ElCochran90's Profile
Send a PMJoined on: Aug 25, 2018
About time I updated this bio.
Name: Edgar Cochran
Country: Mexico
Currently living in: Mexico City
-God's servant and one of his blessed sons (John 1:12; John 3:16).
-Lover of the entire animal and plant creation.
-Film lover and reviewer for Letterboxd.com (https://letterboxd.com/elcochran90).
-Adjunct professor and personal tutor of Statistical Inference, Business Forecasting, Marketing Research and Portfolio Theory.
Fangaming experience began in August 2018, so only modest achievements here. However, I'll describe some relevant FAQs here made to me during my stay here since 2018:
Q: Are videogames art?
A: Yes
Q: Are fangames videogames?
A: Yes
Q: Why are your reviews long and unconventional?
A: I am a film reviewer; in a way, I sort of unconsciously dragged my style of film reviewing to the world of fangames. I often involve personal experiences in my writing. Expect that structure; I'm not planning to change it.
Q: How are you rating games? Do you compare fangames as normal games that your ratings are lower than all other people ratings or are you just a critical person?
A: My ratings are not lower than people's ratings all of the time regarding fangames, but they are most of the time. However, this is not my intention. I am rating them as normal games, as in, I don't have a different spectrum for rating "normal", "official" games than fangames. They are in the same scale, because they are all videogames. I don't like to think myself as a critical person; ratings are just subjective numbers. However, I have realized that I rate games more harshly than I rate films/short films, which I do more often.
Q: What are your favorite fangames?
A: I have not played enough fangames to make a comprehensive and representative list, but this can be answered by going to my Favorites list. Anything getting 6.7 or higher will be considered immediately as a favorite.
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380 Reviews
For: I wanna be the Fangame!
Exactly 25% of the scenarios I didn't like, and exactly 75% the scenarios I loved. These percentages include all secret areas, which are fantastic more often than not. It is too trap-based for my taste, but the adventure feeling is there to convey a sense of progression and achievement. Music and worlds are derivative from mandatory classics and it is highly influential.
Although not on par with the original IWBTG (which hasn't been removed from my Top 5 list of fangames yet [*hears nonsense screams in the distance of IWBTG "not being a fangame"*]), this is an adventure I would recommend because it has more ups than downs, and the downs are not worth missing the ups, such as the final tower area, the Doom boss segment, the final escape, the location of all secrets (which would certainly increase my final difficulty rating), Trial 5 and other clever traps that make you laugh first and frustrate you second.
For the record, this did a much better job recreating the Pokemon world than the bizarre Rose Gear did, and a work as splendid as Run the Marathon to create a Super Mario Bros. world. Plenty of old-school game references are here and add up to an experience that definitely aims at surpassing the difficulty of Kayin's original great game (it really does in nominal terms).
This could potentially be considered as the true sequel of IWBTG instead of Thenewgeezer's eternally unfinished game.
Play it. It demands it more than just for its classic status.
For: I wanna go across the Rainbow
Color me (oh boy) impressed! This is a terrific experience for both veterans and players that have gotten used to the common engine that rules 98% of fangames and want a spike in challenge:
✓Red: Straight needle platforming. Creative and fun.
✓Orange: Choose your difficulty! Veterans will find themselves taking the shorter, yet harder routes! I tried them all and had a lot of fun succeeding.
✓Yellow: Kappa. Traps all over. Naturally, my least favorite segment, but I appreciated two things: a) They were not non-stop, and b) some triggers were odd. Not all of them kill you. It's just to scare you. Either it was intentional or bad platforming, but it seemed odd.
✓Green: Difficulty spiked up (oh my). There are no alternate routes here: this section is the filter for beginners. Fun as well and requires precise calculations.
✓Blue: Apple platforming. Average at best and sometimes annoying, but never frustrating.
✓Indigo: Japanese Kappa ("ding!") blocks. Was this the fangame that started them? Even if not, the idea is funny and serves as a different kind of trap segment that is not too bothersome.
✓Violet: Moving spikes. Calculate your timing of landing on ledges and read the spikes well. Dynamic and, again, fun.
As mentioned by the consensus, the game reaches its peak in experience if you get all secrets, because instead of getting a troll boss fight and a "Thank You For Playing" screen, you get the final area: a beautiful and iconic moment among the world of fangames. It's unforgettable. If the whole game had been of the quality of the final area, this would be among my favorites, but I still consider it great overall. The final boss is memorable, not as epic as I would've wished, but a nod to FFX is never something "overused". The attack of the hearts might frustrate some, but after 3 deaths to it, I caught the trick. An easy fight, but long enough.
Very recommended. This has a high replay value and, unlike several fangames, this showed commitment in its design. Instead of painting the entire screen of one color, and thus killing your eyes, the color scheme, shadow and rendering effects are gorgeous, and I love looking at basically any area.
