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320 Reviews
For: I Wanna Vibe With The Gods
For: I Wanna Vibe With The Gods
Vibe With the Gods is a very unique game, presenting the player with a series of short but often unusual challenges that you might not find very familiar, rounding it off with a very challenging and creative boss fight which really forces some learning on the player in interesting ways.
Each of the challenges presented I found to be quite unique, and unlike the others. This is a great thing, because nothing really overstays its welcome or gets particularly tiresome, which makes the platforming elements stay fresh and interesting. I was always curious to see what quirky gimmick or design choices would appear on the next screen. To go into some specifics, I found the cherry line spawner dotkid screen to be particularly interesting, as I did with the infinite jump aimed cherry screen. Both of these maintained some cool design alongside a gimmick I don't really ever see in fangames. Some didn't hit quite as well. Resigning an entire screen to a maths problem felt a little eh to me, as I don't really have any interest in trying to solve maths problems regardless of how easy or hard they are. Still, I appreciate there was a little hint dude that just tells you the answer if you wait long enough.
I found the climax of the game to be pretty tough. The boss is by no means easy, and just about every single attack will force you to learn how to adapt to it and find a strategy that's gonna carry you through. I don't think I first tried or quickly got used to any attack, although a couple don't take much time at all to get used to. I did have a problem with how some attacks forced you to play in terms of comfortability, the primary example being the mouse attack, as it ended up being kind of annoying to execute, despite my unending affection for sneaking in rodent-usage in fangames. I also found some attacks to be a little cryptic initially, and wished the more cryptic phase 2 attacks (such as black) were swapped with the less cryptic phase 1 attacks for a smoother and quicker learning experience. The final phase also bothered me a bit, partially because I died there like 7 times which never helps, but I appreciate the creativity and intense feeling given behind it.
Overall I think it's definitely worth checking out. Watson has a ton of cool ideas shielded behind a layer of really pleasing production value. The difficulty felt a little detrimental to me at times for my enjoyment, but there's no denying there's a very creative fangame here!
[3] Likes
Each of the challenges presented I found to be quite unique, and unlike the others. This is a great thing, because nothing really overstays its welcome or gets particularly tiresome, which makes the platforming elements stay fresh and interesting. I was always curious to see what quirky gimmick or design choices would appear on the next screen. To go into some specifics, I found the cherry line spawner dotkid screen to be particularly interesting, as I did with the infinite jump aimed cherry screen. Both of these maintained some cool design alongside a gimmick I don't really ever see in fangames. Some didn't hit quite as well. Resigning an entire screen to a maths problem felt a little eh to me, as I don't really have any interest in trying to solve maths problems regardless of how easy or hard they are. Still, I appreciate there was a little hint dude that just tells you the answer if you wait long enough.
I found the climax of the game to be pretty tough. The boss is by no means easy, and just about every single attack will force you to learn how to adapt to it and find a strategy that's gonna carry you through. I don't think I first tried or quickly got used to any attack, although a couple don't take much time at all to get used to. I did have a problem with how some attacks forced you to play in terms of comfortability, the primary example being the mouse attack, as it ended up being kind of annoying to execute, despite my unending affection for sneaking in rodent-usage in fangames. I also found some attacks to be a little cryptic initially, and wished the more cryptic phase 2 attacks (such as black) were swapped with the less cryptic phase 1 attacks for a smoother and quicker learning experience. The final phase also bothered me a bit, partially because I died there like 7 times which never helps, but I appreciate the creativity and intense feeling given behind it.
Overall I think it's definitely worth checking out. Watson has a ton of cool ideas shielded behind a layer of really pleasing production value. The difficulty felt a little detrimental to me at times for my enjoyment, but there's no denying there's a very creative fangame here!
Rating: 8.3 83
Difficulty: 70 70
Jan 6, 2021
For: Jingle Jam
For: Jingle Jam
Jingle Jam is a wonderful collab game centred around Christmas (who'd have thought!). With 20 stages to go through, each bringing something a little different whether it be zany traps, whimsical platforming or intense bosses, there's a lot to love here.
I had a lot of fun with this game. I mean, I felt every single stage of the 20 in here brought something enjoyable to the table and added more charm to the overall package of the game. Nothing ever felt annoying, cumbersome or tedious to slog through. Whilst I certainly have a few particular favourites (Lss stands out for me, alongside various others such as Kiyoshi, Chrisay, the list goes on), I found myself saying "that was a cool stage" after pretty much all of them.
I imagine experiences will vary depending on your preferences and tolerances for certain genres, but if you're someone who likes a good mix of everything and doesn't mind the frequent zaniness that will ensue, then I'm sure you'll have a good time with this great collaborative effort.
