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320 Reviews
For: I wanna Ragnarok
For: I wanna Ragnarok
Ragnarok is a solid adventure with a very distinct variety of stages both mechanically and visually, ranging from icy caverns with snowballs and slippery hijinks to traversing past literal Sun-size balls of magma. To say it mixes things up would be an understatement.
I was very surprised by the constant introduction of new elements in this game. Consistently the game would introduce a small new gimmick, only to introduce something different on the very next screen without the game ever feeling cluttered or overpacked. There were some occasions where a gimmick would be present and I'd not notice it due to it being introduced long ago, but these moments were few and far between. The platforming feels very fresh and never gets tedious or repetitive.
Having said that, I wish Zero put a signpost for tutorialising that I should stand on the border of the Sun, a perhaps less-than-obvious move.
Boss-wise there's a good deal of variety, although it was somewhat mixed for me. I particularly enjoyed Muffet and the Factory Stage boss, whereas the Ice Stage boss felt pretty unfun for me due to the mixture of ice physics and awkward albeit kinda interesting platforming arena.
The final boss also has some questionable design, with the fight feeling somewhat tame in the first couple minutes before introducing some pretty tricky attacks late into the fight, making it quite tedious to play. This is especially down to the necessity of having to constantly mash shoot (auto-aimed) which feels like it would've been better if it was just an avoidance or if auto-fire was an option. The actual fight has some really cool attacks and I hear it's a great reproduction of a Touhou 11 fight which is respectable.
I played on an oldish version which had some very unfortunate platforming cycles which I hear were fixed in a later version. I ended up updating midway through on a save and noticed a difference with the cycle I was on, so I imagine this is not so much an issue provided you play on the most recent version. Worth a mention for sure.
A small thing to comment on too is that the game seems unfinished, or rather planned for further production at some point. Upon beating the last boss, you'll transition into what I assumed would be the next area before being met with a "To be continued" screen with your deathtime and no music. It felt somewhat anticlimactic which is a shame, and it'd be cool to see Zero finish this someday.
All-in-all a very good adventure with some hiccups along the way, but a very respectable piece of work and definitely filled with lots of memorable segments.
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I was very surprised by the constant introduction of new elements in this game. Consistently the game would introduce a small new gimmick, only to introduce something different on the very next screen without the game ever feeling cluttered or overpacked. There were some occasions where a gimmick would be present and I'd not notice it due to it being introduced long ago, but these moments were few and far between. The platforming feels very fresh and never gets tedious or repetitive.
Having said that, I wish Zero put a signpost for tutorialising that I should stand on the border of the Sun, a perhaps less-than-obvious move.
Boss-wise there's a good deal of variety, although it was somewhat mixed for me. I particularly enjoyed Muffet and the Factory Stage boss, whereas the Ice Stage boss felt pretty unfun for me due to the mixture of ice physics and awkward albeit kinda interesting platforming arena.
The final boss also has some questionable design, with the fight feeling somewhat tame in the first couple minutes before introducing some pretty tricky attacks late into the fight, making it quite tedious to play. This is especially down to the necessity of having to constantly mash shoot (auto-aimed) which feels like it would've been better if it was just an avoidance or if auto-fire was an option. The actual fight has some really cool attacks and I hear it's a great reproduction of a Touhou 11 fight which is respectable.
I played on an oldish version which had some very unfortunate platforming cycles which I hear were fixed in a later version. I ended up updating midway through on a save and noticed a difference with the cycle I was on, so I imagine this is not so much an issue provided you play on the most recent version. Worth a mention for sure.
A small thing to comment on too is that the game seems unfinished, or rather planned for further production at some point. Upon beating the last boss, you'll transition into what I assumed would be the next area before being met with a "To be continued" screen with your deathtime and no music. It felt somewhat anticlimactic which is a shame, and it'd be cool to see Zero finish this someday.
All-in-all a very good adventure with some hiccups along the way, but a very respectable piece of work and definitely filled with lots of memorable segments.
Rating: 8.5 85
Difficulty: 70 70
Mar 13, 2019
For: I wanna be the PS
For: I wanna be the PS
PS is a great Rukito-inspired fangame that stays true to a lot of the touches and old charms Rukito games have, whilst also throwing in some new surprises along the way.