P.S. I cannot reiterate how great the final section is after collecting all secrets. If you have played "I Wanna Get Cultured", you might have had that section spoiled, but its effect still remains once you play the original game. Thumb up.
For: I wanna see the Moon
First, I played the "Normal" mode, which actually would qualify better as "Hard". The experience was extremely tedious. There are just less saves, sometimes with entire screens that do not have a single save spot. The screens are not really challenging per se, but it is heavily trap-based, and so, this consumes a lot of your time being a trial-and-error game. This is not difficulty; it is poor, frustrating design. Kayin understood what a "Hard" mode was supposed to be.
Second, the visual design is absolutely atrocious 80% of the times and shines the rest of the times, especially the "Space", "Black Valley" and "See the Moon" areas. It is extremely generic in its exterior designs, and very monochromatic. Whenever you enter the cherry forest or the blue ice area which names I won't bother to recall (interesting that those are the areas whose names I can't recall) will make your eyeballs explode out of pain: just paint everything green and blue in tones that hurt, use your imagination and voilá! You've got an "ice" or "forest" area. The forest area particularly looks like green baby's poo. But the true eye killer is an advanced area where you shoot anthropomorphic suns (or whatever they are), turning the ENTIRE screen of one strong, eye-piercing color, making the spikes of that color disappear, so goodbye eyes. Do not play this at night!!!
Third. Almost all of the bosses, except for the last one, are cherries (err, Delicious Fruits). Uneventful, unsurprising, and very boring, despite a couple of them using gimmicks that tried to compensate the "fights" you were supposed to believe you were facing.
Fourth, the game is extremely cryptic. Particularly infamous instances for me where figuring out the "Blood" room (which I discovered by pure accident), the hidden area in the Cherry Forest area where you're supposed to walk to the left (I confused that tile with bad design, and well, judging by the looks of the area, I can excuse myself) and getting the "Unown Pokemon" items in a very specific order: otherwise you would have to try again. ABSOLUTELY. FUN...
Fifth, if you don't make the game in a very specific order, it will become a giant maze where you will be going in circles and going through areas again and again just to find that corner or area that you couldn't visit before and you can now, but these new areas are not self explanatory except for the one requiring a key. The hints given with the green and red photographs helped very little (especially because the former is ridiculously hidden). Since I am a man of no guide in fangames, you can imagine myself:
a) Going in circles
b) Repeating tedious platforming areas again and again
c) With few save spots
This amounted for 5.95 hours of gameplay with 1298 deaths. But again, I am not calling this difficult. It was my fault that I chose the incorrect "difficulty" setting, which aggravated my experience, so my difficulty rating is me imagining more save spots where they were convenient, but I cannot change my game rating.
Any saving grace? Yes. The game has variety, I won't deny it, especially the tower segments and the aforementioned areas that showed commitment in the design. Also, the entire horrible experience is compensated by a surprisingly good original final boss that actually feels like a fight with interesting attacks, one which you will identify in the Kamilia sequels. I find myself playing against this booss from time to time because it is worth it, and the game, instead of leaving you in the "clear" screen, leaves you at the last save before the boss, so there's that.
Yeah, it is a classic and an early game (2013 if I'm not mistaken), but this doesn't mean that I am biased against classicsm or that there was an excuse to create awful designs. This reminded me of I Wanna Be The Four Elements and that is NOT a good thing. Look at the wonders Solgryn did back in 2010. There's no excuse. I am no designer, so I have no idea what is more difficult: to make more than 15 different areas where 10 look awful, or making a single area look great, like Thenader2's neon games.
I respect the people cherishing this classic, and I could see (although with difficulty) why this is considered as one. This is, however, not my type of adventure fangame. NOT RECOMMENDED.
P.S. Now I remembered that there was a "Difficult Start" option at the beginning. I don't know what that does and I don't want to know.
For: I wanna Bread
It is very short and should prove as a decent experience for experienced beginners. Do not miss this one out. I often lost track between when it was being serious and when it wasn't, and believe it or not, I am sustracting points because I saw no satisfactory resolution to the main character in the ending (hey, the premise took itself too seriously so I did too), but it is worth the adventure I say. I just felt empty in the ending. But nice visual design and music choices compensate some big flaws.
For: I wanna be the Showdown
I would recommend it, but not for beginners, unless you are looking for a challenge. I found myself doing unnecessary corners often just to get through screens more quickly and Screen 47 (I think it was that one), where you can shoot the dark blue spikes, I passed "legit", it without shooting any of them just to test myself. Fun times again.
Also, a funny thing happened: While I was playing through screens 41 and 42, I remembered the factory section of I Wanna be the Guy with the Megaman-esque lasers before encountering Bowser & Co., and when I stumble upon Screen 43, the lasers appeared! IWBTG certainly drew its influence and only a couple of fangames have surpassed my rating for it. What an influence it drew back in 2008 until today!
Recommended? Ok, yeah...
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