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320 Games
320 Reviews
For: I wanna be the Sc2 Italia!
For: I wanna be the Sc2 Italia!
A quirkly little needle/gimmick game with a few bosses sprinkled across the stages. The game is Starcraft themed as the title would suggest, and the bosses all seem to be based off members of the Italian SC2 community. It's quite a zany experience.
The platforming is all relatively simple with some usage of jump refreshers, vines and water, alongside some more original gimmicks such as teleporters and weird pulsating mirror-like things, which I assume is a Starcraft related thing like most things in here. It's all mostly easy and ends up making for a fairly enjoyable ride without any real roadblocks, although a couple of the pulsating mirror things felt awkward due to lingering hitboxes. There's even a little bit of rainbow cherry circles in here which would no doubt make many appearances in Nogard's later games.
There's a nice amount of simple variety in here given it was his first game, and quite impressive to look back on when comparing it to his later works which loom over this in terms of production value and originality. I didn't find it to be anything too special, but it's a nice little time killer if you're not too opposed to shooting some surprised-looking faces and perhaps missing out on a couple of Starcraft related references.
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The platforming is all relatively simple with some usage of jump refreshers, vines and water, alongside some more original gimmicks such as teleporters and weird pulsating mirror-like things, which I assume is a Starcraft related thing like most things in here. It's all mostly easy and ends up making for a fairly enjoyable ride without any real roadblocks, although a couple of the pulsating mirror things felt awkward due to lingering hitboxes. There's even a little bit of rainbow cherry circles in here which would no doubt make many appearances in Nogard's later games.
There's a nice amount of simple variety in here given it was his first game, and quite impressive to look back on when comparing it to his later works which loom over this in terms of production value and originality. I didn't find it to be anything too special, but it's a nice little time killer if you're not too opposed to shooting some surprised-looking faces and perhaps missing out on a couple of Starcraft related references.
Rating: 5.8 58
Difficulty: 30 30
Aug 11, 2019
For: Guy Tower Defense
For: Guy Tower Defense
This is a somewhat short but special little experience made entirely around a Bloons-inspired Tower Defense style of game. It's quite barebones in the sense that there's only one map and no extensive upgrade system minus a couple per tower, but for a short little session it nails the experience pretty nicely. The variety of towers is fun to discover, as are some of the waves (and particular the final wave enemy).
I'd love to see this expanded upon with more maps, tower, enemy types and so on and so forth, as the game ultimately is quite short. A nice addition is that Piece included the GMZ in the download so anyone can see the inner-workings and use this as the foundation for another game of a similar sort, and I'd love to see more of these experimental/special kinds of fangames in the future.
If you're even remotely interested in tower defense and well, presumably fangames, you owe it to yourself to give this a play.
I'd love to see this expanded upon with more maps, tower, enemy types and so on and so forth, as the game ultimately is quite short. A nice addition is that Piece included the GMZ in the download so anyone can see the inner-workings and use this as the foundation for another game of a similar sort, and I'd love to see more of these experimental/special kinds of fangames in the future.
If you're even remotely interested in tower defense and well, presumably fangames, you owe it to yourself to give this a play.
Tagged as: Special
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Rating: 7.5 75
Difficulty: 15 15
Aug 11, 2019
For: I dun wanna be Anything
For: I dun wanna be Anything
Dun Wanna be Anything is a monster of an adventure game. It's staggering in both length and difficulty, and often not necessarily in conventional ways, using a huge variety of hazards to drain your soul and test your willpower. Also you're given a pretty good choice at the start of the game with choosing your difficulty (Normal or Hard) and amount of saves (Few, Normal, Many). I played on Hard with Many Saves, and I'd probably strongly recommend against Hard mode as it overbuffs a few bosses to unfair levels, whereas I assume Normal is a much smoother experience.
The game opens up with a few options of your starting stage, each varying pretty wildly in visual theme and the hazards to expect. This made going through them all very fun and often surprising. Bosses are also very abundant across the game which is a testament to the effort put in to create such a wide selection of different boss fights, most of which play very differently. Most bosses are learn-heavy and you'd probably do well not to expect to first try any unless you fluke a bunch of attacks or get some god RNG with attack selection.
The platforming in the game is primarily based around traps and cycle-based hazards, manoeuvring through enemies or trying to not get mindread every other save. I can probably count on one hand the amount of gates and/or diagonals there were in this game, which makes for a very fresh experience gameplay wise. You definitely can't call Zanto lazy. The traps are also varied in the sense that they're not all just flying-spike-gotcha moments (although there are a fair share of those), and actually tend to have some humour worked into them.