The game consists of around 7 stages or so, none of which overstay their welcome and all lasting quite a comfortable length. The difference in styles between Kady and Pat is quite noticeable putting aside the visual change, and it's fun hopping between their stages and seeing the differences in design (and sometimes difficulty). PS makes full use out of the traditional needle gimmicks such as platforms, water and vines, alongside some cool twists that Pat throws in for his stages which compliment the platforming style very nicely.
A couple of segments felt a bit awkward to pull off, most of which were towards the end of the water stage, although this may have been more of a personal trouble. Despite this, the game flowed very nicely in terms of difficulty and there weren't really many sore spots in terms of difficulty spiking.
PS ends with a cute little boss, making use of an earlier established gimmick. This was pretty fun and the attack variety kept the fight enjoyable throughout. I may have gotten slightly lucky with a second-try clear so I didn't get a good grasp of difficulty, but it felt well balanced and quite fitting for a finale.
All in all, a great little Rukito game. One that remains a suitable challenge without rising to the same difficulty level as most of Rukito's games or other inspired games, which makes it stand out quite nicely. Great stuff!
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The game consists of around 7 stages or so, none of which overstay their welcome and all lasting quite a comfortable length. The difference in styles between Kady and Pat is quite noticeable putting aside the visual change, and it's fun hopping between their stages and seeing the differences in design (and sometimes difficulty). PS makes full use out of the traditional needle gimmicks such as platforms, water and vines, alongside some cool twists that Pat throws in for his stages which compliment the platforming style very nicely.
A couple of segments felt a bit awkward to pull off, most of which were towards the end of the water stage, although this may have been more of a personal trouble. Despite this, the game flowed very nicely in terms of difficulty and there weren't really many sore spots in terms of difficulty spiking.
PS ends with a cute little boss, making use of an earlier established gimmick. This was pretty fun and the attack variety kept the fight enjoyable throughout. I may have gotten slightly lucky with a second-try clear so I didn't get a good grasp of difficulty, but it felt well balanced and quite fitting for a finale.
All in all, a great little Rukito game. One that remains a suitable challenge without rising to the same difficulty level as most of Rukito's games or other inspired games, which makes it stand out quite nicely. Great stuff!
Rating: 8.8 88
Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 9, 2019
For: I wanna go Terazone
For: I wanna go Terazone
Terazone is a very interesting adventure game based upon a variety of stages, each taking heavy influence from 7 different games, these being KINOKO & GAL, World of Goo, Oddworld, Metal Gear, Ib, A Link to the Past and Tower of Heaven. This makes for a very varied experience that ends up hitting the mark the majority of the time.
You're free to tackle these stages in any order you wish, as they're scattered throughout a little hub with visuals reminiscent of Go Across the Rainbow. Important to note this game is incomplete, and there are a couple segments unreachable, blocked with demo blocks. Each stage has a difficulty rating out of 5 stars and often features very different gameplay from the last. To delve into some specifics, I'll go into spoiler territory.
The first stage I stumbled into was the KINOKO & GAL stage, also the one rated the highest. I felt this was by far the weakest point of the game, with it being a NES-sort-of style game featuring enemies, traps and long'ish segments. Some parts got very tedious to go through and it was also the longest stage by far, although perhaps down to the difficulty and troubles I had. The other stages lifted my spirits a lot though. World of Goo is a really fun stylistic stage albeit lacking the classic Goo physics, Oddworld a classic homage to the Abe games with some fun references and the Ib stage being quite a spooky little adventure reminiscent of The Cardinal House. I wasn't overly fond of some design choices in the Link to the Past stage, mixed with my poor map-memorization skills, but there's definitely something for everyone in here.
After beating all 7 stages, you're left to just wander the hub and reflect on your journey. There's no clear screen or real GG to speak of, so whichever portal you go in last, make sure to cherish it's ending well. I actually tried savehacking past the demo blocks to investigate the out-of-reach portals. One just leads to the KINOKO & GAL stage and the other leads to what seems to have been planned for a Sherlock Holmes stage, although after a brief intro it just cuts to a broken colour screen. It'll be interesting to see if this ever gets updated, although almost 2 years on now I'm not so sure.