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I had a lot of fun with this game. I mean, I felt every single stage of the 20 in here brought something enjoyable to the table and added more charm to the overall package of the game. Nothing ever felt annoying, cumbersome or tedious to slog through. Whilst I certainly have a few particular favourites (Lss stands out for me, alongside various others such as Kiyoshi, Chrisay, the list goes on), I found myself saying "that was a cool stage" after pretty much all of them.
I imagine experiences will vary depending on your preferences and tolerances for certain genres, but if you're someone who likes a good mix of everything and doesn't mind the frequent zaniness that will ensue, then I'm sure you'll have a good time with this great collaborative effort.
Rating: 9.2 92
Difficulty: 60 60
Dec 6, 2020
For: I wanna Vine Journey
For: I wanna Vine Journey
Vine Journey is a fun two-stage needle gimmick with a heavy Celeste theme to it, utilising two particular stages from the game and some appropriate gimmicks to complement it.
I found the platforming to flow pretty well. No jumps really feel overly precise or awkward, and the balance in general makes the gameplay experience feel very smooth which always goes a long way in needle games. The production value is also nicely done, and I particularly liked the first stage (which I really wish was longer compared to the goliath that the second stage was in length).
I did find the ending of the final save to feel a little cheap given how long the save was, and you can't really see ahead to know where you need to be flying to avoid the spike blocks. The speed vines also felt a little difficult to immediately spot in the second stage, due to the contrast between their sprites and the tileset.
It's worth a play for sure if you're looking for a quick bite of needle with some nice polish and production value scattered throughout. I hope to see Ian do more stuff of this style in the future, particularly with the dynamic platforming featured in the first stage.
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I found the platforming to flow pretty well. No jumps really feel overly precise or awkward, and the balance in general makes the gameplay experience feel very smooth which always goes a long way in needle games. The production value is also nicely done, and I particularly liked the first stage (which I really wish was longer compared to the goliath that the second stage was in length).
I did find the ending of the final save to feel a little cheap given how long the save was, and you can't really see ahead to know where you need to be flying to avoid the spike blocks. The speed vines also felt a little difficult to immediately spot in the second stage, due to the contrast between their sprites and the tileset.
It's worth a play for sure if you're looking for a quick bite of needle with some nice polish and production value scattered throughout. I hope to see Ian do more stuff of this style in the future, particularly with the dynamic platforming featured in the first stage.
Rating: 8.0 80
Difficulty: 60 60
Nov 27, 2020
For: I wanna be the Crimson Sun
For: I wanna be the Crimson Sun
Crimson Sun is a needle game consisting of a new tileset every screen and primarily utilising the traditional gimmicks (water, vines, platforms etc.). The game lasts for around 20 screens or so and finishes off with an interestingly designed Crimson-style boss which I found to be a nice finisher to the game.
The platforming maintains a similar style all the way throughout, with the exception of one screen which takes heavy influence to a screen in CN3, almost suspiciously so with how similar the layout and screen flow were. The design is mostly interesting and rarely relies on awkward jumps or saves for difficulty, although there are a few exceptions such as a questionable vine hop at the end of screen 2, and a very corridor-heavy screen later which features a rough corner late into the save, although thankfully this particular case had no saveblocker which I shamelessly abused.
As the game constantly mixed up the tilesets and aesthetics, I was always hoping to see more gimmick experimentation to give more definition and memorability to each screen. I feel it would've made many screens stand out more and give a little more individuality to the game. Similarly, I would've liked it if the music was mixed up more frequently, in combination with the constantly changing visuals to compliment the variety. Other small nit-picks would be to add walls on the screen borders, and also consider working in some form of cohesion to the game to feel more interesting and connected, as opposed to just a jumble of unrelated rooms separated by warps.
The game ends on a Crimson-style boss which was done in a pretty interesting way. Alongside the readme is actually a little hint file (and a full on explanation file) as to how the colours work. It isn't too complicated to figure out most of it but it's nice to have, and helps clear up some less-than-clear things going on in the fight to make it a little easier. I get very impatient with Crimson bosses but even looking past that, I thought this was a cool boss.
All-in-all a pretty fun game. I think some more varied platforming to keep things fresh and memorable would go a long way in a game like this, to prevent screens from just sorta blending together into a big jumble of needle rooms. It definitely does a lot of things right, and I'm looking forward to Shign's future projects and where they go from here!
[2] Likes
The platforming maintains a similar style all the way throughout, with the exception of one screen which takes heavy influence to a screen in CN3, almost suspiciously so with how similar the layout and screen flow were. The design is mostly interesting and rarely relies on awkward jumps or saves for difficulty, although there are a few exceptions such as a questionable vine hop at the end of screen 2, and a very corridor-heavy screen later which features a rough corner late into the save, although thankfully this particular case had no saveblocker which I shamelessly abused.
