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320 Reviews
For: I wanna be the Popularity
For: I wanna be the Popularity
Rating is based on Very Hard, which is the only way to access the true final stage and boss (I imagine Medium would be around the 30-40 range).
Popularity is a very wacky and varied game, boasting a collection of stages centering around a particular theme or game, such as an I Wanna be the Guy stage or a Kirby ball stage. Some stages are very gimmick heavy, and will have you rolling around a Kirby ball by shooting arrow buttons or using your mouse to guide The Kid through a daring selection of hazards, whereas others are more classic platforming orientated with traps sprinkled throughout. Not all of the stages hit the spot, and the mouse stage on hardest difficulty I found to be really unpleasant to go through, although at a glance it seems monumentally simplified on easier difficulties, so probably more enjoyable there. Still, I particularly enjoyed the platforming-centric stages, and I got a chuckle or two out of some of the traps or zany design.
The bosses are pretty interesting, ranging from a Nyan-cat Mario-themed avoidance, a matching memory game and a very peculiar Dragon Quest avoidance-of-sorts with a 1 minute intro, perfect for those minesweeper or GeoGuessr enthusiasts to take a break after each death. Most players will be familiar with Gravity Man, the true final boss of the Very Hard difficulty. It's an incredibly learn-heavy fight that puts a great deal of focus on your shot timing, safe spots and reacting to the many peanuts he has at his disposal. I intended to do this by following a video, but I ended up having a lot of fun learning it with my own strats (which, ended up being close enough to video strats anyway, I guess there's only so much variance you can get if you start on a particular screen side).
It's ultimately a game that I think would probably be much more enjoyable on the Medium or Hard difficulties. Very Hard buffs things to questionable levels to the point where the fun starts to leak out and leave only frustration. Still, it has some high points and a very broad variety of content, and it is cool to see so many changes (and even new screens, a stage and a boss) on the higher difficulties. I appreciate a lot of elements of this game, even if I wasn't the biggest fan of it.
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Popularity is a very wacky and varied game, boasting a collection of stages centering around a particular theme or game, such as an I Wanna be the Guy stage or a Kirby ball stage. Some stages are very gimmick heavy, and will have you rolling around a Kirby ball by shooting arrow buttons or using your mouse to guide The Kid through a daring selection of hazards, whereas others are more classic platforming orientated with traps sprinkled throughout. Not all of the stages hit the spot, and the mouse stage on hardest difficulty I found to be really unpleasant to go through, although at a glance it seems monumentally simplified on easier difficulties, so probably more enjoyable there. Still, I particularly enjoyed the platforming-centric stages, and I got a chuckle or two out of some of the traps or zany design.
The bosses are pretty interesting, ranging from a Nyan-cat Mario-themed avoidance, a matching memory game and a very peculiar Dragon Quest avoidance-of-sorts with a 1 minute intro, perfect for those minesweeper or GeoGuessr enthusiasts to take a break after each death. Most players will be familiar with Gravity Man, the true final boss of the Very Hard difficulty. It's an incredibly learn-heavy fight that puts a great deal of focus on your shot timing, safe spots and reacting to the many peanuts he has at his disposal. I intended to do this by following a video, but I ended up having a lot of fun learning it with my own strats (which, ended up being close enough to video strats anyway, I guess there's only so much variance you can get if you start on a particular screen side).
It's ultimately a game that I think would probably be much more enjoyable on the Medium or Hard difficulties. Very Hard buffs things to questionable levels to the point where the fun starts to leak out and leave only frustration. Still, it has some high points and a very broad variety of content, and it is cool to see so many changes (and even new screens, a stage and a boss) on the higher difficulties. I appreciate a lot of elements of this game, even if I wasn't the biggest fan of it.
Rating: 6.1 61
Difficulty: 80 80
Jun 14, 2019
For: I wanna know the everlasting stories
For: I wanna know the everlasting stories
Everlasting Stories is a 2 minute barrage-focused avoidance with a couple of learny attacks as well as fun and fast-paced segments. It also features a final attack that's the equivalent of a bus of clowns crashing down your front door and all you can do is cower in the corner and hope they don't recruit you into clown college.