Definitely worth a play. The huge amount of variety will guarantee you'll find a stage or two that you'll love. IF you're unsure, I'd actually maybe recommend just playing the stages that seem most appealing to you (you can leave stages with BACKSPACE), and then just considering the rest if you feel like getting that clear bonus. But yeah, a pretty solid adventure game for sure.
[3] Likes
You're free to tackle these stages in any order you wish, as they're scattered throughout a little hub with visuals reminiscent of Go Across the Rainbow. Important to note this game is incomplete, and there are a couple segments unreachable, blocked with demo blocks. Each stage has a difficulty rating out of 5 stars and often features very different gameplay from the last. To delve into some specifics, I'll go into spoiler territory.
The first stage I stumbled into was the KINOKO & GAL stage, also the one rated the highest. I felt this was by far the weakest point of the game, with it being a NES-sort-of style game featuring enemies, traps and long'ish segments. Some parts got very tedious to go through and it was also the longest stage by far, although perhaps down to the difficulty and troubles I had. The other stages lifted my spirits a lot though. World of Goo is a really fun stylistic stage albeit lacking the classic Goo physics, Oddworld a classic homage to the Abe games with some fun references and the Ib stage being quite a spooky little adventure reminiscent of The Cardinal House. I wasn't overly fond of some design choices in the Link to the Past stage, mixed with my poor map-memorization skills, but there's definitely something for everyone in here.
After beating all 7 stages, you're left to just wander the hub and reflect on your journey. There's no clear screen or real GG to speak of, so whichever portal you go in last, make sure to cherish it's ending well. I actually tried savehacking past the demo blocks to investigate the out-of-reach portals. One just leads to the KINOKO & GAL stage and the other leads to what seems to have been planned for a Sherlock Holmes stage, although after a brief intro it just cuts to a broken colour screen. It'll be interesting to see if this ever gets updated, although almost 2 years on now I'm not so sure.
Definitely worth a play. The huge amount of variety will guarantee you'll find a stage or two that you'll love. IF you're unsure, I'd actually maybe recommend just playing the stages that seem most appealing to you (you can leave stages with BACKSPACE), and then just considering the rest if you feel like getting that clear bonus. But yeah, a pretty solid adventure game for sure.
Rating: 8.4 84
Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 8, 2019
For: I Wanna Flip the Grid
For: I Wanna Flip the Grid
Flip the Grid is a fairly challenging gravity-flipper themed needle game consisting of 10 screens, each with a certain design theme although all built upon the 32px grid.
I found the needle to be pretty fun, and the manoeuvres Shadow designed you to do felt very satisfying if not sometimes a bit lengthy, with some particularly long drops scattered throughout the game mixed with the gravity flippers. The vast majority of the jumps feel thought out and consideration is given to balance so that nothing feels overly precise compared to the rest of the save. The only exception here is the final save. Whilst none of the jumps in this save are particularly difficult, it is drawn out around the entire screen making for a very lengthy segment. I did find the final stretch to be fairly easy, although I wasn't sure I was a fan of it being as long as it is.
Visually the screens tend to appear quite messy, given the 32px style of heavily making use of floating spikes in irregular formations, although I didn't really mind this so much. I would've liked to have seen the visuals maybe change up as you progress. I noticed the music did change every few screens, so maybe the tileset or some part of the visuals could've been adjusted too to keep things fresh and interesting. I did like how the colours shifted upon gravity flipping though, which was a really nice touch.
All-in-all if you're looking for needle based around gravity flipping, you'll probably have a good time with this.
I found the needle to be pretty fun, and the manoeuvres Shadow designed you to do felt very satisfying if not sometimes a bit lengthy, with some particularly long drops scattered throughout the game mixed with the gravity flippers. The vast majority of the jumps feel thought out and consideration is given to balance so that nothing feels overly precise compared to the rest of the save. The only exception here is the final save. Whilst none of the jumps in this save are particularly difficult, it is drawn out around the entire screen making for a very lengthy segment. I did find the final stretch to be fairly easy, although I wasn't sure I was a fan of it being as long as it is.