As the game constantly mixed up the tilesets and aesthetics, I was always hoping to see more gimmick experimentation to give more definition and memorability to each screen. I feel it would've made many screens stand out more and give a little more individuality to the game. Similarly, I would've liked it if the music was mixed up more frequently, in combination with the constantly changing visuals to compliment the variety. Other small nit-picks would be to add walls on the screen borders, and also consider working in some form of cohesion to the game to feel more interesting and connected, as opposed to just a jumble of unrelated rooms separated by warps.
The game ends on a Crimson-style boss which was done in a pretty interesting way. Alongside the readme is actually a little hint file (and a full on explanation file) as to how the colours work. It isn't too complicated to figure out most of it but it's nice to have, and helps clear up some less-than-clear things going on in the fight to make it a little easier. I get very impatient with Crimson bosses but even looking past that, I thought this was a cool boss.
All-in-all a pretty fun game. I think some more varied platforming to keep things fresh and memorable would go a long way in a game like this, to prevent screens from just sorta blending together into a big jumble of needle rooms. It definitely does a lot of things right, and I'm looking forward to Shign's future projects and where they go from here!
Rating: 7.7 77
Difficulty: 75 75
Nov 20, 2020
For: Alphazetica
For: Alphazetica
A fantastically presented needle game with a wide variety of styles and gimmicks, down to the diverse and talented makers that took part in providing screens and stages for it. Alphazetica gives the player a lot to work with, be it stark changes in needle style or unusual and quirky gimmicks, never overstaying their welcome or getting too stale.
The final stage particularly stood out to me, as it felt almost like a museum of different gimmicks that you only experience for a single screen before they're whooshed away. It left me wanting more after I finished each screen, and it was fun thinking about the creative possibilities that you could achieve with these gimmicks that really only play a small role in the game. Any of these could be taken away and form full expansive stages in other games, and it's something I'd love to see happen! It's a great source of creative inspiration, and is a very good indicator of how much even just a simple gimmick can really widen the possibilities you have as a maker, and as a player.
This sets a very high standard for future blind needle race games, and continues to shine a light on the evergrowing possibilities and creative freedom that needle games have been exploring into lately. Big recommend.
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The final stage particularly stood out to me, as it felt almost like a museum of different gimmicks that you only experience for a single screen before they're whooshed away. It left me wanting more after I finished each screen, and it was fun thinking about the creative possibilities that you could achieve with these gimmicks that really only play a small role in the game. Any of these could be taken away and form full expansive stages in other games, and it's something I'd love to see happen! It's a great source of creative inspiration, and is a very good indicator of how much even just a simple gimmick can really widen the possibilities you have as a maker, and as a player.
This sets a very high standard for future blind needle race games, and continues to shine a light on the evergrowing possibilities and creative freedom that needle games have been exploring into lately. Big recommend.
Rating: 9.1 91
Difficulty: 68 68
Aug 25, 2020
10 Games
Game | Difficulty | Average Rating | # of Ratings |
I Wanna be Pat's Secret Santa | 33.9 | 8.2 | 25 |
I wanna climb the Witch's Tower | 61.8 | 8.2 | 76 |
I wanna enjoy the Electrified Butterscotch Dandy | 54.6 | 7.9 | 112 |
I wanna enjoy the Galvanized Peppermint Dandy | 53.1 | 8.2 | 98 |
I Wanna Enjoy the Stimulated Strawberry Lollipop Dandy | 58.3 | 7.8 | 75 |
I Wanna Give Chatran a Present! | 39.8 | 7.6 | 18 |
Hydrohomies | 72.8 | 8.2 | 20 |
I Wanna be the RO | 69.7 | 9.1 | 49 |
I Wanna be the Vandal | 71.4 | 9.3 | 128 |
I wanna Weave Through the Witch's Needle | 65.6 | 7.7 | 45 |
15 Favorite Games
Game | Difficulty | User's Rating |
I wanna be the C/O/S/M/O | 88.0 | 9.2 |
I wanna kill the Guy | 50.0 | 9.5 |
I wanna make a Sandwich | 55.0 | 9.2 |
Not Another Needle Game | 65.0 | 9.7 |
I Wanna Uhuhu Spike 2 | 55.0 | 8.0 |
I wanna be the Farewell | 70.0 | 9.1 |
Not Another Magic Tower Game | 80.0 | 10.0 |
if(I wanna get the good luck){with(kakki){destroy! kill! genocide!}}柿デスver | 90.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Get Cultured 2 | 70.0 | 9.7 |
I wanna be the Overlord | 55.0 | 9.8 |
I wanna be the Ocean Princess | 68.0 | 10.0 |
I wanna reach the Moon | 45.0 | 9.8 |
I Wanna Ponder | 80.0 | 10.0 |
Crimson Needle 3 | 91.0 | 10.0 |
I Wanna Eclipse | 60.0 | 9.5 |
107 Cleared Games