A large majority of the attacks are very RNG-heavy, most of which become very improved-upon over the course of the grind. A good example is the white-bouncing orb attack which despite how questionable it can be, begins to feel weirdly readable with good strats to help alleviate the hijinks it gets up to. The long lines attack before the blue pinwheel pattern also becomes very consistent and is something I felt was one of the most balanced attacks in the entire fight, utilizing a nice mix of pattern, aimed and RNG as well as manoeuvring around the arena within a short space of time. The patterns such as the blue pinwheel are also pretty fun to execute, although slightly daunting to learn initially.
The last 30 seconds of the avoidance are a complete clown show. The diagonal-shifting attack can just often be way too dense and unreasonable even with different strats which feels very unrewarding. The following couple of barrages can also very easily be a mess given you're forced to change position fast but some bad RNG can more or less block off your timing, making you rely on good luck to get out.
As for the final attack, it consists of 4 different bullet bursts, some of which home in on you, one curves and the last one is just a fiesta of the highest degree. It's intense and adrenaline pumping, but the more I died here the more I realised even despite a few reads I was making, I had to rely on at least some luck to carry me through it which just sapped the enjoyment out of the grind.
Still, I did have fun grinding this, and as an avoidance it's really well made to the song with a variety of very pretty and interesting attacks. I just wish some elements of the fight were less fiesta-like because it started to dampen the fun for me.
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A large majority of the attacks are very RNG-heavy, most of which become very improved-upon over the course of the grind. A good example is the white-bouncing orb attack which despite how questionable it can be, begins to feel weirdly readable with good strats to help alleviate the hijinks it gets up to. The long lines attack before the blue pinwheel pattern also becomes very consistent and is something I felt was one of the most balanced attacks in the entire fight, utilizing a nice mix of pattern, aimed and RNG as well as manoeuvring around the arena within a short space of time. The patterns such as the blue pinwheel are also pretty fun to execute, although slightly daunting to learn initially.
The last 30 seconds of the avoidance are a complete clown show. The diagonal-shifting attack can just often be way too dense and unreasonable even with different strats which feels very unrewarding. The following couple of barrages can also very easily be a mess given you're forced to change position fast but some bad RNG can more or less block off your timing, making you rely on good luck to get out.
As for the final attack, it consists of 4 different bullet bursts, some of which home in on you, one curves and the last one is just a fiesta of the highest degree. It's intense and adrenaline pumping, but the more I died here the more I realised even despite a few reads I was making, I had to rely on at least some luck to carry me through it which just sapped the enjoyment out of the grind.
Still, I did have fun grinding this, and as an avoidance it's really well made to the song with a variety of very pretty and interesting attacks. I just wish some elements of the fight were less fiesta-like because it started to dampen the fun for me.
Rating: 7.0 70
Difficulty: 88 88
Jun 7, 2019
For: I wanna defeat the Discord Makers CN side
For: I wanna defeat the Discord Makers CN side
Discord Makers CN Side is a mammoth of a needle game consisting of a whopping 28 stages! With such a wide range of makers, each stage differs greatly from the last, making for a very varied needle ride. Even if you're not committed to clearing everything in the game, chances are you're going to find some stages to like here.
The stages are split into 3 categories, these being 'Easy', 'Hard' and 'Special'. Despite this, I found the stages to be moreso just an Easy -> Medium -> Hard sort of range. A number of stages in the 'Special' category don't feel particularly special. That's not to say the needle isn't good or interesting, but whilst stages like Shimmer's L-needle stage or Shadow's Rukito-esque trap needle stage stand out as very unique, stages like seVens or Q123's are moreso just very difficult albeit creatively designed needle.
In regards to needle enjoyment, I enjoyed a vast chunk of the platforming in this game. I gather from infern0's review that a lot of testing was put into it which is very appreciable given just how much needle there is to work through. Some of my personal standouts include the aforementioned Shadow's stage which was a very creative Rukito+ style challenge, Bootstrap's high-quality 32px heavy stage and Flames stage which whilst being one of the easier ones remained a fun challenge throughout. Even some of the ones I didn't expect to like such as Shimmer's L stage turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable, as it didn't require any cancels or 1f's.