Visually the screens tend to appear quite messy, given the 32px style of heavily making use of floating spikes in irregular formations, although I didn't really mind this so much. I would've liked to have seen the visuals maybe change up as you progress. I noticed the music did change every few screens, so maybe the tileset or some part of the visuals could've been adjusted too to keep things fresh and interesting. I did like how the colours shifted upon gravity flipping though, which was a really nice touch.
All-in-all if you're looking for needle based around gravity flipping, you'll probably have a good time with this.
Tagged as: Needle
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Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 65 65
Mar 8, 2019
For: I wanna defeat the spike dynasty
For: I wanna defeat the spike dynasty
Spike Dynasty is a great little game with some very small puzzling, interesting platform-based needle and a fun barrage to top it off. Just a mixture of some stuff I like, so I suppose I was always going to enjoy this.
I hestitated giving this a puzzle tag as the puzzle segment is so short and doesn't really get elaborated on much, which is actually one of my main gripes. I would've loved to see this a bit longer and more padded out, although it does serve as a nice hand warm-up for the needle which is probably the hardest part of the game depending on your skills. It's platform-heavy and definitely C/O/S/M/O inspired which I'm a fan of. A couple of saves felt a bit off in difficulty but I had a fun time regardless.
The avoidance clocks in at just under 2 minutes, and is barrage heavy. Lots of lengthy RNG attacks focused on reading and even a bit of arena changing, which are two things I always love to see in avoidances. I actually sort of wish it was a bit harder just so I could have spent more time on it. Although I may have gotten lucky with the more-or-less first try, nothing felt too demanding which made it just feel really nicely balanced.
A short game, but for me it was a great one. Full of stuff I love to play. A definite recommendation if the screenshots look appealing to you.
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I hestitated giving this a puzzle tag as the puzzle segment is so short and doesn't really get elaborated on much, which is actually one of my main gripes. I would've loved to see this a bit longer and more padded out, although it does serve as a nice hand warm-up for the needle which is probably the hardest part of the game depending on your skills. It's platform-heavy and definitely C/O/S/M/O inspired which I'm a fan of. A couple of saves felt a bit off in difficulty but I had a fun time regardless.
The avoidance clocks in at just under 2 minutes, and is barrage heavy. Lots of lengthy RNG attacks focused on reading and even a bit of arena changing, which are two things I always love to see in avoidances. I actually sort of wish it was a bit harder just so I could have spent more time on it. Although I may have gotten lucky with the more-or-less first try, nothing felt too demanding which made it just feel really nicely balanced.
A short game, but for me it was a great one. Full of stuff I love to play. A definite recommendation if the screenshots look appealing to you.
Rating: 8.3 83
Difficulty: 55 55
Mar 6, 2019
10 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna be Pat's Secret Santa | 33.9 | 8.2 | 25 |
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower | 61.8 | 8.2 | 76 |
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy | 54.6 | 7.9 | 112 |
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy | 53.1 | 8.2 | 98 |
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy | 58.3 | 7.8 | 75 |
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! | 39.8 | 7.6 | 18 |
Hydrohomies | 72.8 | 8.2 | 20 |
I Wanna be the RO | 69.7 | 9.1 | 49 |
I Wanna be the Vandal | 71.4 | 9.3 | 128 |
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle | 65.6 | 7.7 | 45 |
15 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O | 88.0 | 9.2 |
I wanna kill the Guy | 50.0 | 9.5 |
I wanna make a Sandwich | 55.0 | 9.2 |
Not Another Needle Game | 65.0 | 9.7 |
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 | 55.0 | 8.0 |
I wanna be the Farewell | 70.0 | 9.1 |
Not Another Magic Tower Game | 80.0 | 10.0 |
if(I wanna get the good luck){with(kakki){destroy! kill! genocide!}}柿デスver | 90.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 | 70.0 | 9.7 |
I wanna be the Overlord | 55.0 | 9.8 |
I wanna be the Ocean Princess | 68.0 | 10.0 |
I wanna reach the Moon | 45.0 | 9.8 |
I Wanna Ponder | 80.0 | 10.0 |
Crimson Needle 3 | 91.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Eclipse | 60.0 | 9.5 |
107 Cleared Games