Alongside all of this variety and creativity though is a lot of soul-crushing heart-breaking segments. Zanto's review summarises it pretty well, but unless you have the patience of a saint then chances are you're going to get upset a fair few times over the course of your journey. Some examples include bosses hanging out of shootable distance for what can feel like an eternity, or very punishing platforming cycles with some scamp-tier traps lying in wait near the end. The traps were amusing in a lot of cases, but at times it did end up getting me pretty frustrated and drained which is a pretty rare thing to accomplish, hence why I would push people away from playing on Hard to alleviate more frustration than is needed.
I had a pretty fun time with this game despite some real rough moments. If there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that I won't forget this game anytime soon. It's a real experience and very impressive piece of work. It's very different in style and flow to its sequel DWBA2, but still very much worth playing if you can get past the heartbreak.
[6] Likes
The game opens up with a few options of your starting stage, each varying pretty wildly in visual theme and the hazards to expect. This made going through them all very fun and often surprising. Bosses are also very abundant across the game which is a testament to the effort put in to create such a wide selection of different boss fights, most of which play very differently. Most bosses are learn-heavy and you'd probably do well not to expect to first try any unless you fluke a bunch of attacks or get some god RNG with attack selection.
The platforming in the game is primarily based around traps and cycle-based hazards, manoeuvring through enemies or trying to not get mindread every other save. I can probably count on one hand the amount of gates and/or diagonals there were in this game, which makes for a very fresh experience gameplay wise. You definitely can't call Zanto lazy. The traps are also varied in the sense that they're not all just flying-spike-gotcha moments (although there are a fair share of those), and actually tend to have some humour worked into them.
Alongside all of this variety and creativity though is a lot of soul-crushing heart-breaking segments. Zanto's review summarises it pretty well, but unless you have the patience of a saint then chances are you're going to get upset a fair few times over the course of your journey. Some examples include bosses hanging out of shootable distance for what can feel like an eternity, or very punishing platforming cycles with some scamp-tier traps lying in wait near the end. The traps were amusing in a lot of cases, but at times it did end up getting me pretty frustrated and drained which is a pretty rare thing to accomplish, hence why I would push people away from playing on Hard to alleviate more frustration than is needed.
I had a pretty fun time with this game despite some real rough moments. If there's one thing I can be sure of, it's that I won't forget this game anytime soon. It's a real experience and very impressive piece of work. It's very different in style and flow to its sequel DWBA2, but still very much worth playing if you can get past the heartbreak.
Rating: 7.8 78
Difficulty: 80 80
Aug 4, 2019
For: I wanna call me it.
For: I wanna call me it.
Rating based on the main game. Counting the extra avoidance is probably somewhere around 85~90.
Call Me It is a great little adventure with a lot of variety to it. Ranging from line-puzzles to classic vocaloid avoidances and sprinklings of needle, there's something in here for everyone. The visuals and general production value are all pretty solid too, and the final boss makes for quite a strong round-off to the game.
I do wish some stages had lasted a little longer. The horror-esque stage for example would've been interesting to see expanded upon, but it's moreso a very short trap stage serving as a prelude to the Rin avoidance, which could also be a step-up for those not too experienced in avoidance.
Overall a pretty solid adventure and one that most people have played or watched by now. It's definitely worth checking out so long as you're not aversed towards any particular fangame genre, as you'll find most of them in short bursts in here.
[2] Likes
Call Me It is a great little adventure with a lot of variety to it. Ranging from line-puzzles to classic vocaloid avoidances and sprinklings of needle, there's something in here for everyone. The visuals and general production value are all pretty solid too, and the final boss makes for quite a strong round-off to the game.
I do wish some stages had lasted a little longer. The horror-esque stage for example would've been interesting to see expanded upon, but it's moreso a very short trap stage serving as a prelude to the Rin avoidance, which could also be a step-up for those not too experienced in avoidance.
Overall a pretty solid adventure and one that most people have played or watched by now. It's definitely worth checking out so long as you're not aversed towards any particular fangame genre, as you'll find most of them in short bursts in here.
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 64 64
Aug 4, 2019
For: Crimson Needle 3
For: Crimson Needle 3
From a platforming standpoint, this is one of the best fangames I've had the pleasure of experiencing. Crimson Needle 3 goes above and beyond what I'd have expected from a 3rd entry in this series, bringing Kale's signature needle style alongside a plethora of often simple yet well-used gimmicks to enhance the gameplay and constantly mix it up to keep me interested and surprised by what the next floor may look and play like. From the cornfields to the final floor, I enjoyed just about every bit of it.
