool done, since you technically have seen what both games have, and you may consider would you try them or not, and also it is good bridge from all games and it looks well-done, and I really worried that this game will not have anything similar from previous games and it lookes as outstanding game, which didn't have anything in common with this serie, but I was wrong. This whole idea is great! The final boss is quite weird though.. It is meme boss, where you have to go on platforms to shoot doors, which deals damage to the boss. You have to be careful, because is quite long though. After that starts credits, which is unusual for this serie game and no, you won't see cake and soundtrack from last screens from first two games ( :( ). That is how this game ends.
Overall, I enjoyed this game and can surely recommend it to anyone who like adventure games with unusual concept! I don't know why Thenewgeezer disliked game, but I guess that is because he haven't played first 2 games, so he wasn't able to have the full experience, and that was the reason for ower rating. Other than that if you are not against restarting music, then I would recommend this game!
Now short opinion about the whole serie: From all 3 games, which are in this serie, I can say that the first 2 games tried its best, however didn't succed to be good games. First game had fun final boss, but quite horrible platforming. Second game had OK platforming (at best), but final boss was very specific. Third game imporved everything. It improved original two game content and had cool original content and ideas, both in platforming and bosses. Whimsical thing in all 3 games is character design. In first 2 games we had normal kid, but it had weird "hat" on him, but in third game we have weird kid, which I cannot even describe, with whom it is quite hard to play, in my opinion. More or less, but from this sere, I would recommend only to try i wanna be the ditch mouth mutant3, since it has highest production value from the whole serie, however if you have an access to the whole serie and if you wish to know first games better for the reminscence experience in the third game, then you may consider trying the first games.
For: I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant 2
Overall, let's look on the whole game. Stage 0 or the first screen is similar to the idea of the first game. Restarting guy rock, standart tileset and title screen in the background. Gameplay looks a bit more original, but nothing too special. Stage 1 is designed as stage with flag of Japan in the background with generic traps and soundtrack, which you wish to listen, but cannot, since it restarts and not dying is quite impossible since it has quite many annoying traps. This stage doesn't have a boss. Stage 2 has pretty cool soundtrack and interesting design of the stage. It also has gimmick - snow blocks. This makes sometimes gameplay more original than it could be. Nothing too special, but, in my opinion, it is better than mushrooms in the first game. This stage do has a boss. It is similar like in I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant, however with different background and soundtrack. Overall, it is still quite mediocre, however attacks are designed a little bit better, since it sin't pure aiming, but if fruits hit floor then those go straightly left or right on the floor. It makes boss quite more difficult but nothing too serious. Stage 3 is the last stage in this game, and it is designed as stage, which has some puzzles with hidden triggers. Interesting layout and overall I liked gameplay at some saves. Also I liked longer saves, since you could at least listen to the song. However at some point these falling blocks reminded of original I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster, but it is different. Also backgound picture and soundtrack is quite specific, but isn't horrible, it is OK. Talking about I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster. The final boss starts like bosses from I wanna be the Lizardmanmaster - you fall on the blocks and have to shoot boss and then have to jump on other blocks to stay alive. Only this final boss I didn't expect to... You have woman breast with bra in the background, the boss is painted (most likely in paint) breast with bra, and you have 4 standart tileset blocks + several breasts (without bra) to jump on. Uhm... That is quite specific. Anyway you have to shoot this breast, which shoots from time to time red fruits and blue bouncing fruits if you deal damage to it. Soundtrack is very well chosen to this situation, but the whole situation is quite whimsical. Well, I quite didn't enjoy this boss, but gameplay was OK, even though the final boss in the first game was better, in my opinion (also it was easier, in my opinion, in original game). Anyway, then you have the same final screen as in I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant, but now with some other characters, which says something in Japanese (also one of the characters is final boss of the first I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant). Even soundtrack is the same, but I like it.
Overall opinion: Was OK at some points and better than the first game if we look on platforming and the first boss, this game even had gimmicks, which is nice. Soundtracks were pretty nice and even better than in first game. It has similar style so it feels like sequel, even though maybe better would be if it was as one game? I don't know, it is short enough, but isn't game for a few minutes, it can take a little bit longer (for me it took half an hour, similarly like in the original first game). Final boss is worse, however if you want to jump on breasts, then I would highly recommend you this game. For all others I wouldn't recommend, I guess.
P.S. What is this "hat" on kid's hat?! Really.
For: I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant
This is the first game of I wanna be the Ditch Mouth Mutant trilogy. Yes, the first one. People mainly know only about the existence of the third game and for some reason forget about other two. It is pretty hard to get it, however there is actually official mediafire link for all 3 games (the third is easier to find), however they are really old (year 2011) and it won't be easy to find them.
About the game. Game consists of 2 stages and like tutorial screen or introducing screen, I don't know. Introducing screen has standart tileset, restarting guy Rock and game's title in the background and boring needle. First stage continues with restarting music, even though the choice of music is horrible for restarting music. Why would you pick The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku for this? Also background choice is quite specific. Platforming is annoying and generic, in my opinion. First boss is weird object, which shoots fruits and Nyan cat song. You have to shoot it several times, until it dies. Nothing too special. Second stage continues to choose annoying restarting soundtrack and specific choice of background. Oh, and now we have mushrooms and decorated spikes. Uhm, why? Anyway it could be nice, however some saves, especially with platforms are annoying, also traps are really unoriginal. The only thing, which I liked in this game is final boss. Original idea, unusual set of layout and really cool soundtrack. Boss has simplistic attacks, however layout makes everything to look better, even standart tileset looks fitting and background does not look specific at all. But this game ends on this with weird screen with Japanese signs (I guess it says "Thank you for playing" ?), which you cannot escape (at least I didn't find a way to escape).
I was ready to say that this game is terrible, however final boss made it at least to look OK. Still, this game isn't really worthy of your time, unless you are interested in the final boss, however why would you? Anyway, that means that I wouldn't recommend.
P.S. What is that weird "hat" on kid's head?
For: I wanna be the Kaenbyou 3
Well, the same story as with first two games. Same music, effects, connected rooms and tear-drop at the end, but now in green colour tileset. Game is a little bit harder, but, in my opinion, it isn't too hard and you may get lost even in the first screens of the game. Other than that I felt the same as in second entry and this whole experience reminded me a lot of it and I like it as much as I wanna be the Kaenbyou 2. Other than that, you may look on this game if you have on other games. Would recommend.
Overall opinion about the serie: OK needle games, which should be all made in one big game, not in 3 speerate ones, because otherwise it seems quite unorganic and you may have deja vu since it seems like you are playing one game 3 times in a row, but still it is beginner friendly, so you might try all 3 games!
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419 Cleared Games