The production value also deserves a shoutout, which is really polished and well done. The interface resembles that of a mobile rhythm game (Voez I believe?) and the style works really well as you navigate the clean menu and aesthetically pleasing arrangement of stages. My only complaint was sometimes after scrolling along I couldn't click a stage until I'd scroll more, as if the page was desynced with where the buttons were. Maybe it's an issue with my bigger window, who knows.
Very worth mentioning that you can back out of any stage at any time and it will save your progress should you want to return later. For a game with such a large amount of stages and variety, this is hugely appreciated and a really great feature of the game.
I did have some gripes with a few stages regarding either design or difficulty. One thing that comes to mind is the water screen in TheWWworld's stage which had some kinda questionable jumps, and a few parts of Coffee's stage were a bit on the unpleasant side. Obviously with a game of this size nobody is going to like everything, and I was still able to appreciate every stage despite some hiccups along the way.
If you're a needle fan then I'd strongly recommend giving this game a shot. 100% completion can be demanding if a number of the stages aren't to your liking, but I'd still push you to give the stages a try and see which ones appeal to you, because there's a lot of high quality needle in here packed inside a very pretty package.
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The stages are split into 3 categories, these being 'Easy', 'Hard' and 'Special'. Despite this, I found the stages to be moreso just an Easy -> Medium -> Hard sort of range. A number of stages in the 'Special' category don't feel particularly special. That's not to say the needle isn't good or interesting, but whilst stages like Shimmer's L-needle stage or Shadow's Rukito-esque trap needle stage stand out as very unique, stages like seVens or Q123's are moreso just very difficult albeit creatively designed needle.
In regards to needle enjoyment, I enjoyed a vast chunk of the platforming in this game. I gather from infern0's review that a lot of testing was put into it which is very appreciable given just how much needle there is to work through. Some of my personal standouts include the aforementioned Shadow's stage which was a very creative Rukito+ style challenge, Bootstrap's high-quality 32px heavy stage and Flames stage which whilst being one of the easier ones remained a fun challenge throughout. Even some of the ones I didn't expect to like such as Shimmer's L stage turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable, as it didn't require any cancels or 1f's.
The production value also deserves a shoutout, which is really polished and well done. The interface resembles that of a mobile rhythm game (Voez I believe?) and the style works really well as you navigate the clean menu and aesthetically pleasing arrangement of stages. My only complaint was sometimes after scrolling along I couldn't click a stage until I'd scroll more, as if the page was desynced with where the buttons were. Maybe it's an issue with my bigger window, who knows.
Very worth mentioning that you can back out of any stage at any time and it will save your progress should you want to return later. For a game with such a large amount of stages and variety, this is hugely appreciated and a really great feature of the game.
I did have some gripes with a few stages regarding either design or difficulty. One thing that comes to mind is the water screen in TheWWworld's stage which had some kinda questionable jumps, and a few parts of Coffee's stage were a bit on the unpleasant side. Obviously with a game of this size nobody is going to like everything, and I was still able to appreciate every stage despite some hiccups along the way.
If you're a needle fan then I'd strongly recommend giving this game a shot. 100% completion can be demanding if a number of the stages aren't to your liking, but I'd still push you to give the stages a try and see which ones appeal to you, because there's a lot of high quality needle in here packed inside a very pretty package.
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 82 82
Jun 7, 2019
For: I wanna Elecspike
For: I wanna Elecspike
Elecspike is a needle game consisting of a variety of stages and climaxing with a very intense and fun barrage avoidance, which for me was definitely the highlight of the game.
Each stage brings something a little different visual-wise, although the needle style for the most part doesn't really change a great deal. I found the earlier stages to be the most fun (although I could've lived without the memey weed visual effect plotline), and it felt generally pleasant to go through. The later stages however (most notable the one before the barrage) I didn't have a great time with. It felt like the needle got even more corridory and cramped than before with a lot of generic unfun jumps like sphincters, corners, diagonals and so on. The more open rooms I liked a bit more, but ultimately I wasn't really a fan of the platforming towards the end.
The following segment however was a blast! The orange barrage is a great 3~ minute avoidance featuring a bunch of very fun to read attacks often synced up pretty well to the music. It puts a heavy focus on maintaining consistency as attacks will have you dodging it for a fair amount of time, making you really improve at what's there. A big example is the white curving attack after the TIS rain, which initially felt incredibly hard only for it to become surprisingly consistent and very satisfying to go through. I have little complaints about the barrage, with the only attack I wasn't crazy about being the red bouncing orb attack, but that's generally just my distaste anyway.