The game starts with a very familiar style as other floor games, making use of a very varied selection of game tilesets and needle styles, all which play very smoothly and have great variation to ease you into the game and hint at the strong departure from just static needle screens. Before long, you'll be whisked away into a very momentous floor where the game really opens up. This is where I was constantly surprised to see what kind of style and gimmicks I would stumble upon next, and it was always a pleasure finding a new stage or twist on a gimmick. I was often surprised as I may not initially warm to a gimmick, only to grow very comfortable with it 10-15 minutes later. The design just always felt very carefully done, never becoming obnoxious or unfun to play around. Some personal highlights were The Bath House which utilized water and cherries in really interesting ways, and also The Colour Stage, which had different coloured water-like stripes that flew you up, down, gravity flipped etc. which initially I was unsure about, only to grow to love it soon after.
The flow of the game in the second half stays strong and managed to surprise me all the way to the very end, culminating in possibly my favourite needle grind save that I've ever done. It's not very often that I can choke in such ridiculous ways right at the end of a hard save and not be upset, because it meant that I got to play the save more.
The visuals and the music also compliment the design very well all throughout, maintaining a strong sense of variety and quality from start to finish. Sometimes I'd hear a song I wasn't too fond of, but those moments were few and far between (and only natural, given the sheer amount of music in this game). The backgrounds and tilesets always contrasted nicely and left the game looking very polished and clean.
I could ramble longer about which exact floors I loved, my favourite visuals and so on and so forth. Ultimately all that's left to be said is that Crimson Needle 3 is a fantastic piece of work, and is an excellent send-off to the series that shows a lot of passion and hard work from the development team, one that hopefully won't soon be forgotten.
[5] Likes
The game starts with a very familiar style as other floor games, making use of a very varied selection of game tilesets and needle styles, all which play very smoothly and have great variation to ease you into the game and hint at the strong departure from just static needle screens. Before long, you'll be whisked away into a very momentous floor where the game really opens up. This is where I was constantly surprised to see what kind of style and gimmicks I would stumble upon next, and it was always a pleasure finding a new stage or twist on a gimmick. I was often surprised as I may not initially warm to a gimmick, only to grow very comfortable with it 10-15 minutes later. The design just always felt very carefully done, never becoming obnoxious or unfun to play around. Some personal highlights were The Bath House which utilized water and cherries in really interesting ways, and also The Colour Stage, which had different coloured water-like stripes that flew you up, down, gravity flipped etc. which initially I was unsure about, only to grow to love it soon after.
The flow of the game in the second half stays strong and managed to surprise me all the way to the very end, culminating in possibly my favourite needle grind save that I've ever done. It's not very often that I can choke in such ridiculous ways right at the end of a hard save and not be upset, because it meant that I got to play the save more.
The visuals and the music also compliment the design very well all throughout, maintaining a strong sense of variety and quality from start to finish. Sometimes I'd hear a song I wasn't too fond of, but those moments were few and far between (and only natural, given the sheer amount of music in this game). The backgrounds and tilesets always contrasted nicely and left the game looking very polished and clean.
I could ramble longer about which exact floors I loved, my favourite visuals and so on and so forth. Ultimately all that's left to be said is that Crimson Needle 3 is a fantastic piece of work, and is an excellent send-off to the series that shows a lot of passion and hard work from the development team, one that hopefully won't soon be forgotten.
Rating: 10.0 100
Difficulty: 91 91
Jul 19, 2019
10 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna be Pat's Secret Santa | 33.9 | 8.2 | 25 |
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower | 61.8 | 8.2 | 77 |
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy | 54.6 | 7.9 | 114 |
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy | 53.1 | 8.2 | 99 |
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy | 58.3 | 7.8 | 75 |
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! | 39.7 | 7.6 | 19 |
Hydrohomies | 72.8 | 8.2 | 20 |
I Wanna be the RO | 69.7 | 9.1 | 49 |
I Wanna be the Vandal | 71.4 | 9.3 | 128 |
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle | 65.6 | 7.7 | 45 |
15 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O | 88.0 | 9.2 |
I wanna kill the Guy | 50.0 | 9.5 |
I wanna make a Sandwich | 55.0 | 9.2 |
Not Another Needle Game | 65.0 | 9.7 |
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 | 55.0 | 8.0 |
I wanna be the Farewell | 70.0 | 9.1 |
Not Another Magic Tower Game | 80.0 | 10.0 |
if(I wanna get the good luck){with(kakki){destroy! kill! genocide!}}柿デスver | 90.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 | 70.0 | 9.7 |
I wanna be the Overlord | 55.0 | 9.8 |
I wanna be the Ocean Princess | 68.0 | 10.0 |
I wanna reach the Moon | 45.0 | 9.8 |
I Wanna Ponder | 80.0 | 10.0 |
Crimson Needle 3 | 91.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Eclipse | 60.0 | 9.5 |
107 Cleared Games