This review is based off v1.0. I believe the most recent version is v1.5 which has an additional needle stage and avoidance. I can't really comment on these as I haven't played them, but I'm sure there are videos floating out there if you're curious.
All-in-all a pretty fun game. I wasn't a huge fan of a handful of the needle segments, particularly the further on in the game it got. I think it could've benefited from less usage of the generic difficult sort of jumps and maybe implementing a gimmick or two to mix up the needle style a bit, although I do get the Sunspike style influence. The main selling point of the game for me is the avoidance, which I'd easily recommend to any barrage lover.
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Each stage brings something a little different visual-wise, although the needle style for the most part doesn't really change a great deal. I found the earlier stages to be the most fun (although I could've lived without the memey weed visual effect plotline), and it felt generally pleasant to go through. The later stages however (most notable the one before the barrage) I didn't have a great time with. It felt like the needle got even more corridory and cramped than before with a lot of generic unfun jumps like sphincters, corners, diagonals and so on. The more open rooms I liked a bit more, but ultimately I wasn't really a fan of the platforming towards the end.
The following segment however was a blast! The orange barrage is a great 3~ minute avoidance featuring a bunch of very fun to read attacks often synced up pretty well to the music. It puts a heavy focus on maintaining consistency as attacks will have you dodging it for a fair amount of time, making you really improve at what's there. A big example is the white curving attack after the TIS rain, which initially felt incredibly hard only for it to become surprisingly consistent and very satisfying to go through. I have little complaints about the barrage, with the only attack I wasn't crazy about being the red bouncing orb attack, but that's generally just my distaste anyway.
This review is based off v1.0. I believe the most recent version is v1.5 which has an additional needle stage and avoidance. I can't really comment on these as I haven't played them, but I'm sure there are videos floating out there if you're curious.
All-in-all a pretty fun game. I wasn't a huge fan of a handful of the needle segments, particularly the further on in the game it got. I think it could've benefited from less usage of the generic difficult sort of jumps and maybe implementing a gimmick or two to mix up the needle style a bit, although I do get the Sunspike style influence. The main selling point of the game for me is the avoidance, which I'd easily recommend to any barrage lover.
Rating: 7.6 76
Difficulty: 80 80
Jun 7, 2019
For: I wanna be the One
For: I wanna be the One
Trap game consisting of a few short stages, all using generic engine music and visuals with some trickery mixed in to throw you off guard. A few traps were funny but it's all really basic stuff and it ends fairly quickly.
Tagged as: Trap
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Rating: 1.5 15
Difficulty: 40 40
Jun 5, 2019
10 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna be Pat's Secret Santa | 33.9 | 8.2 | 25 |
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower | 61.8 | 8.2 | 77 |
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy | 54.6 | 7.9 | 114 |
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy | 53.1 | 8.2 | 99 |
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy | 58.3 | 7.8 | 75 |
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! | 39.7 | 7.6 | 19 |
Hydrohomies | 72.8 | 8.2 | 20 |
I Wanna be the RO | 69.7 | 9.1 | 49 |
I Wanna be the Vandal | 71.4 | 9.3 | 128 |
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle | 65.6 | 7.7 | 45 |
15 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O | 88.0 | 9.2 |
I wanna kill the Guy | 50.0 | 9.5 |
I wanna make a Sandwich | 55.0 | 9.2 |
Not Another Needle Game | 65.0 | 9.7 |
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 | 55.0 | 8.0 |
I wanna be the Farewell | 70.0 | 9.1 |
Not Another Magic Tower Game | 80.0 | 10.0 |
if(I wanna get the good luck){with(kakki){destroy! kill! genocide!}}柿デスver | 90.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 | 70.0 | 9.7 |
I wanna be the Overlord | 55.0 | 9.8 |
I wanna be the Ocean Princess | 68.0 | 10.0 |
I wanna reach the Moon | 45.0 | 9.8 |
I Wanna Ponder | 80.0 | 10.0 |
Crimson Needle 3 | 91.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Eclipse | 60.0 | 9.5 |
107 Cleared Games